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... if done the right way!/seen from the right perspective!

Inspiration, what is it? Clearly - there are some suspicious things about it if you so happen to believe in God and that the Antichrist exists and that not everything thats Christian on the Surface is truely Christian ... "under the hood".

Consensus, Intellectual Pollution, Propaganda - Conflicts of idea and interest.

We may, I certainly do, wonder how some of those people even get into a position of power; Living in a democracy (the western world (democratic world/environment)) - who ???
I'm not truly a democrat and could label myself "republican" too - that I have to say - but have to add: In no correspondence to todays politics! I am conservative (a good friend of mine (Hi ... girl I hope you know who you are!) once expressed a certain sadness about it as she's more of the crazy type. But I don't think I'll move into a monastery; "Not one of the kind you may have thought at least!") - but clearly I won't allow myself to be fetched by means of those Labels!
So, I have to say that because I abusively use the idea of Democracy here for "my cause". We live in a democracy and so I have to take it for the best.

Thinking about the fact that the CIA released documents to the public that were apprehended at Osama Bin-Ladens place which reveal that Bin-Laden had a strong interest in fighting pollution/Global-Warming and if needs be to even collaborate with the US Government, that furthermore shifts my sympathy against this Democratic world where clearly: We/I have reasons to doubt that this democracy we live in is really what we want from a Democracy!

I can claim/believe that I, in an earlier life of course, was (and therefore practically AM) "the" King David, second/third King of (ancient) Israel, son of Jesse. I have a lot on/in my "mind"/heart that supports me in that idea - and what I'm up into here is taking me to the story of the Philistian warfare against Israel, where "I" was on the side of the Philistians (while Saul was yet King).
To understand David in the fullest; You at first have that 'innocent young shepherd' that became part of the Israelite Army and was a major "Hero" besung for grand achievements (of manslaughter) - and around "the usual" political nonsense had to escape and then found refuge in Philistia. That were "the Dark ages of David" - where that young and innocent guy had evolved into a merciless/bloodlusting "warrior", "in my opinion" driven by a major/general 'give a fuck' attitude.
The turning point came when David was on his way to Israel, as part of the Philisitan army - and was "sent home" because some Philistian general(s) didn't trust me/him (...); Where on arrival at his home he found it plundered and the people (women and children) Kidnapped. It isn't obvious how that would cause a change of heart, since its vastly an internal process at all that leads to it. Seeing a mirror image of what the own self has become may do that - but of course only works if the individual is in itself 'receptive' to that.
In "my" case: a rage/rebellion induced blindness got lifted - and what you can read in the Bible tells you the story of a man who then turned around 180 degrees; But still has been merciless/strict in his judgement.
A new concern awoke - a practically deep interest in righteousness, a rediscovery of God, a reinterpretation of His intentions, an epiphany of being nothing but a lost soul (wrong by being right) - and "my" new directions on top of that didn't have "me" loose "my fellony". I still was a leader, people still followed me, looked up at me; But seriously found my peace in isolation and devotion to the LORD.
This story leads up to the incident where "I" killed some of my own men that had betrayed my order to not kill the descendant of Saul who at that point had taken over the throne. Well, because they had killed him, David became King - and to understand Davids/My position at that particular point in time: Our concerns drove me into a harsh opposition to anything politics. The "Game of Thrones" was like smashed pottery to me - and the following warfare against Philistia ... that is less reason and more action through the whole.
Pressure maybe!
Not a pressure from others, but pressure I did put on myself - being King of Israel - and sick of politics!
That was what I understand 'is' what God wanted from making "me" King. It never was Gods 'intention' to have a human King govern Israel; But it was the 'peoples will' - and between me eventually finding words to procure peace and the tension between Israelites and Philistians things eventually escalated. That I then raised my blade against the Philistians and not Israelites is what I feel a consequence of sanity - as bad luck for the Philistians. Wrong time, wrong place, wrong God - and people Loved me; So I was the peoples King!
That "I" didn't find real peace thereafter is partially established on these things, mostly though my own problem; Yet so, living another life there-after as Elijah (of Tishbe) - again mostly isolated and wielding a "blade" of strict judgement - made me "whole" again. I was able to resent politics, not being a politician, free of pressue and again: One against many!

As said in the Matrix movies: "There are things in this world [] that will never change". Just as they say in the Conan movie: The secret of the Steel is the flesh that wields it!

So - I'm (still) not a fan of politics - but at least we nowadays have a choice, kindof, being more educated in regards of all the ill growth that springs forth from it; And despite ... uhm, we have a choice; And in that sense an opposition to tyranny.

But it isn't just that. Sorry for going off topic, but I just had to cry! I haven't cried for quite some time, so, practically I've been over it so its kindof noteworthy when I have to.
Yea, sometimes ... this bag of sadness we carry around just bursts - or has to burst - and ... it helps!
But guess what! Well, the last time I cried I ... or times ... I had to kindof squeeze it out a little, but that helps an aweful lot too. This time I had to squeeze it out a bit too - but well, the Ghostbusters 3 trailer was soooo bad!

Well, first of all I've seen like 3 trailers - well, 2 - the one I didn't care about because of the whole typical "oooh, look at my awesome intro (overlength)" bullshit. I wish I could just delete people from YouTube sometimes!

So yea - people are doing those things and if we face into one direction we forget about the other - in case we're not cornered; Which is difficult in a world without any walls!
And I get it! We shouldn't judge, we shouldn't start shooting at people and all that - and part of it is to 'take shots' (like, once you are offended by me - take it - like a real ... person!).

Finally - you may have heard the parable of repairing old stuff with new stuff; Like: "Who fills new wine into old tubes? - Nah! The tubes will burst!". Or so. It is one of those parables that, well, can really bug ones mind. Do they make sense? Do they not? And thats coming from Jesus? OK!?
But what we're thinking of here is politics or, everything round about us. That were 'the old stuff that needed to be repaired'. But we may have heard words like 'Elite/Elitism', 'Lobbies/Lobbyists (??)', (which to some may all sound equal to 'Jew'); And we've heard of ... lets say that roman catholic priests aren't known for a lot of things - but some - and they, uhm, are ... kindof ... weird!
What I want to say is like comparing the world we live in to a maze. Or: A lot of things are going wrong, and if we look at one part of our world, fix it, the rest would stay as corrupt and whatever corruption we removed would just appear elsewhere/spread accross the rest.

I have one good example - and that is vastly concerning germans I guess (at least for all I know) - but it may very well be a common thing where "LBQT" is in an upswing. That be the new stuff. As the LBQT community is trying to get accepted and the majority of folks agrees, the politicians ... some at least ... well, how can say? -Its happening that:- they/some come in and support it, while certain bits then are a bit exagerated, like, having 6 year olds play prostitution games in school. While I had dreams of getting into fourth grade that revolved around getting taught Sex 'physically' - I'd count myself the one side that would/might embrace that change. On the other end we have those that can't relate to it, or don't see it as a good change - and hence things will kindof fall apart. That were the best case scenario!

In a worse case scenario we'll let people make decisions we shouldn't allow them to make! And in our modern world 'political decisions' aren't just a left or right thing! People will cram a lot of stuff into either left or right - which leads to the "pick the lesser evil" perception on modern day politics!
I'll leave the rest to your dystopic imagination!

It may very well end there where we think of a shifted norm that gets us now, looking forward, confused about where ethnical boundaries are in first place! What is rape? What is abuse? Clearly: If we show kids how to use vibrators and dildos - in school - the pedophile teacher around the corner is in happy wonderland; And the kid at first doesn't know the wrong, then it grew up and as we know that our kids make the world of tomorrow - by the time they might see any wrong in all of it the world would have already drastically changed! (RIP Ghostbusters/Hollywood!).
(I mean, there is this one (fanmade) trailer that really rocks! The talent isn't 'lost' - its just not there where it should be! (And yea, the new Ghostbusters trailer had its moments - but please! "Pain, Agony, ... my hatred burns through the cavernous deeps ..." (WoW Cataclysm Trailer)))
(And in all seriousness - I got to say that Angry Joes reactions are 'fair' - fair enough to feat them here! Just so "the concerned parent/citizen" can have a bit of ... insight ... into just WTF is going on! And yea, it sucks to say: Well, the movie all in all might be better! So I could be finding myself go itno the theatre, ... but no! Nononononono! No! ENd of the line! I have to stop!)

[Calming down stuff]

"The Dystopy is real!"

And I hate to see or say it - but now I feel/see-myself-as that scientists in those movies that tells all and everybody whats going on but nobody believes him until its too late! There you go!
That though under the notion that bringing me on board to save the day would really suck! I kindof ... am glad ... to see it fall apart!

But well - its a good example of what politics means! You have, in Ghostbusters 3, an all female cast - which is, well, problematic - maybe! You on the other hand have a movie that could potentially rock or suck! Now, at all you have a movie that is potentially gonna suck hardcore - and that isn't due to the all female cast being female! Its because it just sucks! But in oppinion the reactions coming from people that thought it sucked could be taken as though the all female cast is to be blamed for being female - and so: Was it just a bad idea in general or was it a bad idea to have female Ghostbusters?
And what is it with these new outfits anyway?

To draw the line back to the topic: "Don't trust the Authority" (WWE fans would approve!).

Which loops into the other end of the image above - taking the "ironically inspired" standpoint and twisting it so that ... we take it as right what is done there!
Even if though, the statement gets clear: It isn't right after all!

And so is the LBQT thing. I belong to them, so yea, I'm all for acceptance - but that doesn't say I'm fine with all else that is shoehorned into it. That is one more to intellectual pollution. We 'depend on it', that our leaders sort the stuff into the right drawers! They are showing us what we vote for - either or. If we can't vote for either or - they effectively kill democracy and make the whole voting part pointless!

Christopher Nikolaus Sonnberger | March the 15th, 2016 AD, 12:45 PM

(Dubstep is a very delicate art! The way it is used nowadays samples the viewers heartrate into the medium to provoke some immersive syngergy to produce sympathy for the product (Hype) - but if its shit I got to puke it out again! (At least they got away from the whole angelic sing sang, but, I'm not sure if it was to the better!)) (How is it even possible, left it be for God, to suck so terribly hard?) Halleluyah!