To dig or not to dig

I've been writing about a lot of stuff in my past; And quite a bit of it may still be around on this site. Actually there are some cool things you can find there that I haven't come to integrate into this new layout so far; But that excludes the chunk of stuff that I want to write about here. It does legitimately file into 'ongoing' - while essentially I'm looking forward to somehow integrate it into Psi, since it is vastly a Psi/Clarity topic, but what I've written so far doesn't really sit well with me.

Its also a bit wider than that. I can make a second 'Future Society' subtopic of it - or 'Religions - a Gnostic Journey' has to be re-conceptualized. Well, anyway, there's nothing there so far.

The topic I want to discuss here is "all about" Sex. And then its not just that when thinking about it in the wider spectrum of how it concerns you (alias: "The Mass"); Which entirely excludes the other side of things that become important as a matter of transparency. This transparency is about ... Unification once it is established as something generally easy to acquire given that your intentions are good. Or how to say ... it? Well - this way:

In the beginning there is only me - and according to scripture there are some that will at some point show up to help; But to think that they are to first help me is what I think is wrong. You have to understand that these are people that are most probably hiding - and they won't show up until they feel safe enough to do so; Though its more than that a matter of 'when' we need their help after all. And we certainly don't while 'you' don't even acknowledge Unification as a thing. You should gather that 'we'/God doesn't work in ways of enthralling you to a higher status quo - and just as I had to get along on my own for so long as based on issues of some kind; You shouldn't believe in all the "what you need according to yourself"s either!
So is everything beyond Unification a Mystery to you - but how is that going to ever change? Precisely: The more people that can speak about their experiences with it. What you need to Understand is that 'Unified individuals' aren't supposed to make up the/a/some Elite of any kind - 'Unification' is supposed to be the Norm - and anyone who tried hard to make you believe otherwise should factually be ... actually be beaten - like a juicy kick into the balls or something - its hard to express all the anger and hatred that my perception and experience is producing in that regard. (And by the way, the same applies for so many things that I say something about but people come with their gibberish to demand otherwise. I mean, whats wrong with those people? Hello? It's like: I'm supposed to be the one guiding you through but "they" don't give me a pass on sanity; So, now what? Are they now supposed to be doing my job? ... Isn't that how it all works in this world? Isn't that just why we can't get 'good' things?)
Supposed to be the Norm, Unification is the entrance to a new World - and the reason to keep/make it transparent from the start is to make sure that it is always going to be received that way.

As of that, well, it makes sense to argue that none of it has an actually legitimate 'spot' on this page - its supposed to be surrounding us - uhm, anyway ... what this means is that each and every one who's legitimately "in" does potentially have something to say; While at the very least adding to thw wholesome picture. More so in the beginning when new Archetypes are found - rather than in the end when we do have a pretty wholesome image.

So - in parallel to 'the Future Civ' thing

(Calling it 'future society' was a mistake on my end - as the society part ...) there is 'this thing' - where the 'Civilization' side is a matter of how we actually pursue our individual interests as part of a Civilization - but before we can start with that, we can/have-to start with "this".
I mean, it does so happen to be there at any rate. This is then a Unification topic 'when' being concerned about the individuals growth - but anyone grown far enough that can't - as I - depend on an appropriate Civilization is then beyond those topics; Clearly. So for the start, I want to just make it a separate space on this site - where you can check out/find who, how and what we are; Individually and as a whole. Thereto you'll however need to browse to what I think is necessary - ... so far there are 5 steps; But until I'm done with that, so, until I'm convinced that what I got there is good, I'll just leave you with this - as alternative lecture I'm gonna keep here as well. What to expect there - thats about me, how I connect the dots between being John and a Whore; And should be your go-to thing in case you have an issue with either one.
Anyway - here is the link to the older stuff. I keep it because there is still some stuff I think is actually quite cool and not yet worked into the new layout. What I wrote to the left is tot ake away from some of the stuff you'll find there.
