The Outbreak

Well - whether I believe in it or not: Its a thing; And so I shall be writing about it. More!
New World Order!
Trump and AfD

Drone Wars, Disney, Incompetent Politicians, ...

It goes on and on. If we were to believe some of the rumors, then it began - 2014 - the Plan to reduce the number of people on this planet by something like 95%.
What happened since? Well, we have the second dangerous Viral outbreak ... since ... quite some time.
Experiments ... silence ... action?

But where are all those people that made noise? What I see today is Apathy! Paralysis! Or simply: Fear!?

'Perspective' is the magic word here! You definitely know that - how buildings can obscure the vision on something, but on their own make a good foreground; While from the other side ... from each side different rules would apply.
Like: "What is typically Paris?". Would we move away from the idea of comparing cities by looking at the same stuff (Slums, Landmarks, etc.) - but ask an individual for his/her individual impressions - there may be differences. A ... (I know they exist although its illegal - but actually it doesn't matter) ... "tourist Hooker" would have a different impression than the average sightseeing tourist.

'Perspective' is why Conspiracy theories usually touch a bunch of subjects - so: To present the scenery. "If you stand [here] you see this and that and so and so". The 'Anti-thesis' is not much different. If you don't (want to) see the conspiracy, it isn't there and that one couldn't find a "reasonable" (alternative) explenation is Bullshit!
The favourite argument of a friend of mine is: Everything burned down, Buildings collapsed, but they found an ID card - and somehow can tell that it belonged to the Pilot! "Of course!".

Looking at Germany nowadays - you might have heard of our "little" "Problem" with Refugees. Well, this sounds - at first - like totally out of context and in no way related. That this "problem" now spawned a new Political party (that Lobbies with the ""Nazi"" party (that usually gets a vanishing minority of votes)) which grew alertingly quick may also seem ... trivial.
But - now say that IS is to be blamed ... and a Nation that took over an entire country in 6 days can't get a hold of them ... that ... doesn't seem to make sense depending on where you stand. If you however stand [here] where you have to come up with a reasonable Conspiracy Theory ... it makes a scary lot of sense; And goes further.
We can at some point also speak about the incompetence of our Politicians to get the 'real problems' solved - like put the focus (of the - yea, duh - '"World Police"') there where the Problems originate ... uhm ... but instead people are talking about fences and walls again!
But aside of that: The way it looks, the Democrats don't get anything done it seems. Kindof! But how do the Republicans get their stuff done? If they ally with IS - the thing is simple! Wondering how the connections look, well, thats a minor detail! Speaking of Moles and Double Agents just ... less arbitrary. More organized.
Like - in control of an unknown party ... hmm ... neither American or Jewish per se!
Blaming Americans and Jews and what not - thats too simple! Is now every American bad? No! Of course not! But we say "the Americans" - I hate it!

The question were: If now "America" coordinated IS to cause a stream of Refugees to flood Germany so the AfD could gain popularity, whats the big idea?
And is it a coincident that IS rose to such malicious power after they capped Bin Laden?

I see though that "the classics" make sense. A) Its not all that simple. B) Keeping the people stupid. If we "elect" a Party that is obviously not totally "kosher" - we have it coming for us - while as back then: We (the people) are after all those whom they need. So, the big idea of having a Party such as the AfD gain influence is that A) every german is by ways of democracy bound to abide to whatever comes of their influence as B) those that back those Parties (AfD and NPD) are like an Army.
As the AfD seems to be bent on stirring everybody up against each other; At first germans vs. the Refugees, then Germans vs. the Rest of the World, then Germans vs. Islam - well - while we in some sense have a "Welcome, we ain't Nazis" image/philosophy - its a simple: Hey friend I invite you, [bam] to then fuck you! thing that is like the perfect place to ... well: What is stronger than chaos? An order that penetrates it! With enough colateral damage where everyone can further blame everyone else - we're back in 1945 - ish.
Hate against Jews ... anyone?

Then those in the States will have to choose: Republicans that stand up for letting the hammer rain down on the bad; Or Democrats that would/will look for the most peaceful solution? Whats it gonna be?
I'd say people would feel the need to draw parallels to WW2 - but keeping the paper straight: Were it so the Republicans that Orchestrated the whole mess - they'll get fundings to support their warfare - which improves their "secret" military infrastructure and gives them enough space to find cover-excuses for a whole lot of nonsense; Pissing others off that then move into war as well, and yea - whats the end?

Viral Outbreak Simulations and Fiction - they all have it: The collapse of Nations! In a dumbly formulated way we then read: Governments can no longer sustain order (like once all the powerplants shut down) - but hey, do we not forget something? Like - Bunkers? We live in the 21st Century! After All! We have space-stations! There is no "ventilation" up there! We could easily build functional Ecosystems with zero dependency on the outer world (Gravity isn't a problem 'on earth' - in that regard!).

All Theory!

Yea - like: Maybe there are Aliens/UFOs - and maybe the good people are in charge on that end of World Politics - who knows? Maybe Russians already have Super Soldiers! And to add experience to oversight: I do like Russians! I mean - legitimately! They are cold outside, but good people inside - kindof! What I want to say - to not fall into a hole of generalization - if they don't like 'us' - then maybe because we expect them to act in behalf of things we deem normal! Stuff we could call "Sentimental Nonsense". We want, want, want and want - don't we? We waaaaaaant! And after we wanted, before we get we already want more - isn't it so? Kind hearted folks might fall for that! Russians would show us the fist and tell us to shove our arses back to where they came from!

If God works with human beings in some greater sense, politicians would be the first! Well, so, if the Politician is "receptive". So, Putin ... for instance ... maybe he doesn't even know that! We see they are totally not OK when it comes to LBQT people - but this "pool" Of Love and Peace is like the perfect Matrix for brainwashing our Kindhearted ways. Its like Racism 2.0. You can't hurt a gay person! We are "LBQT"! We deserve Respect! (But since we love to get fucked in the arse, we might as well take that!)

There is a Level of thought, thats my point, people - human beings - can't really legitimately deal with. We can see or say or talk; But as at this very instance - its passive to something ... the way things are. So, there is the Biblical Phrase "and God hardened his heart" - which may just be what Putin is like!

Next to the "Kings" there are the Generals. We could say that there are Republican ones and Democratic ones. And just because Lincoln 'was' Republican doesn't say that he 'would be' today!
Lets say - it all changed after JFK fell!

If you think we got to an end here ...

... we can still learn though! So - we can say with a high certainty that Microsoft is suspicious! So, we can look at them and potentially learn a lot about their business!

It doesn't necessarily make sense that the NWO would need MS if they just wanted to cap like 95% of us. But maybe 95% is exagerated. Maybe 40% would do - dependent on the circumstances.
Whatever ... thinking of it - the Internet is a good thing, yet, the physical end of it - that would be Military targets; So, if the NWO doesn't have total control yet - then because the Internet Infrastructure is (partially) not in their hands!

However - one thing is pretty obvious: Total Control - beyond our Notice! Just like TTIP. Its a good thing, in the idea - but while that happens, measurements are taken that they 'can' do stuff beyond our notice; So when we notice - its too late. Like Automatic Updates. There is like no point to look for Malicious bits in the Windows Source, because each patch could simply relocate the problem! And as Windows' performance is concerned - its sortof not hard to see how their System is focussed around what runs "under the hood" than transparency/performance. Each next Windows version came with a larger Network dependency and even more refined "feedback stuff". We, most people, don't even care anymore - and all the yelling and complaining of the past didn't stop it from happening! But where can we see the good of it?

The Windows backend looks to me like a feedback interface - under the the hood. Depending on how we setup our Windows, "MS" can tell what kind of a person we are. Add the growing ability to filter each and every line we enter into chrome or firefox independent to what browser we might use - and yea; They don't have to watch 'everybody' - and thanks to Terrorists we need that Level of control!
Why is that bad?
Well, the point is - for me, personally; What qualifies for a Terrorist/Criminal - is in first place a matter of dominion. Then, they gather all that data - whatever all that data surmises - but does our experience improve? No, we just get more and more manipulative webpages, news, etc.. Naturally! If we wanted to really improve stuff, reasonably, we wouldn't need that sort of subjective data gathering; But just intellectually discuss stuff on an open desk! What we needed this background data for is minor stuff. Minor because the data we really need is data we can 'see'.

Is it bad? Well - it is stuff we don't know about, stuff that didn't so far really make anything better, stuff people won't tell us about - claiming stuff gets better for us but do we see that improvement? - well, is it bad?
It is there, it isn't defensibly good - it is defended, a lot of money flows into it ... well ... is it good?

I have a challenge for you: There is this new thing that Microsoft announced that this UnrealEngine4 person did complain about. Find an article with Commentary function enabled - and try to express your concerns against Microsoft. Is that even possible?
Yea - but I mean: Like it matters! Getting upvoted and all that!

So - where is our freedom? Where is our voice? Where is our unity? Where is our strength? Where are 'we'? There is only 'the single individual' - isolated - locked into a Black Box!


So far so ... good?

It isn't all Gold that shines - and though it may be a sad Testament, the previously written stuff is - uhm, partially ... or at least potentially flawed. The problem is education. The knowledge I could resort to to write those things is mostly just, well, common sense. But JFK.

Speaking of the Vietnam war: its certainly one big chunk of a Topic and starting to write about it is ... difficult! Well, but this isn't about the Vietnam war. If it were we could skim the History and perhaps flag certain parties, people, aspects, etc. - and try to make sense of it. Eventually - I didn't need to think a lot about it - it turns out that its all just plain stupid war, nothing more and left to say.

The big and obvious parts allow me to however write a summary that should be comprehensive easily enough. At first some of the Vietnamese people started to rebell against being under foreign (French) control - these secluded and wanted their own thing. A few years later and a whole lot of "back and forth" later - those "Rebels"/'Vietnamese Nationalists' were broadly labelled 'Communist' - mostly because China and and the Sovjets sympathised with their goals and so the US feared a Communistic incursion and so sought to consolidate a "Southern Vietnam". Ish.
This Southern Vietnam soon found its leader, one who allied with the US, using their funding to establish a Military command concentrated on "Order in South Vietnam". This order follows the paradigm of a classic Military regime - the primary oppressors here being Catholics and the US, the primary Victims Buddhists, Farmers and Northern Vietnam.
So did people in the south grow unhappy - and that is where the North started to intervene. They would support the south by Military means - being labelled, by the Southern Government, as 'the Vietcong'.
The Southern Government saw many elections that favoured the North; Yet they got "flagged" as manipulated - the South/pro-US "winning" in consequence and the people in the South growing upset.

From a very distanciated perspective and an intentionally provocative tune we can say: All the US did was to sponsor a Drug Cartell in South-East Asia. (Source: Wikipedia)

It is here to say that the Presidents in charge were mainly Democrats. One of them: John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

Following their reasoning to support South-Vietnam against North-Vietnam are all driven by some paranoia in face of "the Communists". But now, where to start and where to end? Where to find a trail of sense?

The really really big deal about this whole story is JFK, and that because he got killed. We shouldn't forget one question: Why?
This paranoia is another clue. And it comes to a pivotal conclusion around JFK. Clearly: There is enough controversy around JFK already - or as one of my History Teachers said: One thing to never do in History is to ask: "What if?". What if JFK hadn't died?

JFK at some point agreed to withdraw from the whole thing - to at least 'drop' the at the time leader of South Vietnam. We can wonder why. Why it was for this or for that reason - but one thing I hate about such theory is that every individual who does play a role of some influence in them has a deeply elaborative plan thinking of big pictures and the more we formulate these hypothetical theories the more we can see them 'succeed' in the history that followed; Of course!
We can take a look at that one South Vietnamese leader who got finally killed (which one?) - and even say how this death was all just part of a deeply elaborate plan to ... uhm, something we're afraid of.

In the very same sense we can understand how we are driven by Fear. How fear overrides our senses! How we/some-of-us seem to never learn from History (Hello Trump, Hello AfD). So, whatever 'obvious wrongs' were happening in South Vietnam; It would have been easy to ignore them in face of the much bigger threat: The communistic world invasion. But eventually the war down there didn't play out - and so they had a choice: Either be the agressors risking another World War, or fall-back and treat the own wounds.
So the History.
So was the Humanitarian side of it at some point moving into the foreground. How much does "Capitalism/Democracy/Liberty" gain against 'Communism' in face of such horrors being done? Whatever the worries or fears have been - its all just Labels!
And so JFK stepped back - and then he died; And the one that followed took the war to escalation.

If we can so spot a 'mysterious interest' in the Vietnam War - in support of the South against the influence of the North - we can suppose: "That why" - but then shift the "why?" to another Level. Why Vietnam?

It doesn't seem to make sense, or can we find something?
And well - I have yet another clue: In the beginning - I was wondering because I labelled myself "rather Republican" what that actually meant (... yea, sad state of affair ...) - the Republicans were the Liberals; Lincoln (Republican) being the one to oppose Slavery, the Democrats being those in favour of it.
It is said that this changed somewhen in the 60s - that the Republicans became the Conservatives; And the Democrats the Liberals. Which is yet another era into which the Presidency of JFK drops.

When was JFK shot? 61? 63? Well, 61 I guess.
And combining all these informations - what do we get?

XD !!!

You might realize how a picture changes the more we zoom out. The one moment we see the USA as a bunch of States collaborating for coexistence. Zooming out a bit further we see a large landmass with a superior strategic presence. Water all around; And the only border-landmasses are chokes or swamps. Well yea - "but" - Canada.

[melodic]-"Oh Canada"-

But even so - there is this one Southpark movie where ... [...]

Well - so, warping back in time and looking at the big big picture: The USA/Americas were a Protestantic claim. Certainly did the Catholics realize the potential danger and do their usual whaky inquisition-esque stuff; But by the time they had established a serious problem of malice to chew all Righteousness away - Democracy emerged and Lincoln ("Vampire Hunter" LOL! and Yeah!) ... was Lincoln!
We can however only speculate about the backgrounds of each and every politician involved ever since, be /he/she/it/ republican or democrat; But as the Reps were Liberal - the strongest counter-position was to take the superior position of 'the Democrat'; Which makes sense to the point that they were pro-Slavery.
But ... what the Evil people would be interested in beyond stopping any potential threat to theirs - is to know it. Alas - each time a Republican had control, that President could expand a "Republican Infrastructure" - and here we have to draw a cutting line because we can't be sure if our implications (good vs. evil, inspired vs. uninspired) can be taken seriously!

I'll though propose this one image: The Evil folks painted themselves Republican, getting their supporters, getting into Senate and so on. Simple! Since - if we say: Illuminati = Republican (Old) - they would be able to see that coming, they could just do the same - thus we have a political Landscape, in the US, that isn't Rep vs. Dem - but RepA|RepB|RepC x DemA|DemB|DemC.

In other words: Its the classic "to prefer Peace" strategy of good folks - to not face stress with stress, but to find another way around. This however works from a lot of perspectives; Leaving stuff out of the image or not - so; How would we know any better?

How JFK and Vietnam now tie into this would be a question we 'should' answer rationally. But well - how rational is the whole Vietnam war to begin with?

So, lets try to look at Politics a little different; Changing our perspective from the 'concept' to 'realtime'. There Politics is always 'the now' following some idea of the future. Its a response mechanism of sort that has an ideal as a major guideline.
Capitalism is Liberty - although thats not a 1=1 equasion.

Then - what really sticks out is the whole paranoia. There is some system of control (France governing Vietnam) - something that shakes this control (Vietnam desiring independence) - and then all possible worries (say: Maybe China and Russia aren't all that bad! (And what did the Russians do to begin with?))
(Or China?)
(Wasn't it us that fucked up China to begin with?)

(I mean, China! Fucking friggin China! ...)
(If someone has a reason to be 'like the US' - its them!)
(Or yea, duh: China is like a potential threat to us; But its not like ... you know ... we're innocent about it!)

(And is Buddhism anyhow not closer to Christianity as intended by God than Catholicism?)

Looking at todays conspiracy theories - the most prominent issue is: "People with money". "They meet and do their secret thingy".
What I see is some withdrawal - classically an isolation into a homogenous environment focussed on drastically increasing their influence and using it to the "personal" belief. (>moneymaking strategies that 'reek of dispair<)
The pivotal 'sanity' I see in all that (their (the evil folks) behaviour) is an attempt to somehow have as many "arguments" on hand once the "Final Day" were to come.
Mostly though by having arguments 'against' God - at which point they rather abuse human flaws to justify their crimes; And "Levelling Up" their agenda as a necessary thing.

So, in the sense: If they managed to stop me, they stopped "Gods Revolution", therefore withholding Salvation from you and hence forcing God to accept an alternative to His doctrine.

So the whole Vietnam war didn't really have another reason but to prevent "the Communists" from getting an edge over "the World".
Communism is Despotism; Which is however not a 1=1 equasion either!

Capitalism is Despotism too! So is Communism Liberty! x=y

And so - how was JFK a part to the shift from Democrats to Liberals and Republicans to Conservatives?
Perhaps it wasn't even intended! Well, at least was JFK surrounded by Warmongers - in some sense - which would fit an idea of a consequential reaction to the suspected "Republican Infrastructure" ... but you'll notice: We have really really very very little to really really get a solid idea.

However - whats more of a sore thing here now is anyway 'Communism' - or how we should react to it.
From a sane position we'd have supported North Vietnam - Communism or not - and so we could all be friends.

ANd those are the things I can 'thumb up' about Conspiracy theories and whatever: To learn, to grow, to look forward! I wouldn't vote for 'becomming Communists' - but I would vote for 'being less Capitalistic'.

I would have to learn more about the US American history - and maybe could find some conclusive data. There are however, at least so a point of sanity, enough maybes to buffer us from jumping to conclusions.

That point is a big one. It isn't difficult to "go over board" at some point, which I may have displayed herein thus far as well. That is not to say that its all bogus, but

To get along with Conspiracy Theory in general

I follow the personal guideline of seeing everything, from the get go - sortof Prejudistically - as utmost topline nonsense.

I however don't really want to side with "extremist" 'Anti-Conspiracy Theorists/Belivers' either. I say its bogus for most of the time, well, we hear people talking - this and that - and everyone who is enthusiastic with their belief in it usually holds "second hand knowledge". They recite what they heard, and sometimes things are just getting weird.
For instance - someone who doesn't know a lot about Astronomy may believe, as I dare say I know someone, that once upon a time the stars were in such a constellation that the images pointed to the larger cities on our planet. It sounds nice, but at some point these stories just feed our "shocking insights into stuff we didn't know but might/should/could/would know". Yet, thinking about it - each season has its own starsky. January is different from July - and so, how the Fuck?

Zero Point Energy is a good theme as well. Who of us literally bought into it, building one of these generators? Apparently you just need a Pyramid and a Condensator, or some water with Magnesium Balls, or an Aluminum Foiled Propeller thingy; And I were to forward second hand knowledge by saying I know someone who built one. I don't know if they built one - and I could guess they just claim so because they are really convinced about it.

"Whats at stake?" - that is one thing that could propell me into panic, as, saying that the consequence of lieing were the lesser bad. If I so believed something were wrong I might go and defend my belief by whatever means necessary - but - at that point the Truth is at stake!
The enemy, to me, is like a really vile and sneaky predator. If he/they know there's a lie we believe in, they'd be all up into it just to shout out in disappointment and make an even bigger mess than before!
We have to be carefull - and so I wouldn't give too much about second hand knowledge! But, thats to be said: Debunkers fall into the same category!

We "know" Nuclear Energy is a thing! But who 'knows' for sure? Maybe they all just run by Zero Point Energy - and all the pollution is just artifically added to make it look as though.

Well, A-Bomb, duh! Yea - well. I get it! It makes sense! Plutonium and such heats up water at a highly efficient rate so the pressure can produce electricity at a better rate than any other resource.
So - on this line I'm with those Anti-Consp guys - saying: Our world isn't really "as littered with Bogus" as we might think in our darker nights.
There are "Grids". The information we gather comes from many sources - and certain things that happened get told on and on - and are eventually backed up with enough solid facts that couldn't be removed, so well, certain things just stay. Its like rope pulling. People hold hands on knowledge, and were someone to challenge them they would have to face off with the number of folks that are capable of challenging the challenge. That however also casts Light on the things we don't know, like, what about the Tesla x Zero Point Energy thing?
Or - science in general. How often are we told that "experts say ... this and that" - OK! What experts? And how do they get to those conclusions? The example is our infra-structure. At a certain point of technological advancement we need machines to build machines. Or: An industry to provide us with the resources we need to make what we need in order to make what we need - etc. - to make what we need.
Thats equivalent to "scientific inaccessibility". Like, how does a computer work? How is our "Software Landscape" structured for real? How does a Computer-Virus work? Knowing A and B we can explain the concept of a Computer Virus - so I'd be an expert and telling you stuff. But could you know that what I tell you makes even sense? Maybe it does make sense, but - is it realistic?

The thing in our times is, on that case, that there is no way a single File could infest your computer with a Virus. What a Virus needs is 'execution time' - and no file is really executed. If you open an image for instance, the image program reads the file and 'interpretes its data as image data'. At no point any byte could pose a potential threat to your system. Well, that at least 'used to be true'. These days however USB Sticks (Flash Drives) come with drivers 'on board' that the OS 'loads', and drivers 'need' execution time and that way a Virus can really be contained in a simple image file! The driver loads the virus from the file and that way infests the system.
If an Anti-Virus finds a Virus in/on anything else than an executable file (.exe, .dll) - its got to be "outsourced material".
So, the real reason you should be cautious of e-mails is because modern software does "autorun" given stuff - and yea, that way you might think I'm jacking you. Because now, oooh, Microsoft is to be blamed big time!
So, all you need now is an 'expert' who tells you that what I say is Jackshit!

The best way I can 'show' you that my Version is the real deal is Minecraft. There are actual ways to build a 'Memory Storage Unit' using redstone. Its a physical thing - and the information has to be stored, reset and retreived using physical means. They aren't "alive" in a way they could just "gather as packages and jump over onto your CPU".

Well, except you write software that does that!
But so, it doesn't do 'that' - just does 'so'.

Well - although ... Information Technology is amazingly versatile. In Science Fiction there are Virusses that have this "livelike" behaviour - and I can imagine how that stuff could work! 'Nanobots'. If you had Nanobots that could communicate via Subspace or something, the mass could work as one - and with enough sensitivity read out your RAM/Hard-Drive and further manipulate it.

That would then be "the actual thing" we could label as 'Computer Virus' - so - a literal Agent infesting your System.

As I handle conspiracy stuff as bogus - I yet allow myself to be convinced by conclusive evidence. That is how I got on board of the 'Anti-Catholic' road of faith - before I had enough 'real evidence' (Matthew 23:9) to be certain - simply because all claims held against the Roman Catholic Church make enough sense to at the very least be cautious/suspicious (lift an eye-brow, or two or three).

And that is sanities proposal! While we have a reason to doubt something, well, we should be extremely cautious and very suspicious once those ideas get too much momentum! And so, what you actually "see" (have to) me doing here is to 'pull back' - like, well, as though I were spiderman shooting my webs at everything that I think 'swings out too far' - trying to get things grounded.
There is no real threat in doing so - and the more you'll practice the same, the more you'll grow to the actual knowledge and meaning and sense you can gather!

Jesus is the Answer!

And at this point I will come to a conclusion that works as a conclusion - to this topic! The actual Conspiracy that goes on has the goal of deluding you to not believe in Christ! There is a film you should check out, called 'Zeitgeist'. It is a three part (I guess) thing that tries to Enlighten you about the things we "do not know but should". It comes along seriously, gets into the stuff that really matters to us (WTC, Money) - yet in the middle sneaks in some weird evidence that elaborates how 'generic' Christianity is and lines up pretty well with any sort of religious nonsense we know. Usually egyptian Mythology gets the dominant spots - because, well, its Mysterious and Egypt=Pyramids=A lot of "Whaaat?" ... and then there is Quantum Physics. QP/QM (Quantum Physics/Quantum Mechanics) received Mainstream attention while it supported all this Anti-Theistic "We make up our own world" thesis - which just is totally beside the actual observations made. "Trust me, I'm an expert!" ;)

What defies Physics were evidence of God, except it were 'real physics' for then it wouldn't defy Physics - ... uhm, yea! Sortof!

The reason why Jesus is the Answer is because the True God sent us a Messenger by whom we could all unite in Peace - and I don't ask you to believe in me, or that I'm an expert or particularly bright or any of that. I hope to be however bright enough though to "pass on some of my Enlightenment to you".

Alien Speculations can spin into two directions. There is the "Dinosaur-ish" way, which is to say: 'The Alien Problem = The Dinosaur Prblem' when thinking of the Truthfulness of the Bible; And there is the "Religious" way, which is to say: We simply replace the concept of a diety by the concept of Aliens putting us into this world (which however just moves the "God Question" to a different place).

Then, the Bible would kindof sound stupid if it were to tell us that this world existed for Billions of years already and that we are the Umpteenths Species and are kindof meaningless because dozens of Races have Space-Weapons while we have ... not even combustion egnines.

It is weird how the 'obvious' (God being a Parental Entity) gets ignored the moment we are too juvenile to accept certain aspects of being Parented by God!

You can also read in Matthew 16 about people that met Christ IRL that could still be alive today; And meet that with your paranoia against the Illuminati and ... go figure!
There is possibly no, not one single, Pro-Theistic point that isn't countered by a massive BS that is practically "Mainstream "Knowledge"".
And that "we hate Jews because Conspriacy/Illuminati" - is just a tiny fragment of it all!

But why is the Roman Catholic church nowhere mentioned seriously? Or if, then as the Heroes? While there is more than enough evidence to even outshine all we think to know about Illuminati!? (Matthew 23:9)!!! I dare you to read it!

(And Chapter 24 while you're at it!)

And getting all this into your head you'll understand -why- you have to find your own way to finding God! Because, as far as you can tell, there is no-one you can trust!
Well, maybe or probably - or inevitably - there is someone you can trust, but whom?

Are we to worship God because He's a madman - and confused our languages so we'd fight another?
Its something He did - and because of it we have to learn - yes: LEARN - to cooperate, bridge those gaps, get along, etc. - instead of taking all the good that comes from it for granted! Period! Done! Thank You! Peace!!! And God Bless!