Rogue One : My honest oppinion

Not ten minutes in and I have already been triggered; But I sat through it - and it got better - I really liked the Droid, I also liked Vader - which is 'Lucas'' Vader mind you - I saw a lot of Anakin Skywalker in him - the effects and settings felt in place, the main Villain was also convincing - yea even the driving/lead Character in the whole thing - and I really think it is a 'must see' for every Star Wars Fan because it kindof sets the tone for what we can basically expect to come; Which ... is however not really goood - mind you.

Or is it? Thats why you should go and check it out. But I suppose, if you are a Star Wars Fan, well, you already have!

And destroying that Ring Thing wouldn't bring down the Shield! How ... I mean ... they even show how the shield is being closed - ... sigh!

But the Characters ... I - there is that one guy who reminded me a bit like the Theif Guy from the Conan the Barbarian remake - which was cool in Conan, but - so, here is how something that is so "obviously Un-Racist" as the main Cast of Rogue One is totally racist like ... nobodies Business. Where's the Alien? Like, Chewbacca? The prequels are a bit different; But you have Yoda anyway. In this film every alien is just kindof there like a puppet to show that its Star Wars you're watching! So, there's an Arab, a Hawaiian, a Chinese, a White Pussy and the female lead Character ... kindof magically all run into each other and decide to team up as "Rogue One" because the entire Rebellion is a bunch of pussies and although the Death Stars plan have Technically already been delivered in the beginning of the Movie - it was just a miserable message from a "Sympathetic" Dad to his daughter; And something about a Weapon.

And aaaall that - is just the Avalanche at the bottom of it ... I mean, it starts with tiny riffles - as I mentioned - I've been triggered 5 minutes in; And here is why: Apparently those who decided upon the script sat through all the backlash from Episode 7 and decided to listen a bit more to Lucas, to focus on family, ... and well ... I'm sorry to bring it to you, but thats not necessarily how it works. None of all that 'good advise' has been new, mind you. But yet they layed that giant turd of a Starkiller; With absolutely no clue what kind of story to tell; ... and so ... sorry to bring it to you, one does not master the Force in the blink of a moment! Same thing as with Rey I mean. Where would they come up with a sensitive idea from? Sensitivity to them seems to be just a word, mind you, that "the people" somehow seem to positively respond to. So they try to quantify it, it seems, mind you, (and yea, in hindsight the Conan remake had a lot of flaws, true, which would be for practically similar reasons; But yet ... it kindof stands on its own two feet and I absolutely loved Momoa in the role of Conan! (Although ... its all kindof too hectic - well, not aall! The final showdown was quite enjoyable!)) - and so they obviously have no clue and throw your average: "Family in the hiding has been found by the enemy and the Patriarch sends the females to escape" scene in there - and thats your opening to Rogue One? I mean - the movie, for the most part, shows the kindof stuff I'd want or expect from a Star Wars spin-off; ... although ... that might be a bit tooo generouz. I liked the Chinese guy and his sidespin though! Kindof. They ... still didn't feel right ... though they had moments. The picture of C3-PO being fixed together all wrong comes back to mind.
And that nostalgia crap. I mean - they had the chance to make a whole entire movie built entirely on Nostalgia which they are ever so eeager to shove down our throats; But its not until the end that aside of a few side appearances we get some insight in what the movie actually ties into. So - just a quick refresher on Star Wars, mind you: The Rebel lead mentioned that a lot of their spies had to die to retrieve those plans. Let that sink into your head - and now, in Rogue One, I have to believe that all that leads back to some random horseshit accident that the Rebels wanted to know dickshit about ... because for some reason the girl there forgot to take the Message with her - I mean, yea, I get where they're coming from there, but ... I cannot believe that this movie has actually been stitched together by folks who loved Star Wars or its just a matter of my dear Lord being unwilling to give them the good stuff.

Which ... is actually rather strange to find! I mean - it ... you get where I'm coming from!

Uhm, where was I? Oh yea ... which sums it up for me ... I guess.

You'll always get polarized oppinions, ... as not everybody is a Star Wars fan ... what matters are the proportions ... Mr. Feig!!!

A Ghostbusters rant

Nothing that I could add here hasn't been mentioned before. To ... kindof ... help you out, you know, I guess I can find some new constructs of thought, though. Ghostbusters ... what is it? Its been a huge fucking success - at first as a cartoon, then as a comedy film - and the problem with Ghostbusters 2 may have been that Ghostbusters 1 was really really good - I mean - how to do it any better? But thats not the point - although - it strikes me that the new one is kindof the two fluxed together - instead of, if you've ever seen one single episode of Ghostbusters, any one of the great many number of Ghosts. Why not the Ghosthouse thing? Flip the main Ghost and that beginning ghost around and baaam - much better movie! Something ... different! But anyway - thats beside the point. Or not? I can hear a faint voice saying "cauze thair all forgettable" - so, what is not forgettable? $$$ !!!! Right?
So, thats the "Hollywood perspective". I - as a kid - !!!ENJOYED!!! all that "forgettable" stuff - which honestly ... I mostly forgot about but ... we weren't allowed to watch all that much TV either!
Do you understand what I wanna be getting at here? Fandom is a thing that involves people loving a thing - and that there are Fans who are morons should be pretty much established on either side of the poll! So - no need to argue about that! But so there's a difference between those that hold their fans hostage while trying to reach those that don't give a shit; And those that ... kindof enter a relationship with their fans - where the skill is to ... find a balance between originality and fan service!
I'm the kindof guy that understands 'originality' -as- fan-service; In the big and broad; Though there is a niche kind of fan service that these Disney Star Wars flicks are full of.
Don't ... think too much about it! If you don't get it ... you won't get it by thinking about it hard either!

What I'm getting at is that if you for instance have two people coming together on/about a thing they mutually love - they both may have entirely different ideas and philosophy but still ... how to say ... "feel each other". So - someone who enjoyed Episode 7 and Rogue One - I kindof get where they're coming from; Though, I still kindof wanna pitty them!
That pitty however - once going in depth with that is totally going to shoot off into other topics - and mostly we're speaking of 'insight'/'experience'/'maturedom' - where the "real grown up" still - in my oppinion - needs to preserve its inner child! I mean - I couldn't imagine how Stargate could be such a great show otherwise!

So - if you get the idea that what I wanna say here is something about ... along the lines of a Mortal Combat Fatality ... involving a pumping hard in the bloody hand of someone else ... yea, thats quite what I had on mind. You'd reach into the torso of Ghostbusters fan - grab its heart - tear it out - and stitch a feminist flag into it. And if I don't like it I'm Mysogenistic? So, whats the opposite of Mysogeny? Feminism! Easy! And for the same reasons why we think ... and I use the word 'we' here in a rather general way as I belive that most people that are actually capable of reading this far are on the same page as I am here ... Mysogeny is bad, we think Feminism is bad!

I don't see how the new Ghostbusters movie is not entirely, deeply and utterly sexistic! And well - I don't wanna denie that there are people out there who would/might deserve to get portrayed that way, but, that movie most definitely is NOT gender neutral! So - I guess this is new then, being an SJW against SJWs! ;)

I mean - just coz there's Ghostbusters written on a thing means that I got to like whatever bullcrap you come up with allthough I didn't like your rip-offs that didn't had Ghostbusters (this isn't about Feig by the way) on? Maybe this isn't a Ghostbusters/rip-off thing - but I ... have these echoes in my head that complain about how come I like stuff, but not their stuff. Now they got Star Wars, I don't like it, "Oh! Damn! I must be biased!". ... fart.

I guess a lot of that comes down to one point: Some peoples ideas of life are just full of shit! So, no matter how nice and creamy they might manage to make it look - its still shit! And, mind you, if I disliked it once, I'll possibly dislike it once again! And ... in other words ... even if you put shit into an opague paper bag, eventually it still is gonna stink!
Even if there is McDonalds written on it!

Whats a widely acknowledged and liked movie that would pass as "Feminist entertainment"? - Just to find a reasonable example - ... hmm ... World War 2 Propaganda?
The Donald Trump Campaign? I mean - sorry. If I try to think of movies that make sense to me in a neutral context I firstly got to Alien - but - so, lets pick that. What if I took that film, made the male lead male and used 50% of the screentime to ridicule women? "Wouldn't that be awesome Ladies!?!?!?!? (and gentlemen) - ... and all those haters that would come at me; Obviously they are just Feminazis!

Not really!

Why I hated 'Hunger Games 2'

Has nothing to do with the female lead. I pretty much liked the first one. Don't believe me? Well - obviously! But the point is that I didn't like how the movie fucked with me; How plain and obviously - though well executed - it manipulates the viewers emotions; Just to leave on a cliffhanger? PISS OFF!

And yea, I don't like Game of Thrones either! I honestly tried ... but this show is just so cock-full of that kind of bullshit ... its "Click Bait, the TV show/Web series!".

And yea, Teal'C is the best "Alibi Nigga" ever! You can tell that they 'care' about him - I especially liked the part in the Ark of Truth where he gets back on his feet, "Odyssee, this is Teal'C ... come in!" - and nobody answers - and he takes a staff weapon and walks to the enemy stronghold on foot.

Wounded! Accross the Planet! ... kindof. I mean, who knows how far it is actually? Seems a lot though!

And Ronon Dex ... I mean, he is such an over the tops Character that is already too much, kindof, but his Character isn't established on that. I mean - its more nuanced than that! He also has his flaws ... the most obvious one being that other than being that Badass Character there is nothing he can do! Literally! But anyway.

Stargate is pretty "monochrome" from a certain angle - as is Star Trek and everything else - as each Author has its own unique perspective thats possibly going to manifest in the one way or another ... but I digress.

Originality vs Rip-Offs

You have to take my word for it - well - that I'm a creative guy. To ... kindof give you an idea: I have to find a job, work, and in process of figuring out what I want I also came back to figuring out what I was like as a kid. I enjoyed building stuff with Lego - robots for instance; Which I would mention to somehow get into my backgrounds with Technology. Though week by week I'd possibly get to find yet a deeper Layer - establishing on this initial formulation - partially drifting off into too much detail or convoluted constructs; As to find the right words to describe my experience in its whole - in a short and meaningful way. So - in the beginning that Lego and figuring out how to wire things up was all that there was. The more I came to think about it - the more I realized that it at least to me was too shallow. Its true, but it doesn't establish enough to explain most of my life. Eventually the term that I did learn all of that as through some kind of second nature came in - which worked well for me at some point - but later down the road this doesn't really go as deep as to mention the intuition based learning that I thereby applied - which may at first be irrelevant detail, but, that insight did provide a bridge to how my life did unfold. That this for instance made me a rather independent person. But not only intuition was a word to be found, also how that relates to creativity. What happened was that I got fascinated by artworks like Star Wars to make some of my own, or Secret of Mana, ... Final Fantasy/Mystic Quest, ... so that I evidently "had to" learn Programming at some point. That sparked an interest for Math and Physics - though - not excessively beyond what was practical. So - I've spent most of my life doing ... "inventing things" ... and that mostly within the Frame of a Fantasy World I had setup in my mind.

In the beginning ... Before 9th Grade ... thats mostly been a Secret of Mana ripoff. I mean - if you were to look at a map of Cereylla ... which basically emerged from there at some point ... you can see that the Central Region is called 'Tasnica' - which again is a Volcano with a lake in it - which was inspired from a Water Brand that ran adds on TV (Volvic) - while the whole map Layout is pretty similar to that of a Link to the Past - in that there are mountains to the north-east, a lakey area to the south-east - though - (if you know where the name of the Desert Area (Faranzaar) is coming from - thumbs up! ;) ) the process from Secret of Mana inspired map layouts (yea, the Volcano may also have been inspired from that) to Cereylla wasn't just a step away from SoM towards Zelda - it had a purpose. The 4 Elements play a pretty central role in Cereylla - so there is the Desert, the Mountains, the Lakes and the Snowy Area. And I would say that I ended up with 'enough' unique personal ideas - like the Templers (a.k.a. "God-mode/Super-Saiyan Paladin") or the Nomads (Medi-eval Gangster Rappers, Merchants and ... "Players") ... in hindsight ... hmm, never mind that.

But still, in process of making things up - its the creative mind that does things nonetheless. So, why is there a huge lake - possibly the size of Jupiters Storm - in the middle of the Cereyllan main continent with a fucking huge volcano in it - that basically has a Lake (rather Ocean) in it? Certainly not because I scavenged all the Fantasy stuff I liked for good concepts - and eventually there comes a whole lot of Lore to it. I mean - whats a Templer? Templers are these Mysterious Legendary type figures only some would believe even exist - and so I had to figure out how or where they are hiding. And thus the 'huge' underground ... stuff ... of the Planet was basically created. Then there are some truely rather unique ideas - at least to my knowledge back then - for instance that Templers have "Temples" - practically - in the midst of which there is a Mana Source - basically a vertical beam of Light that they have some kind of bond with. Regarding that, Templers have these symbols on their Forehead. Those are a consequence to that bonding; Being imprints of that Mana Source that basically tears the body apart - so - there are veins that come forth from those Symbols and initially plow their way through the initiates body. Though, usually one wouldn't see even that Symbol - if someone even were to ever see a Templer, because they wear masks (OK, Spawn inspired (the Mask and Cape)). So - I drew that as a picture - or, thats where I invented that - where some Templers in "comfortable outfits" would hover in a large cave around that Mana Source with beams connecting the Templers forehead-symbol to the Mana Source. So - I guess in a sense thats just the creative mind finding a language within the things it conceived to express itself. Rip-off or not! While, avoiding "Rip-Offs" is kindof not even possible! Its like - tell me what you did yesterday by inventing a whole new Language! Not so easy!

But first my creative interest was replaced by a religious one - and later as I looked back upon it - kindof missing those days - I kindof didn't really like it all that much anymore. It lacked some depth. But, the whole thing wasn't ever even near being finished - while arguably I've been too young and inexperienced to write a ground-breaking novel! I mean, I started during High-School! And never really got around adding too much as I came to college. So - if I had lived a totally different life - the mostly unwritten contents of the plot that vaguely existed as concepts would have eventually become more solid and filled with a respective amount of experience. But, since I got baptized ... or even a Nasirite ... that "wouldn't" have happened (it just didn't!) - and that because I did grow kindof distant to having a creative ambition. That once again changed nearing the end of my stay in L.A.. It started with some new game concepts to a Cereylla game; Just dreaming things up; and while I was later actually starting to learn C++, starting with Cereylla on my mind, it kindof got replaced by Agoraeyah. Agoraeyah firstly didn't have an issue with scale. The scale of Cereylla was just so far out of proportion because that was the Art-Style I went for regarding the horizon. That behind the largest mountain there would be an even higher mountain - full-hard-core establishing on a highly advanced civilization yet stuck in the deepest wilderness; And each major City established being a major milestone in the advance of that Civilization - with the four/five capitals being the "crown Jewels" ... of the domesticated reality ... yea, I guess that would have blown off. Or, I guessed! I believed it!
And so - I guess that has to be considered before truely understanding the Nomads of Cereylla.

I definitely could have run into problems there - but anyway - Agoraeyah was a fresh start. And getting there, I find myself that what I came up with does have vague similarities to various things. I guess you could call it a mix between Narnia, Star Wars and Mortal Combat - with a breeze of Dragonball in it. But those things ocurred to me after the fact; So - as by my intention ... the only thing you can literally accuse me of is my fandom for Dragonball. Which is basically vanishingly small. I mean - the Agoraeyan Mages shoot Dragonball-esque beams; And more isn't really established yet. My main interest in that regard is to find a gameplay balance between the three classes (Mage, Ranger and Warrior) - while I'm specifically trying to make hybrid classes legitimately viable. And I haven't really come through to that yet! One consideration was to 'exalt' the Dexterity stat to ... a big one; As - Dexterity being a common stat that each class only utilizes differently; So - "Dex Level" would be what your ordinary "Character Level" were in a classic RPG.

Now - this is at least my perspective on doing creative work. Although ... not entirely. It changed a bit since I've come to be more around people that also have creative ambitions; Which changes things once more - in a variety of ways though. Some to the better; And others for the worse. In general though there are two ways. There is the "creative being together"; Which doesn't even have to be about doing anything - and is rather about some exchange of thought. Then there is what I would call "the producers criticism" - which I do have rather mixed feelings about. In general though I'm somewhat allergic to it - and thats the main reason why I finally actually consider myself lucky for not having entered foot into that business! You start with one vision - and once the producer is done with it, its kindof something totally different. There is a Level of expressing likes and dislikes, giving critique and suggestions - beyond which those things are just imposed onto the artist. There then the producer becomes the true artist and the actual artist his/her/its tool.
But the artist is to bear the responsibility ... ;) - LOL!
Which isn't ... gonna work out on an ordinary basis because the Artist eventually has entirely different 'visions' - and yet he is somehow supposed to meet someone elses demand with them! Thats ... effectively 'sick'!
Same happens once trying to do something with people that you aren't in line with. Everyone will have their own ideas and be interested in promoting them. So - its eventually a cock-fight where you're either a dick and you win, or you try to be a good person and pass the lead on to those that so despeartely hustle for it. And that environment is as odd to me as it was odd for me to become a butcher!
Just didn't work out!

And so - there's a reason why I'd go along with what George Lucas would come up with saying "Yea, I stand behind that" (him saying that) in terms of a Star Wars movie - rather than what some business executives or 'haters' come up with. I mean - lets face it! They've hated on Lucas so that he voluntarily left the building! "Star Wars Episode 7 - The Tragedy Unfolds". I still remember those that were defending it before the movie came out how a writer who worked on the Empire Strikes Back was on board ... whoop dee fuckely doo. Of course they wanna claim yet that its a good movie!

This is comedy Gold!

I never had to laugh that way before! It just triggered me hard! (at around 2:30/2:33. I watched it like three times before I actually started to 'fake laugh' about it - and then I moved on. I don't know ... can this be real? If not, how deep does the fakery go?)

So, whats a rip-off? Esentially - everything we hear from "the Business"! I mean - the accusation from artists that "the people in charge" want the things that are known to work; Which is just 'rip-off' right in your face! As much as TFA basically ... is Episode IV. The outline couldn't be any clearer! Which ... still induces cognitive dissonance to me!
Its mind-boggling!

How on Gods earth ... ... ...


by: Christopher Nikolaus Sonnberger | 2016.12.21 - 6:33