Science - this science - is about Understanding.
The paradigm: "to only believe in what you can see" is literally flawed - and certainly not consistent enough to be the prime directive of sciences. Well, anyhoo, by coming up with paradigms we enter the sphere of Philosophy; Hence we can say that Philosophy is to provide the paradigms for science.
-Truth is Truth- were a primary reflection of Philosophy, whether we see Philosophy as subject to Gnosis or Gnosis a reflection of Philosophy. "To believe in what is true" is not a proper anti-thesis to ""only" believing in what we can see", but is certainly higher and therefore more aspirably. Matter of fact: Scientists rely on their own theory to rely on devices of measurement. We cannot see sub-atomic particles, we have to trust that the machinery to detect them works as supposed to.
In this, once the effective work is done by a Machine/Contraption, the belief is found through Understanding; Where without understanding these devices wouldn't have been built.

So is in this the question after all: How to approach a gain of understanding regarding things we can't see?
Taking perhaps one of the easier contraptions to see what we can't may be the magnifying glass. Here on the one side we can 'see' the effect of a lens - although we would yet seek to 'focus' it so that we understand that the 'magnification blurr' does in deed relate to what we can see with our own eye. So we understand that the magnification depends on how the Light bends through it, and as of the blurr we see something interesting. We can hence go and build a contraption that bends the Light in a way that makes the smallest things visible - so, using our Understanding of the Lens we arrange Lenses in a way that is to show how small things can get.
Although one can interprete the things discussed herein around Unification in a God-independent manner - the insights shown here don't represent a God-independent mind/consciousness. The biggest scientific question there would be 'on the spot' of Unification - the so called 'Experience of the Force'.

At this point we can already generally destinct 'a way of known perceptions' from 'a way of unknown perceptions'. We can for instance see how seals 1 to 3 (1. Matter, 2. Shaped Matter, 3. Structured Matter) are 'one and the same' thing. Objectively. Even when we with the 4th to the 5th Seal (4. The four Elements, 5. Life) move into a 'para material' perspective - from the 'Objective' side 'Life' is enclosed within Matter.
But so a more wholesome reality is expressed. As the 6th Seal (6. Judgement; Reason; Acting) allows for a Psychology focused stage. So - that is 'reality'. Our own individual reason is encased within Matter as well. The idea here is that Physical Laws are a reflection of 'these sixth' - Judgement: Material interaction. Reason: Evaluation of Laws that apply. Acting: Physical consequence. The 7th (7. Independence) moves one step further, practically describing 'the Entity' as "parent" to Judgement, Reason and Acting. The 8th (8. Thought(s)) finally are 'synergy with intelligence'. As you can see: Independent of what Physical idea is implied, it finally also takes us deeper into our own self. With thoughts we already have the power to create Matter - imagination, "Light" -> Mercy. (Mercy as in the meaning of 'compassion' is in this way regarded from the emotional 'weight' of Compassion; As primary example for the 'substance' ... as "the substance of compassion". This is different to the 'reason' to compassion. Mercy is thereby in some way equal to Love; Which is an instance of the intra-logic of the '[Key Term missing]' (the 3 Principles (1. Life, 2. Thought, 3. Will), the 4 Lights (1. Mercy, 2. Perception, 3. Level-Headedness and 4. Understanding) that conclude into/as/through/within/for the "12 Aeons". Truth (mercy), Perception (perception), Love (Level-Headedness) and Peace (Understanding) are reflections of the First Principle (Life) within each of the 4 Lights. As both, Lights and Principles, are an individually wholesome perception of 'the Spirit (Missing Key Term #1)') where 'the Principles' within mercy account of Truth and Love - as the Emotion is however "substance of mercy" - where -the Mercy- that finally also 'lends its name' to the Light (1. Mercy/Armozel) - the reflection of the third Principle within the Light of Mercy)
This means that anything visible is technically 'Mercy' (the Light); And is an equal property of the Spirit as is Perception. In that sense: "Mercy 'has' Perception". So is 'Mercy' as 'Matter' always equal to 'a thought'. The way we can destinguish 'Thought' from 'Matter' is that 'Matter' is bound into the Physical laws of the Universe we do inhabit.
Taking this into account, is as "setup for consideration" when judging on things that correlate to the 9th Seal.
The Force, in the simplest of ways, could be perceived as "the Magic" that moves all things in the Known Universe. However, as we understand 'Will' as a Principle of the Spirit, and set 'Light' (as Mercy of mercy) equal to it, we can understand the power of Motion a property of 'Spirit/Mercy' too. We call that 'Understanding of Level-Headedness'. Mercy, as emotion, is represented via Memory (2nd Principle in Perception) - thereby valid as 'wholesome thought'. It has a shape (Form, 2nd Principle in Mercy) - and "within our Perception" we can manipulate 'our own'.
Hence the motion in the Universe is that same power within the 'Universal Spirit/Thought'. In this we picture the Universe as a bubble - a thought created at first, and now expanded into an individual Lawset of Physics. "And God spoke: Let there be Light". It is an individual Understanding (4th Light) - with Wisdom (2nd Principle in Understanding) and Understanding (3rd Principle in Level-Headedness). The core of Level-Headedness is Love; And the Light that comes from it again is mercy.

'The Force' in this sense is now the way 'thoughts' (as the Universe) relate to God (the 13th Seal: The Source/Well).
Therein we have: 10th Seal: Identity/'the Light', 11th Seal: Receiving Spirit, 12th Seal: Craetive(Procreating, Giving, "wordly:-Producing-") Spirit. As put, we can imagine the source and this 'interior' scope to the visible; And question if this Light is the same Light as of Matter. Or so: The emotions.

At this point 'the science' sets in, discussing -the Quality- of the Experience of the 9th Seal I relate to.
In first place, the question however should be: Of what nature can our insights be, if the 8th Seal is the highest we can attain without God?
This in the sense is 'the Premise' we impose on the idea of stepping towards God, or so, the transcendental nature of God/Existence, once more sharpening the 8th Seal to surmise all we can achieve without stepping through this Gate.
My insight to this is: We 'can't' really/literally see that which is beyond us. That is why we need God.

What God would do is to use "the Language we understand" - so, that is: 'impressions', however "talking" to our 'Perception'. The experience of the Force that occurs as successful demand of the Ritual is a strong force, where if you picture the Physics of the Universe, where we say the motion is a part of the 8th, the Force is quasi the -Force- we would feel from someone/something 'bumping' into us. Or the 'energy' within the warmth of Mercy.
The factual demand for Unification with the All-Surrounding spirit imposes a continous interaction between God and the Individual; At which point God were to subject the individuals Perception to a 'Higher Understanding of Existence', through which God will act as consequent power to the Individual.
So after 'the first impression', this Force starts to show itself in all matter around you - where the first impression is hereby referring to that feeling of impact that emerges 'in the mind' "from a place beyond". While emerging some faint Light flashes up, something of a Unique signature, constituting strength that supercedes everything known and something of an individuality that 'clears' the impressions of looking at a known "resolution of mind". So we can see it as shining 'from beyond' - while then vastly remaining invisible and only perceptive on this 'felt' level.
This 'felt' stuff is what is here called 'the first impression' - and as it starts to appear in all surrounding matter, this feeling starts to be common. 'The Light' as the next 'phase' of this progress is then a menthally seen shimmer within this 'first impression', we can call that 'the second impression'. The matter of the Seal is that the strength of the 'core awareness of being 'in Unification with the All-Surrounding spirit'' has to climax to the highest tips of personal insights. Quantifiably we can call the 'first impression' a fragment of what is possible, or a fragment of what we know. So, with the first impression becoming more common, 'new Light' appears within - as an island, a domain, we at this stage are to focus on. This focussing is a complex progress, as for instance the inner sphere of 'control' or 'self-delusion' also factor into our actual evolution. At this phase 'the Force' works as a magnifying glass - and in the simplest fashion we 'learn control' in order to learn 'absence of control'.
The fear is that we might just make things up our own, and the force in first place Harshly contradicts to any of that. As it grows stronger and stronger, we can also ignore it less and less. As of that it will react to us - and practically take hold of an individual relationship. From being curious and searching we get to a point where that no longer yields any fruit; So after 'control' here comes its absence. We start to 'unfocus' from this island; And then enter a process of 'focussing' on what is around us. In this 'the Experience of the 10th Seal' is a visible Light that overrides our 'optic' perception/insight; Where-after we have a 'sample' of what this Light that is growing inside of us is capable of. So, we realize its presence within 'what we see' in context to this internal growth. The struggle doesn't end here - and what follows is at a later stage to see the same glory 'within'.
In that the 10th Seal perception is 'external' - specifically different to the Force that grows inside. But with a growing Trust and peace in God, we quickly arrive at what is 'peace with the silence'. We can say that that is the 13th Seal - as Experience of 'the Source' - whereby the Force removes the 'noise of the Universe' and allows us to dwell in an unknown state of Silence. There-after a second 9th Seal and a second 10th Seal iterate on that scale of events. So does the second 10th Seal resemble a Bright Shining Light, more glorious than that of the 1st time and more magnificent than anything ever perceived. At this point the relationship between ones self and the Source becomes more tangible. The manifestations of the Force also become more common to the own thoughts - and while at first dominant, it is our peace with 'Existence' wherein we slowly are to learn how to walk - sotosay.
The personal interest however also tightens around the exact point of transitioning into God - as so the 3rd 10th Seal (the third ten/-> 3rd10) provides an icy shimmer like 'crust' to the own understanding of self.

'Clarity', as referring to my -general-/absolute usage of this term (explicating the 'epiphany'), is in this some form of a 'power source' - or 'magnifying/magnified Heart'. It is softer - it transitions in and out of perception - it 'grows' over time. In all this we are 'carried' by 'over-arching' impressions - 'spikes' - that show us "there is more to come" - where a constant reminder is that if we "throw our mind into the air, on a hot summer-day", a cool breeze comes to cool us down. Kindof. It isn't a climate control thing tho. Just a small relief.
This 'Magnified Heart' glows at a high pitch - sometimes more and other times less. It shines in "different Lights".

It also - as it is the Heart - is an essential part of our co-existence with 'the Source'; And here we can specify 'three Runes' sotospeak that can be perceived like 'bones' of the bridge crossing that distance.
    [Something something] - Rune 1 - climaxes our 'solid bond' with the Light [???]
    [Something something] - Rune 2 - climaxes our "bond in thought" [???]
    [Something something] - Rune 3 - climaxes our "bond in will" [???]

    [note (2016-04-05): [???] - we'll see!]
The first one is strong and bright, the second one is mixed/contrasted and the third one is rather faint and dark.
Clarity is 'likewisely our own personal Light', radiating from a core awareness of ourself, as some 'clear balance' ... perhaps best compared to the water supply to a paradise.
We need it to "feel the equasion", that -perfect peace- we find 'in/through the silence'. There is where 'self adjustment' begins to make sense. By adjusting ourselves to that peace we grow into further harmony with it. That is why we/I also say 'Runes' (while I in earlier writings had called them 'Seals') as metaphor for a concise relative understanding, we can then too express in words.

The first 'reason' to this were 'to acquire mass', as in this case an 'understanding of ourself'. After the seeking and learning of the Universe, we got to learn of -being-, and being at some points extends beyond duty. When we get a clear understanding of our Duty, we get the clearest understanding of it whence we align to thinking of it the way as intended by God. So for instance at first the approximation of 'how far' this duty stretches into freedom.
I say approximation because I figured it to be easier to understand the 'point of judgement' - as a general indicator of what scope to look in. In that sense we also create 'personality' because we start to more consciously focus on a -God dedicated- way of life, in aligning to that way of 'personal demand'. This on the other end is space of our own - as once we perceive that we are to perceive our duty from 'Spot-X', 'Spot-X' gains a higher quality as we perceive this point of view as in favour of our own. 'Logically' one asks how to arrange that with the/a Law, where in first place there is our Governmental Law, -and where it practically -desyncs- to our divine personality we have to improve it.
So I do after all take a distanced stance to 'this duty', I learn more about myself and the freedom I have; And when 'duty' calls I can barely resist. [Written under the influence of the Magic Dragon (Canny-bites), April the first 2016 AD down to 18:41 o'clock].

Unification - The inside Keys

The other side to these appearances are 'Depth'. This Depth is practically an extended use of what we know as 'pain' or 'warmth' - in the sense these impressions seem to invoke experiences in our minds that go beyond its standard capacity/capabilities.
TO bring it to the point we have to think about Seals 11 and 12 (The receiving and the procreating spirit). The 1st11 is pretty much just some imagery 'tapped onto' things we see. I could take a picture of some wilderness and just paint some stuffs onto it and it'd be nearly identical to what the "world around" "looks" like after entering the 11th Sphere. That for 'the sensation' - or 'the sudden new'.
On the longer run do these images however portray the reality around in a way that does yet require some getting used to. As the 'tapped on stuff' is more something of a schematic representation of how "reality works", in first place regarding how a plant for instance - as beheld from the 'the receiving Spirit' side - isn't only nourished but in some way 'comprehensive'. Uhm ... the thing is: There is something inside of these images - an immediate Understanding to how the images are to be understood - and it isn't supplemented to awareness like an explanation, but by 'seeing'. It is there our own receiving Spirit that is practically 'bent' into only seeing a very specific interpretation.

If you are familiar to 'warm feelings' (Love) you can picture the whole as though Love ran through every bit of reality - and stuff between right and wrong is usually easily solved since an absence of this warming light is the more outstanding/unexpected way of things. That gets clear at this point (the 11th sphere) - or starts to grow at least to that clearness - as it is the beginning where we start to see Gods reflection within His creation - simply put.
This reflection is Love, or rathermore: An 'embrace' that practically 'binds' us to a certain perception of things.

And it is finally due to this Love, that the entire experiences beyond the 9th Seal do appear as though they can't be explained to someone who isn't Unified with the All-Surrounding spirit!

At this point we could draw a simple Line to represent the 'bottom of our spirit' - as the very 'zero' of our perception; But regarding 'our depth' this picture doesn't hold up. Rather than being an even line, we have to picture a plain with the occasional 'maelstrom' here and there. If you look at this image that is to show the "plant thing" mentioned earlier:
you have to understand that there is a 'deeper' part to it that may be explained in words, but the impression that allows an explenation is delivered inside. Of that you can say that you have to look at it as though 'Love' ran through each line - but more appropriate: 'each outline' (of which I didn't draw any). This plane of perception can at this point be understood as a plane that is bent to fit into this picture - and tiny maelstroms being inside of it.

This image isn't perfect! The more we look, the more we may find! That the image suggests that only 'living things' have these parts inside is however a coincident! A table or chair has them too!

Regarding these Maelstroms now - they practically are to represent our perception as it shifts in regards to what it does perceive. You can mimic the 'foundations' of this 'bending' inwardly. Breathe in, and breathe out. Try doing so with your mouth shut and your nose held closed. You can there trace the 'motions' to your inside - as to get your mind into a 'convex' and a 'concave' alignment. We can yet say its as with crumbled space-time; Or so: Gravity and Anti-Gravity. We can 'attract' certain ideas (Brainstorming) or 'push them away' (being Stubborn, ignorant, trying to Meditate, ...). What the image is supposed to tell you is that once God pulls that 'Plane of Perception' -beneath- our basic "plane of perception", we can perceive that too - and we perceive it as somewhat "otherworldly".
This allows for some entirely new ... 'Meta-Stasis', a word specifically thought up for this very occasion.

What is Meta-Stasis?

Meta-Stasis is to say: How we generally conceive our existence. To simply boil all questions round about psychology, Enlightenment/Unification and Ascension down to one common denominator: Meta-Stasis is our self-awareness in the contemporary sense, however ignoring 'concurrency' ... uhm. Every other moment, every other day, we change - practically. The way we see things now may not be the way we see them tomorrow - and hence we can argue that there is no 'Stasis' to put a finger on. We also tend to change points of view.
"The" Metastasis really kicks into play 'first' with Unification, where that which is present of it beforehand is what we may call 'personal preference' or 'affinity'.
The reason Unification adds effective value to it is that these "wires" then come forth, sticking out - or in - and we can so significantly alter our own perspective of our self.

The most significant paraphrase to Unification there might be: That Unification is like getting 'detached' from the world. This detachment in this follows the law of a higher impulse. You might say for instance, that if a war breaks loose around you, things change. I mean, you wouldn't bother your insurances or banked money - however not quite as much as anything important for immediate survival. This example means to 'add' a change to the 'every day stuff' that impacts mind - where mind is what does the reasoning.
Each of those "wires" that emerges from seemingly out of nowhere does in that mirror a fraction of self that one then can look at and say: Thats the way it is! The detachment thereby occurs in the matter of thinking about 'reasons to changing them'. If I finally had a reason to be discontempt with myself are the matters of effect that the world does have on me. What this magnified metastasis delivers simply enough is 'your head' bent either against what you know of yourself - if some part of you was bad - or bent the way you do know yourself - if some part of you isn't bad.
In the widest sense that is not to be mixed up with some programming that is applied on you. Each 'magnification' happens to be an individual insight. That is, well, in the beginning it all starts with one thing. Taken that something bends you against yourself, that doesn't happen without your own doing towards itself, kindof. Rather than your flawed mind, that is the point, it'd be parts of yourself that worked against it - wired together - and 'stuck' into your consciousness. So you/we have the "feeling of" an insight - a 'gnosis' - as to why we shouldn't or wouldn't do what we might have. This individual fragment can be considered a 'parabolic component' to an after all 'parabolic mindset' - and when which of these things -is active- is a Meta-Stasis thing.

... to be continued/updated (April the 5th, 2016 AD, 17:12)