Testimony vs. Jinx - what I think

by Christopher Nikolaus Sonnberger

  1. Entry Testimony:
    This is what Mormons refer to as 'the Testimony' and concerns the Establishment of a personal Relationship between the individual and the most High in terms of the Institution that is Established around 'Gods Living Word' (the Testimony, individual Revelations, ...) [> An official and therefore unified/valid institution is possible because of this - Sela]
  2. General Testimony [testifications]:
    This is the one that the Ekklesia is focussed around and about. It is the pivotal guidance of the Holy Ghost in response to individual questions in terms of which the 'absolute Truth' is lesser than the 'relevance of Guidance'; Being the topic of 'how to cope with Testimonies that turned out false' (Bug Bears > Guidance Light).
Re-introducing: Jinx (Sorry @Bethesda)
A simple way to introduce you to the progression of a Jinx would be the story of how I 'received' the release of Fallout 4 (X-Box One, Playstation 4, PC).
The story would start with the preliminary campaign revolving around the Mobile App, which basically didn't interest me. I'm not huge into their games so, whatever. At some point I was watching TV though, and I basically tuned into an Episode of the Walking Dead that was close to where I left off watching it years before (Mid-Season 4) - and as they advertised Season 5 to air in succession I began to look forward to the Daily 2 episodes that were shown.
The 5th Season was thereby being sponsored by Bethesda it would seem, so each Advertisement block began with the "presented to you by Fallout 4" or something. This did get me hyped for it, and that basically because I was enjoying the Walking Dead, and the emotional experience I had from watching it did transition into the Fallout 4 teaser before the Advertisement block would begin. So I had the sensation that Fallout 4 would bring be the experience of a Walking Dead-ish End-Time scenario ... and as the time went on I got more and more hyped for it to the point where I ultimately wished to pre-purchase it, regardless of the fact that I couldn't realistically afford it without cutting a leg or two sotospeak.
As I have read on Kotaku.com, there was an embargo on the embargo of reviewing the game. That means: Sometimes there are embargos placed on game reviews; With the point being that no review of the game may be published before the appointed date. The embargo on the embargo meant that the reviewers were not allowed to publish "when" the review embargo was lifted. The embargo on the embargo did lift thursday or friday before the monday on which the review embargo lifted, which was the monday before the wednesday that the game was released.
The embargo on the embargo did lift after I was already just a tiny bit away from pre-purchasing the game; But because I didn't want to spend the money I effectively didn't (and I would have done would I have had enough money, I don't know). The respective monday I couldn't read any reviews because I was out on tour filming stuff for my current employment situation. Tuesday however I was reading enough to get me 'unhyped'. Basically I recalled that the usual Bethesda gameplay wasn't fully my thing, the games storyline in contrast to the 'intended gameplay' did put me off somewhat (I usually like to get immersed in the story; And once the story 'needs' me to hurry I give a shit about what else I might do; And therefore I got turned off the moment I read that the plot-progression would force me into just those kindof "waste-of my in-character time" quests. Further I wasn't looking forward to any modding that would be done to the game lateron ... and, and, and. Well, maybe I could play the story and then go Adventuring; But the prospect of that does hype me in about as much as the prospect of playing Mad Max - Fury Road - and I'm not quite sure if I'm really into playing either one.) and the Jinx did practically reflect the reviews content delivering a totally different sense than the one that got me hyped up.
There is pleasure in Hype no doubt; As there is a significant impact. It makes people want things without knowing what exactly the thing they want actually delivers compared to what they expect.

I might have to play the game to be really specific, but given the reviews I've read already foreshadow the situation that I could look at it both ways I choose to escape the expectation of being capable of delivering a truely objective review; And I'm really not looking into being a game/art critic here. Maybe the game (manages to) deliver(s) and maybe it doesn't. Its probably a matter of perspective. The game certainly does contain parts that fulfil the demand of being what I got Jinxed to believe; Which is just enough, eventually.
Therefore the next story on Jinx is about Terraria. Terraria, if you don't know it, was published somewhen during the time where Minecraft was still in its Beta; And is basically (most often referred to/explained as) Minecraft in 2D. Here, as with Fallout 4, there was a time prior to its release and during that time I was basically Jinxed against it. It was "scandalous", somehow, that this game might even exist because "Minecraft ripoff". As with Fallout 4, things changed as/after it was released. The tide turned from upsetness to comfortable - and although both games might appear fairly similar, the experiences are entirely different.
Fair enough ... the striking thing is finally and effectively Value; Or the question for "how to/do-I judge the/a game?".
The most effective conclusion I can come to is that Jinx is relative to our contemporary Truth. We can hate or love something; The emotional energy flows into the "thing" from where we get our "thing" - and effectively we want to call it Jinx -when- this situation is abused to some extent of deception.

In retrospective the situation is clear: The developper(s) of a respective game are a few compared to the amount of people that at first only receive the promotional material. This mass will make up its mind and that now either accumulates into a positive or a negative hype. Once the game is being published, or the promotion changes/takes another step/whatever, there's another shift.
So to the question whether or not the Jinx can/does apply as/for a Testimony, I think as my conclusion demands me to. It can be, yet one has to figure how this Jinx comes to be. So - while something is still subjected to "loose oppinion" the entire Hype/Jinx isn't really something one should give a flying "thing" about.