Ideological Micro Fractures Detected - initializing Diagnosis

Or maybe not ...

I mean - I've been leaning really far out the window as of late ... noting things that may not be as correct as I thought at first. Which is ... like, a recurring theme.

The memory of these things has already faded; And all that's left is the sense of urgency that I had accumulated throughout.
I mean - in regards of protected classes for instance; I'd lean on the side of it being good to maintain that. And I thought that I properly thought about it, but in hindsight it would seem as though not maintaining them might be the right thing to do.

And yea, so ... I feel this as a Micro Fracture of sorts - something along the lines of, I had it a while back ... about how people can just choose to believe in one thing over the other; Thus "debunking" the stuff that's based on the 'idea' that is being disagreed with. Which reminds me that I for a long time now wanted to write about the word, 'to debunk' - as here and there it really just means: I have a different opinion - with literally no real debunking going on whatsoever.

Well, maybe for good measure they'll throw in some different conclusion based on their assumption - it doesn't change that at the end of the day we have to choose. Or not - like, "it's logical" also doesn't really mean as much as that someone thought a thing through to arrive at a good conclusion - and really just means: "I happen to think that way".

I mean - it is at the end however a matter of what we want. And if there's the right thing and you don't want it because you happen to want something else but it's wrong but you wouldn't know because you never cared - sure, I guess ... that's ... what having a choice implies.

"The problem is Choice".

I mean - I could, and for the sake of argument probably should, go on and "answer these questions" - where, to be honest I'm scared and freaked out about ... not having done enough. And in all that it seems as though it doesn't suit me to admit failure of even the smallest kind. Which cascades - depending on the individuals investment or exposure - right down to Antichristianity.

I mean ... there are stopgaps to that cascade. And someone who worked their way through those - to God - may have a clearer idea of what I'm thinking of here. The first thing were that ... God should help me. Then someone may take a thing to say that He doesn't - and then we're moving on to the next step. Like, the next best person perhaps you can mistake for perfect and blessed by God and all that. To then again believe in God - but, people have taken offense in God's decisions for ages now. Isaiah 40 gives us some insight into that. And there's a lot more to go around. Even in the Bible. So, these stopgaps are a matter of ... at which point one, effectively, starts to look past certain things.
I mean, there's that sentence in the Bible: "And God repented". And while some might formulate an inspirational sermon from that, another might go on to talk anti-theistically.

And while it would seem as though it's not a good defense, it is ... however ... something that is.
To me, of course, God just exists. First of all. That statement doesn't change that. It can't. But so, why would God allow such imperfections to exist? I mean, sure, if you want to think in extremes and exist in a binary world - the "evidence" for God's inexistence is right there. I mean, we could also argue that maybe God just isn't perfect - but that idea doesn't fit into that worldview ... I'd argue.

At the end of the day ... a lot of what people get upset over may just be misconceptions. Like, how do you know, that not respecting other people will take us to that better tomorrow? I'm sure that all of a sudden we'd get berated by "but nobody is saying that" types - which is maybe the weirdest way I might prove my point here.

On the off chance however that some people do be saying that, I want to present you with the argument: That Nazi Germany didn't happen because people respected oppressed minorities. And sure, if we want to talk 'conservative' - we could say that people didn't even HAVE pronouns back then. I just had to slap myself to remind myself that reality is a thing.

Well, of course they had they just didn't have people identifying as Fuck/Twats - oh, sorry. Wrong page. There were plenty of people that however were fucktwats.

So yea, maybe these ... Micro Fractures are just problems that I make up for myself. One solved ... plenty more to go. Well, that is, if ... I ought to be concerned of that.

I mean - here's a thing: The way that people often get to say the dumb shit they do - is because people pay them to do so. If you for instance own a TV station - you can pay whomever the F you want to talk whatever the F ... . It may be a good example of how the whole "Free Market" stuff isn't really working. I mean, it might - but so might a Monkey on a Typewriter reproduce the collected works of Shakespeare. Unlikely? "WHAAAAAT?"
I mean - sure. If some person on TV talks stuff you don't like - you're going to watch something else. But if the person who owns the station just keeps on paying the person anyway - that won't make them go away.

We might call it 'Sadoligarchy'.

And for however much people there are that wanna hear what they have to say, one thing they probably won't say, is that the people who pay them need to be taxed more. And all the things that come with that. I mean, they might dip their toe into that rhetoric every now and then - but at the end of the day they probably get paid to lead you down the opposite path.

And so is there ... innovation with no real purpose. I mean, we can try to figure out how to use the Siri's and the Alexa's and the ChatGPT's for a better tomorrow - just to find how somehow ... things get developed in a way that doesn't really make sense that way. And sure - the blame is, eventually, on "us". Except for that part of 'us' that keeps saying that this is stupid - and ... yea, what else can we do? Not buy things for the rest? Well, I'm sure some people would love to tell us that this is stealing. And us telling you to not buy this or that ... is advocacy for theft. It sure is a bit hypocritical - but ... anyhow.

Preliminary Report

I'm ... like, sick of this. The end.