Rambling to/for/pro the Future

Well, we can say: The Future is one of the three primary Concerns of Gnosticism.
Yea - a third of the whole Past, Present, Future thing.

Growth - or so: a Plant - is in all that a really centric image. Not only does it picture Life and all the concepts of nourishment and environmental interaction; But its a thing of the past, existent in the now, ... and its future is ... at any rate tied to ... future stuff. It will exist until terminated - while against Termination its future is a matter of care.

More so: If we planted a Plant and project its existence into the future, a single sapling could become a Forrest.


I will avoid political issues - independent or contemporarily relevant - as far as I can.
Yet this is, at its base, a political topic or written in interest of an "anti-political" government ... or ... "political solution" - at which point these are words that match or don't match what is described.

The general perspective into the future is an issue between controllable and uncontrollable Elements. If we planted a sapling, it can become a Forrest - but that depends on stuff. To the believer it is vastly as simple as that planting a sapling is enough to take care of everything. If god wants it to become a Forrest, it will. If He doesn't - there is nothing we could do to make it one. Even if we had a task force actively caring for it - if God wanted to, they would fail.

But - that task force is another factor like the sappling. The sapling alone is left to itself, grows; And everything else is ... possibly just wilderness. The Task force is another 'active' element that falls subject to the same rules. As the single tree could become a forrest - the task force is a 'stable system' we could call it.

The sapling were yet to get there. Once there were a handfull of trees it could host an ecosystem - additionally a landmark - and by influencing its environment as "obstacle" extend its "influence".

The task force could threaten this ecosystem. Ironically. What I want to say at first is that the future is something we can influence - and from the present perspective 'influence' is everything. Control ... not so much!

Control is a contemporary thing. We could say that we 'can' (in deed) control a plants growth - but that is a verbal confusion. If we provide it with what it needs, so the idea, we per se only influence its future. We don't control it! We can't! It will grow on its own, be the branch on the left or the right.

Growing a Banzai tree resembles the extent of Control we actually have. If a branch grows it will shift its balance and the stem will grow accordingly. If we cut the branch we take care of that, but a tiny - perhaps insignificant - amount of that influence will still remain. We may want the first branch on that one side, but where one would grow ... thats not ours to say!
Then OK - what can geneticists add to that?

To top that, we can right away think of VR where each asset can be put under perfect control. Whatever. Point taken! We can ignore "nature" - see it as a threat - aspire to control everything, but why would we? Is it responsibility or paranoia?

This is literally the best spot to talk about Good and Evil I have encountered thus far. Simply put: Yes - good and evil is in the eye of the beholder. But, God is an influence; And we can think of this influence as of a domain. We can say that its an influence of Order - and any influence that oppresses those that follow this order resemble a 'counter influence' to God; And inevitably there will be a fight, a war; And because God won't stop being God it can only end if those that oppose God stop their fighting, or, are being stopped. End of the line!

Judgement Day is one of those (foretold) events that resembles Gods perspective onto this matter, saying as much as: "Do not worry, the time will come that I'll just say 'enough!'!"

It won't be the 'end' of the rebellion as we can read (1000 years of peace) - and thats because the opposition ... they have their idea of how things should be. Naturally all you need is to object to whatever God has in mind. They want Judgement Day 'now' - for instance - but they don't want to be judged either!
They want Judgement Day to 'end' this time of 'not knowing', of being separated from the divine, for God to take responsibility. The most of us would however expect God to bring peace. Thats what we want. God coming and all be good. These would however use the opportunity to drive their rebellion against Him - and therefore I'd welcome - these days already - a more public and elaborate representation of their true ideal so I don't have to guess!
So we won't have to guess! So you won't have to rely on my guessing!
That the devil will be bound for 1000 years doesn't tell of any human suffering the same. At the end we however find that apparently there will be those that see this 1000 years of peace as an insult of some kind. All I wish to extract from this issue/topic for here is what we may call "the conflict of orders".

Nowadays we don't have to look into our past anymore, because people are already there that show this kind of oppressive order. The AfD (a german (political) party) does share strangely enough similar objectives as the Republicans (as featured-by/featuring Trump). All in all we can also see Microsoft following similar ideas - that however once we think of control and future.
The AfD Program is a weirdly paradox thing. What they write must sound well to us today, freedom, more democracy, etc. - more of all the good stuff we have today. The problem: Well, the problems of today are - if we take them by their idea - consequence of just that good stuff! But those problems are the ones they intend to solve; ANd their solution is more governmental control. More borders, more inland security.
More authority to the political leadership.
Germany in that has a political system that is designed to prevent another Hitler Scenario from happening. But imagine the AfD getting support from the Republicans and ... well ... we might not get another Hitler situation, but something similar.

One part of their Program for instance declared the right to Demonstrate. But of course, because of Order, the Government must hold the right to oppose some of them! Duh! Go figure!

So - I clearly don't resent the concept of Microsoft or Trump or the AfD once we destill their ideals to a neutral commonly acceptable common denominator - where I mention Microsoft because I see the good, and can also "sell" it good, of a unified IT Infrastructure/System/Platform. But I heavily resent the method of sneaking it into our society without us being capable of controlling it. More and more will/does Software become an integral part of our life - basically the next step of 'evolution/communal interaction/organization' - and a bad infrastructure will create a system thats likewisely shackling us.
There are certainly positive reviews on that, good reasons and all that - and I trust that it'll all be well according to their/someones idea of what is/should-be right and wrong!
But if we can do better than that - why should we even bother caring?!

This is the one line argument that may help to reveal their true faces! Maybe they'll take it like real sportsmen.
What we mustn't forget is that the Revelation isn't a Prophecy, its a Vision!

The reason why people want to live in Germany or the US is because we have industrial wealth! Is that so wrong?
We, us that live here (and might be worried of immigrants messing up what "we" have built), we want it too - don't we? Those that boo those people out and away are just too blind to see that they can't just do the same. I'd dare those to go elsewhere and do what "we/they" did - spawning an economic miracle there while the western world were to go down. It might even be likely! But so the paranoid folks possibly forget - or on the other hand the extremist "gold hunters (terrorists)" - that our world isn't so nice because thats just how it is! There is an industry that needs its workers - and ethics are a huge part of it!

But if "the immigrants" learned how to sustain the 'western system' - they could do the controlling and ... those pioneers that think/thought they could do better - well, might suffer!

The Future however is the spawning ground for things ... like ... stuff yet missing. The control upon it is always a matter of the things we can influence. At this point the bigger whole round about the sapling becomes a sapling itself - or so: A tree or maybe forrest, to say: A complex organism.
An organism is organized, another word we can take for control. Getting organized is a matter of influence - and here influence is like an open door. If there was a wall with 5 doors - we would tend to walk through the one(s) that is/are opened.

We can say that boundaries create strangers that require us to enhance our inland security. And Secret Service, and, and, and. We can suggest political interests in any 'stranger body' - like looking at Refugees as though they were enemy spies or even part of an army. This may be true, and is more valid of a point the more politically polarized the situation is.

To think about the Future is pivotal in all that; Or simply put: Being stuck in the presence is a problem that causes stagnation!
What I mean by 'stuck in the presence' is our routine, our everyday life, our 'repetitive pattern of existence'. The 'stuckness' of it is perpetuated by problems this routine provides. We work to pay bills, we pay bills to work (need a house, phone, car, etc.) - and if we don't work we can't pay bills and if we can't pay bills we cannot work. Most of our western education is already focussed on getting us stuck in this routine! Those that work excell and get to more work, and those that can't excell - well - bad luck!
What needs to be told is that 'work' in our time is a fulltime job! We need to be conditioned to endure - we need to prioritize work above everything else which exalts everything that comes with it above the rest - and we can call that all of that is 'good' - simply enough: Survival, Stability, etc..

But so, the future becomes predictable: More and more of it! Because everyone 'suffers' that - these days - within a System of Entities that depend on each other - this is perpetuated even further. This so much that immigration of any kind other than the need for 'work-force' is strictly doomed to end badly! The needed workforce can be immediately integrated, people that grow up here can be integrated too for as long as the economy can host them - but in a saturated economy it inevitably comes to the point that growth can no longer be supported - practically. The reason is simple!

The economy grows in its own interest - so we have an infrastructure round about it. In this infrastructure everyone has its own tunnel-vision; And while there is no entity that can handle the effects and consequences of saturation we get to individuals that have no place in it - period.
Well, in germany we do have certain Entities/Institutions/Infrastructure to handle saturation - but it is wired to sustain the economy, to help people get a job - while supporting those with money that can't be helped otherwise.
Naturally thats a dead end!
And a simple minded answer to it were: Genocide!
Or: To shove them away - as to finally let the poor live there where the poor exist anyway!

That is practically a symptom of the desease of stagnating in the presence. Some people seem to sense that we need dedicated minds to solve certain problems, but if these are caught up within the same restraints those "think tanks" cannot ultimately help!
On the flipside these think-tanks support a flawed society and eventually only help to make things worse!
That because they are forced to drop the real solutions.

Think Tanks are anyway an entirely flawed concept!
They are like isolated thinking cells that have no real connection to the organism (lol, typo: 'roganism') - and we may practically compare that to cancer!

The primary problem is the question: Who is going to become a part of it? Some people say who's worthy and who isn't - natural selection bullshit and "balls" and what not - and so does an isolated unit of individuals select another isolated unit of people that already follow the paradigms of the initial isolation and the best comparison I find for that are 'freaks' - or 'a freak'.
... Cancer!

The closest thing to a cure begins within each and everyone! We/You, that are stuck in this stagnation, need to break it! And even just a moment within stress or pressure of just giving a shit, letting go, standing there and facing the future or enjoying the presence, helps already! It helps because it breaks this isolated experience of life. If you just work and focus your "positive experiences" on leisure - you just strengthen this 'tunnel vision' in which you are required to ignore everything that hinders you in executing your working routine! So at best you spend a moment or two on pittying those that are poor, perhaps donate a dollar or five; But whenever there are real problems you have to stick to the ideals that uphold your stagnation!

Because it works!

The idea is to stop when life calls for it! That is "the unexpected influence" - the openmindedness to embrace and welcome the future as it happens. I'm not asking you to quit your job, but to look with despise at those that cannot handle your freedom!

And what requires us to be efficient? Concurrence! And what is this efficiency? Ignorance!

It is though possible to be more efficient if you take your time not caring too much about all the irrelevant things of life! If you deem this philosophy irrelevant, so for sure, you're more efficient at supporting the opposite! If you think that concurrence is to our better, think of how concurrence also provokes the worse in us to come forth!
Why are we - these days - getting to the point where a single individual has to do more and more work? The more you do, the more likely you'll be promoted - kindof! And the more you do, the more you can be payed and its yet cheaper than hiring an additional person!
In the bad way!

Concurrence also encourages us to become douchebags! Smartasses! Know-it-alls! In the end we don't advance by knowing things better, but by screaming louder than the rest, which is ironically primitive!

Practically it should be illegal to 'do too much' - and chilling should be a quality!

And hey - wow - this boosts Tai Chi Quan to a position of relevant significance! Being good at Tui Shui is evidence for an individual to fluently adapt to real life problems; And those people should be respected accordingly!

People that would try to evade using brute force are in this picture the best shot on what cripples our society!

We can so even find: Pothead can be a profession!
I dare say that potheads need vacation too - like: From smoking weed - and if you look at my work suspiciously because I am a pothead you fail to see your own role at understanding the obvious!

Abortions aren't a problem of medical advance, they are a problem of our societies ill twisting ways of Love! So is crime the consequence of our societies failures to properly provide people with what they want/need; And prohibitions against a "legal minority" failures to adapt to the way things are!

This is another view on how control vs. growth fails to be a good concept!
Growth essentially says: What works works! Things that work together get organized - they form a stable element that becomes an influence. The more of these arise, the more these influences can get coordinated - and keeping an eye on the future will do better at helping us from doing mistakes than deflecting it in blindsighted reactions of fear!

The spear thrusted into Jesus' side is as metaphoric as the crown of thorns. The crown is a resemblance of the "ignorance" of believers, the 'irony' of us criticising the same - as the spear were the fact that the efficiency of an organized union of individuals can accomplish more than the relaxed.

Both are legitimate in some way, yet in their legitimacy they demolish the redeemer; And hence our salvation! Period!

Part of being open minded is to leave some things to your own reasoning, to leave it out there, to let it grow and to see what became to then see what will be necessary! There is no doubt the 'parental perspective' - the logic of problems that need solutions, the ability to find branches that need to be cut off; But if a few have to hide their reasoning while requiring the power to execute their plans nonetheless (without public consense) - its like saying that we won't agree - and so - why should we? Taking the genocide conspiracy theory: We might want to try getting along, but they don't - and hence they'd need us to give them the power to do what they think is best; But it is 'our' power, 'ours' to say what we want, 'ours' to shape how we live ... so we need to be baited to support something that disguises itself in what sounds well to our ears!
Be it with Judgement Day as it may - my confession though says that we have nothing to worry if we live up to the demands!

And is that it? Genocide to create some paradise to tell God of the own genious? Is that 'living in the image of God'?
Sounds like the Megalomaneous idea of a madman to me!

Its an insane perversion of the truth, a parody of wisdom and righteousness! It is so beyond everything I believe in that I can't even think well of it 'if it were the only way'. And what God may/can provide for us gives me the hope that even if it were the only way - suffering the alternative were the better one!

We can read of the great flood that was to wash away all evil; We can read of Israels conquest that was to swipe away all idolatry - but was it any good? Whats a paradise built by predatorial individuals? Once there is no prey left? Will it just magically become good? What about freedom? What about jealousy? What about "why can you have ... but not me?".

See and Hear; Behold and Understand!
Peace! Be the Love of God your fellow companion!

by Christopher Nikolaus Sonnberger; March the 15th, 2016 AD - 1529 o'clock (although the clock on this computer is wrong!) ... 1520 o'clock!