Response to 'The Bible for Beginners (by Thunderf00t)'

Part 1

Well, let me set one thing up first: Thunderf00t is an atheist! This means that he will evaluate God differently than a believer. Saying that only 10% of Christians actually read the Bible is equal to saying: Well, the Bible isn't all that significant to Faith!

I made various attempts at reading the Bible - but there are two key moments in my life that had to happen so that rather than making an attempt at it - I gained access to it. The first key moment, we can categorize it as co-incident or something. I read a book - thought about what it had to tell (that the Roman Catholic Church is Evil, according to the Bible) - and the evidence provided on the one end; As my view of the world on the other, they collided - and made me aware of how fucked up everything is. Its plain and simple evidence - yet nobody really talked about it, as the Roman Catholic Church also reigned grand surpreme. So I had this "what the fuck?" moment - and I wanted to know as much about the Bible as possible, 'first hand', to then be better equipped to fight this system of lies. There it was as though an Angel was with me and took me for a ride. A ride that first took me to the book 'Ekklesiastes' - within a Seventh Day Adventist internate - which was to me, well, a good way to begin. That because ekklesiastes states: There is no better for man but that he eateth and drinketh and be in a good mood under the sun; Or something - while Seventh Day Adventists are very strict when it gets to obeying the law of purity (no pork, no alcohol, no tobacco) - saying; I right away learned yet another thing about the Bible. Not only is there stuff in there that actually gears up against the Bullshit in this world; But also, well, that the God I would wanna like - the God who made Marijuana - is actually in there too!

The other key moment was after that. I thought I knew enough and ... from my today perspective I have to say that there was in deed not really that much left; But my life was still fucked up, I didn't know what my life was about, what purpose there were, "why this" and "why that" - and I felt like ... well, I was sad and threw the Bible into a corner of my room; That kind of ... "done". But then there it was again ... some mysterious atmosphere - ... and so I came to focus on God rather than the book, asking for Guidance; But I didn't pray to just any God. I prayed to "the most high" - "the one on top" - so, "the one above whom there can be no more" - and again it was as though an Angel was with me; And I opened the Bible; And right away stumbled upon two things I had not noticed before: 1st: There were references to Books of the Bible I haven't ever heard of before; And that because they weren't in the Bible I knew. Ever heard of Judith, the Makabees, Sirach? Well - that was weird! And I stumbled upon the Nasirites vow (Numbers 6) - and I figured, provided that I am kidnof lost, that I wanna do some good and that Christ died on the Cross essentially undoing the old Covenant; I might wanna try that out. And well, after that I basically plowed through the 5 Books of Moses in 1 or 2 weeks; And discovered the Eden thing during that time. And on that Level there was yet a lot more that I didn't know about ... !

So, I know two ways of reading the Bible: The one way is equal to reading a book thats filled with only Question Marks; And the other one is like ... going on an Adventure, filled with Treasure, like Zelda or Final Fantasy.

Needless to say: What Thunderf00t quotes up there - thats not one of those treasures! However ... lets call it an 'End Boss' - I back then would have been hopelessly underlevelled for! Meanwhile - I did kindof grow mature. So, the journey as being a Nasirite - that led me to Baptism, becoming a Mormon, ... which allowed me access (not a Mormon thing though) to Unification; Which ... is the ultimate thing in terms of Faith. There is no way you can shake my 'faith' in God; Except you can realistically separate wet from water; I mean, liquid water! I guess.
So - point being that no matter how many years did and yet will pass by - everything I experience, of whatever kind, a) can't shake my faith in God; And b) will allow me to grow. And because I'm still a bliever and am convinced that Unification is the Solution to all our problems beyond those we can actually solve by just understanding the Scriptures properly ... I tried to pursue that interest of delivering this. Well granted - it might not seem like God gave me the wisdom to do that - but so, I had the chance to gather experiences as someone who isn't famous, who doesn't have money; And most importantly: Who isn't listened to! I might as well have been drawing a smiley to a wall and talked to that! I mean, instead of trying to talk with other people! And were it not for the Matrix thing ... I mean, you ... I guess are well aware of the fact that at the end of the line - that Matrix thing really does mean a lot!

Anyway ... where was I? Yea - I'm trying to build up towards the point where all that Experience mixes with a general idea - a solid one - about our world, society and societies; ... and one thing - really evolved from within me: A deep grudge against ... humanity! Its like, if you're a 'naive Christian' you're being talked down upon - while, once you change that, become an Atheist, effectively, share their ideas - then thats it! That way you don't get into arguments; But that pretty much is it! I ... don't really know how to word it. But the thing is that there is this ignorance that ... makes me fucking angry - this, moronic "[nerf] I'm an Atheist, I'm so smart! [nerf]" kind of behaviour that, ahrw, goddamnit ... I wanna hurt someone!
There's what I would say what we could call 'a pointless existence' - judging from a higher, divine perspective. Why that? Because first of all - what 'IS' the point? Anyone who says that there is no point; Wrong! And I'm pretty sure that if I told then what the point would be, they wouldn't (wanna) acknowledge it! And all their buts are just so fucking beyond the point and not actually in consideration of hard facts - calling upon other hard facts with no causal connection to the focus issue ... that diplomacy, well, eventually fails and we'd start to take out them Guns!

So, the way Thunderf00t puts it, God is a sadist and this sadism were Gods bottom line. And quoting that part to point out how stupid the Bible is, well, thats 'that' kind of thing that makes us mad! At this point in time those verses are kindof ... irrelevant we might say. Except that the very same God would still be God today - so, whom would God hate against today? I think, chances are, that whoever it were - the average Atheist would argue ... stuff like diplomacy and being all Christian and - yea - I mean, God was quicker to draw the 'Jesus Christ Joker' - just sayin'. So, its actually already happening - that - ... good way. However - we are dealing with people, or I am - indirectly, that use power against other people. We might call them Warmongers, Fearmongers, Hate Mobs, ... things like that. Now, how does diplomacy work out against that? Yea, ... you can try to talk sense into them ... figuring out that you rather should talk sense into the other people to speak up against that - to turn them into outsiders; While they would laugh at you as they would laugh at God pronouncing such threats! Until it'd happen! Then you might wanna cry at God asking "why such iniquity?" - ... though on the other end you got to blame God for their ability to undermine the rest with 'Godlike' prowess - for giving them power in first place; So - at the end of the road, its a thing between God and them!

The point for me is however quite simple: I, a free human being, I consider myself independent; And this independence goes as far as that I say, regarding parts of the Bible that I don't fully understand, well: "Whatever!".

by: Christopher Nikolaus Sonnberger | 2017.01.17 - 02:50