Protected Class

Actually I was thinking of some programmer joke here, but ... I figured I rather not dive down that rabbit hole.
I ... no. Let's just say it makes no sense and that's good enough.

Ay ... the temptation ... .

Anyhow. There's a lot I want to write about - but most of it is lost somewhere in the depths of my mind. It's a weird thing - and I have to assume that most people technically know this condition; Although their consciousness isn't evolved to the point of being bothered by it as much as I am right now.
And yea - maybe that's also a matter of having a calmed mind ... enough so that the many different "things" can have any meaningful effect on it.

I think however that this isn't an inconceivable image. Believe it then or not - I think it is something some might deem worth aspiring towards.
Somehow related perhaps is an insight I had recently; Concerning Individuality. I've had it, on and off, about Nature versus Nurture - and while the thing might be understood well enough, to my understanding it's still a one up to phrase it as such: That life is full of impressions - generally too many for any one to fully respond to all of them - supposing then, that the individual; The Nature side; Will extract from it what it finds correspondence with.
I mean - some people might grow up a certain way and ascribe the way they are to that upbringing. And undoubtedly does upbringing; The Nurture side; have a huge impact on the individual. Say, "in the olden days" and still today, it might impart skills and experience onto the individual. Further beyond that there's a matter of timing and processing time - further blurring the nature argument - but at the end of the day will we get to individuals that had a similar upbringing but turned out entirely different.

And the moment we try to seriously engage with that insight - well ... we eventually also have to solve gender issues; If that were yet to be a problem for some reason.

And so, doing a bit of a skippy jump, we get to the matter of protected classes - a thing that some people have taken great offense in. On a related note: During my adventures on Reddit I stumbled upon someone making the argument, that censoring the N*word is a bad idea as that only empowers the discriminatory nature of the word. And I thought that this was nonsense. I mean, I can see where that idea is coming from - arguing that it's mostly a feeling that might be a topic for another day - but overall the censoring of that term is to inhibit an already rampant/widespread, implicitly derogatory usage of the word. To so say, that we shouldn't ... . And whatever the affected people do with it - whether they wanna use it or not - that is ... none of our business.

But so was born the concept of ... let's call it 'protected speech'. I mean, we can take it this way, where it describes certain aspects of speech that are protected. Class privileges perhaps. And because white folks seem to be growing upset over how all this progressivism seems to leave them out, I propose that matters of civilization - at least here in the west - is protected speech for white folks. After all, like it or not, most of what we understand to be civilization is theirs. Whether it's all good or not. Maybe the definitions need to yet be fleshed out ... not my problem right now.
But no. Brainfart. The concept of ... things we should not say in order to protect a group from the intended or unintended consequences of so called 'harmful speech'. As so a way to self-censor in favor of a better tomorrow. Which we yet have to get to it would seem.

In this regard - the concept of 'protected classes' was born. Groups of people that would be protected by the law - against discrimination. I'm not sure how this is here in Germany; As we simply have article one of our "Foundational Law" - which states that the dignity of human beings shall be inviolable - and it kind of does a lot of heavy lifting so we don't need to really juggle around with much of the details.
But ... to the less enlightened people (smurks in German XD) - protected classes it is. And sure, it may be a helpful context. Or deceiving. I mean, if we say "the dignity of every human shall be inviolable" - everyone is part of the same protected class and we can settle on developing what that is. But eventually there are still groups that get like ... special treatment. Some people might take offense in that; And so we're back to protected classes.

Now - in that regard - I'm part of a practically protected class. So, what's it like? Well - I can tell you, that if your wellbeing depends on some baseline of respect that isn't just yet inherently a given ... it's weird if that is put up for debate. On the one side it's cool that people would 'consider it' - but beyond that it's a bit uncomfortable when people try to unconsider it.

Now, we understand that there's a bit of a transphobic mass-hysteria going around like a pandemic these days; And in the wake of it women have also suffered nerfs to their privileges - but not due to our existence, mind you. I don't know how much I yet have to beat on that horse until it's finally dead - or if it's already dead. I kind of feel though that I can ... just take it as such and practically resurrect it as a Zombie. Uhm ...
At least for here. It's so dead.

So - to move on - we might want to imagine a future in which things have finally calmed down within reason. So, this is somewhat adjacent to the parts of the previous writing - yea, uhm - so ... that. I mean, apparently the idea of what that future would be like is still somewhat controversial - although I keep on hearing that everyone is all for "live and let live" and all that - so, color me a bit confused.

It should be an interesting metric. I mean, the talk we do now is to eventually translate into the reason of tomorrow - and so, based on what everyone is saying these days - even if they don't really mean to 'say' what we 'hear' - we might hope for some kind of color blind future. For instance. On our behalf - we might hope that medicine is eventually advanced enough so we wouldn't have to disclose that our Gender assigned at birth isn't the Sex we present by. These days we also wouldn't necessarily want to disclose that, but because Medicine isn't that good just yet, we kind of have to disclose it; If it isn't just obvious - naturally leaving out those that pass.

And I don't know what the problem with that would be. Sure there's the idea that we're somehow transing the kids - and I'm sure that conservatives are hard at work to dig out evidence for that. I keep on hearing these stories - stories that I have a hard time believing as I'd have to agree that it's a bit wild. Like ... children getting butchered? Sure, I'm a bit facetious here - but in as far as that's literally something that is said in all actuality - I have to say that being against child mutilation doesn't make you a conservative per se. If you however equate child mutilation to gender affirming care ... yea, that's ... something that would make you a conservative - in my book at least - and ... it's on the page of "stupid things that conservatives believe for some reason".
I mean - I've heard about the KOSA bill recently - which would require social media platforms to be cautious of the mental health of underage users of their platform. Cool. I'm all for it. But now on the one side people say that gender affirming care does improve mental health; And on the other side people argue that it enforces a mental illness. And what it now is - might depend on which place you live in and ... I suppose it's a different topic but you might as well ... let the information do its thing for a bit.

So - the better tomorrow. We've recently learned about transitions - and transitions are just a universal reality. Between any two points in time and space there's like a line we could draw that transitions from one state to another. And we can so also think about the past and that hypothetical future. I would argue that in that future we would want to be rid of all our stupid little shit issues - issues of which we get more and more the further we moved into the past.
And so the question is: Does the maintenance of protected classes help us close the gap towards that better tomorrow?
And one answer is: Within the framework of the better tomorrow - as applied to how things are today - certain groups just happen to be protected classes. To say that society has ill tendencies towards certain things - and those would have to go away for that better tomorrow to be what it ought to be.

I mean - I get that I'm no perfectly passing woman/sex-doll/barbie/fuckslut/beauty-queen/whatever - but getting laughed at and such doesn't change that I'm feeling better as a scarecrow of a woman than I ever felt as however deeply immersed into my default sex.

Anyhow - so, what I'm trying to say is that this "special privilege" some think we have ... is really just an attempt at approximating what should be normal - and possibly re-enforcing that by legal means. The irony of the uproar against that is, that by arguing against it - they really just re-enforce all arguments made for it. If on the other hand everyone would just accept that - and us trannies could just be accepted - it would be a lot easier to shit on us if we deserved it; Or even when not. I mean, that's just a thing. I mean - there 100% are places here in Germany where Turks and Germans throw words at each other that would make some US American SJW freak the F**K out - but all within margins of friendly banter. That is because the animosity between Turks and Germans ... while in some places perhaps volatile ... is far from a universal experience. Ontop of that more often than not I see interracial solidarity - to say that what systemic racism there is left to speak of; Is really complicated to address. Not like in the USA where the complication simply arises from an abhorrent unwillingness to culturally embrace things such as compassion and solidarity.

And this conservative mind-virus that gets people thinking about being concerned and scared of that plethora of maybes ... I don't like it. And I want my presence in this world; My impact, my legacy - to be with those that stand and stood against it. I would hope that my work eventually is so crisp and clear that I could just lean back and watch while people absorb it and find their way into the better tomorrow. And therefore I right now also really don't want to argue any further.

And so - since I also don't really feel like writing a whole lot today ... I'll leave it at that.


- Everything is woke! If it isn't - it's bad and needs to go away!

- At some points we really got to ask: If you're not an athlete ... are you even trans?

- By some definition I'm a heterosexual fetishistic transvestite - but I don't think it's quite as descriptive as 'lesbian trans-woman'.

- I got to ask: Should we be OK with a world in which we ought to be what others want us to be?

- Dark Souls 2 gets all its hate because it isn't as much a 'real' Dark Souls game as it is more like a 'Soulslike'. .