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Daeryabaar.com | Crystals Desktop Version

The Crystals Desktop Version will come in multiple versions. The first one will be "Raw" - being the absolute Bare-Bones of "Desktop Oriented Crystals Coding".

The Final Version is intended to primarily become an 'installation Binary Manager' - which means: Crystals itself is designed to be an Operating System. This operating System will of course be compiled from source-code, and the resulting 'Binaries' will need to be "assembled"/linked together, where the IBM ... ... ... IB-Manager will do that since the classic Linkers aren' fit for the job!

This means: Crystals itself, as from/by source, is of 'modular Design'. To picture that: The most essential module will be the "Boot-Sector Module", and will go hand-in-hand with a so called 'ZERO FS (FS=Filesystem)'. Between the two a vide variety of Options exist. The modular design sets forth that outside of the functional dependencies, no dependencies are existent. And since the programmer has full control upon the source, 'functional dependencies' are more or less inspecific.
In that sense: There will be a "suggested default layout" which may or may not meet your definition of good. The Crystals Boot Sector for instance can contain a DOS Partition table, but actually it wouldn't need one. Hence the Zero FS can be a Partition or part of the installation Binary. How, what, why, when and such - that isn't set yet. So - however, the IB Manager is essentially used to manipulate parts of the Binary that aren't code, as for instance fonts, icons, color palettes, configurations and what not that are integral to the 'System Runtime'.

Beyond that
the Crystals Desktop Version is a basic Window Manager to essentially showcase the Desktop concept behind Crystals Simplicity - while the Code is layed out so that the underlying source code can be adapted to write Video Games on "Bleeding Edge Code Performance". The WM side of the CDV will thus so only 'extend' the 'Core Capabilities' of Crystals - and a partial implementation of these extended Functions will be useful for UI driven Software (standard applications); That in the grand idea are "DLL"s that work as 'Crystals' (a Crystal/plural) - or so: "the exe(cutables) of Crystals" in which sense Crystals(exes) can be used to create a Program out of many; As for instance building a Text-Editor into a 3D-Model Editor.

The primary design goal (and main criteria) for judging the code as valuable/worthy or not is the 'code simplicity'; Or so the 'code transparency', where 'code' applies as both: 'written code' and 'source infrastructure'.

The primary supported Platform will be Linux, although the CrystalsOS philosophy differs greatly from the current state of the art Linux Distributions; Except on some rough outlines such as an Open Source.

Expected Development Overview:
It isn't really foreseeable yet - mostly because its development co-exists with the development of other things. The Window Manager elements will most likely be done once their need exists; And this will be once the Crystals OS itself requires it. The Crystals OS on the other hand has the lowest Priority for me at the time being; Where a partial implementation of the WM side takes a slightly higher priority, but is ultimately coupled to my progress on ... well, stuff I don't find myself even remotely interested in doing in my current situation ("Scripture Stuff").

It is difficult to make any realistic promises yet; And something that flows into it are 'sickening expectations' that throw me into an abysmally terrible mood all in all that sometimes have me wish in the likes of that none of this even existed! It is definitely true that you have a right to be convinced by me that these design concepts 'can be realized', or so in the flipsense that I am capable of realizing them; But if you instead of being doubtful about me thought about 'whether or not it is possible' and then wondered: 'whom would you want to succeed with it?' - its a boldly gnostic issue with solutions found in a totally different Corner of the Universe!
If you think properly enough you'll find how your expectations will vary - depending on where you focus your concerns - as: If you knew that 'I can' - you still haven't answered all the other questions; Those also important 'now', yet simply pushed into the distant future - and the only powers that benefit of this 'delay' are the powers setup against me!
The only realistic anchor point I have to provide an approximate idea of how things will work out is given within a dream I once had; A dream that does 'finalize' my "mood" about what I'm supposed to do. For once, I'm really sensitive when it gets to the topic of the game I'm working on. Sensitive like a sore tooth. Sensitive enough so I might punch you in your face if you stressed it too much! Finally some parts of the game are going to be part of the Crystals DE thing - which is like Candy I'd be happy to provide. So however the general design process is taking me through a couple of steps before I can realistically start working on the game; And I certainly can't realistically start working on my game 'while I'm existing in my current circumstances'. So, before anything changes 'respectively/positively' I cannot do any of that. What I can do is to work out some preliminary things; And the way I feel about it, I'll have to rework them then anyway. Thus further allows you to be sure that the final thing will be nothing like anything I'll produce prior to "then"; Which also means that anything I'll do till then is more or less futile. But so it is important for me that I'll have my code in a way that will allow me a simple re-arrangement; rather then the chaos I've usually ended up in so far.
This means: Prior to then I might release one or more builds of things - but you mustn't expect them to be final. What you must expect is code that'll allow you to write some Crystal-ish code - while the entire framework will yet be 'worlds apart' from what I will then come to make out of it. As a 'quantum of solace': I have this strong feeling that my Game will however yet build on this preliminary stuff - so, you'd be using what I'll be using - and that is what will finally be labelled 'Raw' "DE build". Naming might change.

Business Model
You might know that Gods Business isn't a Business of the Doubtful! The reason is simple: If you support those in doubt, you comfort them in their doubt and give them no reason to move beyond that. On the other hand: Once moving away from it - all things become clear! There is the magnificence of God, that the things that require your faith demand God to finally show Himself; And that He does! In this sense you can tell: Why your personal wishes are entirely irrelevant! Your wishes don't demand anything from God - in the consequential value!

The best evidence for Gods activity, within the scope of the doubtful, is temptation! The concept of 'first Baptism, then its Blessings' does translate into 'blessed are the faithful' 1:1, with the problem that you are 'technically' capable of 'trying' it, just getting baptized to see what happens. The one thing that however prevents you from doing so is doubt!
Rather than right away getting Baptized, there is the Sacrament (Eucharisty). Just some bread and water/wine blessed by a Priest with the right authority - yet ... it remains a Mystery.

I will under no circumstances (exceptions follow) engage into any kind of co-operation (regarding the Gospel and any of these things) with any Entity on this planet unless that Entity has gained Unification with the All-Surrounding Spirit. There is no way I will share any secrets or discuss any kind of concept/design/stuff/etc. with "outsiders" - and so I will not dive deeper into any of the design concepts here either.
The only exceptions, next to things I will publish as matter of 'general reveals', are those Entities I have to connect with in order to make Unification be a thing. Respectively will these connections from my personal standpoint going be primarily aiming to Baptize individuals and to get them into Unification; And anyone who connects to me wanting 'business' has to be aware of that. These specific Entities aren't just anyone, because primarily I can't have it that I'm investing time in people who won't make it or don't have it. So is condition 2 also known as 'one must be invited by God' - and so those that He chose, those that He tells me to aim for, are the most certainly invited - and that leaves the only Entity in the scope of I.T. that I would work with to be Capcom!
On the other side of things, beyond I.T., there is only one Entity that 'has enough credibility' (combining my personal experience with "what the Matrix offers") - and that is, well: "Who received the Sweet Spot in the Matrix Reloaded Reloaded Credits?". This is the only individual you as I can logically relate to, the only one who makes sense; And so: Monica Bellucci is the other one chosen!