Vanity | at war with "the Red Pill Movement"

Basically I wouldn't wanna give this whole "Red Pill Nonsense" much attention. Frankly, I don't care to know enough about it to properly care. But I suppose I still have to weigh in on some issues.

Naturally, first of all, there's the problem of the Matrix and the associated symbology. If I told you, that J. Petersson, D. Trump, M. Walsh and co. are panhandlers of the Matrix (overlords) - I've done as much in terms of argumentation as we get from them to the contrary. And respectively I hold it for true - so, now I just edged ahead. And technically it's not that difficult. What is difficult, is that their rhetoric basically drives people to dig themselves into ideological pits that we now are somehow tasked with digging them back out of.

And if this:
is as much as it takes ... then I'm really not equipped to do so.

There is however much talk about how the left may have forsaken men, or how boys don't grow up to become men anymore - and ... yea. In as far as it is difficult to not slide into mockery about the subject matter, I suppose it is hard to deny that "they" have very well been forsaken by someone. Or something. But what can one do? For, it would happen to be the bullshit they've been fed that led them to adapt these philosophies that are part of this system of control they're so upset about.

I mean, to make it as simple as I can: their idea of growing up into the role of a man, is to subjugate women. And the way this is to look would depend on ones cultural background. Some would think of the kitchen, other's of a breeding den, yet others a Brothel or Harem or Cam-studio. Simultaneously they rant about "Groomers" but fail to recognize each and every instance of people of their own fold being guilty of it for the red flag that it most certainly is.

And to my dismay I must also come to terms with the fact, that from some angle, I have a lot more in common with them - ideologically - than your ordinary leftist. So much to the point, that I have to actively resist being appropriated by that insidious culture - while however also not betraying myself in the process.

This ideological overlap ... does however make for something worth writing about. Where first of all: The apparent synergies or commonalities are superficial and irrelevant.
It's ... getting it backwards.

It is getting it backwards - similar to how they don't see that they're the real sodomites.

There is something fundamentally wrong with their approach on society and culture at large - that the ends they arrive at cannot be considered to be a redeeming factor in any way.

The problem can be compared to the problem with the Borg. And similar ... entities throughout fiction. I think there are some instances that highlight the conflict of interests a lot better than Star Trek does - a lot more to the point - but going with the Borg is easy enough.
So, the Borg and similar entities base their actions on a given philosophy. Unity, absence of crime, efficiency - all things that we would generally deem good and responsible and such. And while technically it might be difficult, without "Plot Advantage", to say that their execution of it is flawed - we would still ... deem it fair enough to try and resist.
The matter in all simplicity being, that the foundation - the "heart" if you so will - of where this ideological "good" comes from ... is somewhat "bad". Bad hereby being an assessment from 'individuals' that "for some reason" don't want to be turned into drones.

Sure can this metaphor be applied onto any ideology - but, for real life, there's something we might call 'internal consistency'. Well, granted: Any ideology can deem itself internally consistent. But what people have brought up at numerous occasion is the idea of 'maximizing freedom' and 'minimizing harm'. Hereby we come to an internal consistency that applies to the most amount of people. Conversely, anything or anyone that offers less - but means to do so by force - is very easily identified as a threat.

And, it isn't hyperbole to speak of it in this way. When they talk about women, they imply that women 'want' to be forced into happiness - as it were. When they talk about trans-sexuality, they imply that they 'need' to be forced into happiness. And whether or not any one of them agrees with the other or does call for violence doesn't matter, when these are the carrots dangled in front of their heads.

So is there the matter of the Ninedom. I mean, when we want to talk about my overlap with that culture - we first get to Clarity; And by virtue of that we get to the Ninedom. I mean, my transformation from Christian Zaelot to Sex-Slave Prostitute is real. Give or take. Now would I much prefer if 'we' could openly participate in things such as Church rather than being outcasts - and that sure is part of the concern. But - it's nothing worth specifically focusing on.
So - the ninedom. Who gets in gets in - and who doesn't, doesn't. And if not for a lack of trying - there would be reasons. For why one - so the supposed issue - wouldn't get in. In the hypothetical we can so simply speak of "the worthy" and "the unworthy" - though I suppose it's one of those comparisons that people love to drag through the dirt. In regards of the Ninedom, this separation isn't subjective. It is a very hard line.
If now the question were, why us grown from the Ninedom can have "it" and the rest can't - the answer is simply: No!
Now, if we change the question into why for us grown from the Ninedom it 'isn't' Sin, but for the rest it 'is' - the answer can range from complicated to really simple.

To that end, we move further back - from the Ninedom to Baptism. Or so: the Christian Sacrifice. Christ did speak, here and there, of demands for following him. So, that for once should make it obvious that this 'following' isn't a 'walking behind Him in the physical space'. It is a journey that would require one to put a burden on themselves, to turn their back onto their family perhaps - lots of things that made waiving and sacrifice pivotal elements in most Christian traditions. But more importantly is it about giving up what "keeps you worldly" as to allow yourself to be transformed by the Spirit. This ... 'circumcision of the heart' - as we may call it - also follows the tune of repentance.
Now - if you can't do that; And respectively won't get into the Ninedom - and yet mean to know why you doing the same things we do isn't valued or regarded or such - the simple truth is that you just missed the point in the most literal way possible.

So, as somehow lined out in the past, the thing is, that for the most part the things we do are just things we do. So, there isn't really a right or wrong. Though in the greater context of things there are tendencies and potentials of rights and wrongs that can come with this or that type of thing - and that sure is an angle people want to take as an argument against ... this or that. Saying things like "it's unnatural" or that "it's sexualizing the children"*1 - and although people with high intelligence can defend these positions, they're not really all that smart!
But still - there are just things we do. I mean, we all breathe, we eat and we drink ... some people do sports and some people don't. And while we can speak of the pro's and con's of doing or not doing sports - even to the point of subjecting that to Religious debate - it has at least thus far not been taken as a matter important for salvation. Although reasonable people should be able to see how people might be taking it there. I, quite frankly, wouldn't be too surprised if people actually did. I mean, in this particular frame - we might as well imply as much. And I also think that people generally wouldn't 'hard' disagree with it in the sense that doing sports would be this evil thing that only misogynists do; But ... uhm ... no ... that'd be a stretch ... . Right?

    22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

    Matthew 7

But so - good and bad tendencies. They exist - and I'd compare that to some kind of wheel of fortune. Or misfortune. The thing in question being the central axis - and whether one gets it this way or that way would depend on where they're coming from. But that is overly simplistic.
For - yea - with Sex, among other things, there's also the matter of money and status quo - with that eventually, I'm sure, we get to matters of organized cime ... and ... I'm sure we can add more to this. And as we do I hope it becomes evident why ... the thing itself that isn't innately good or bad has a stronger tendency of being bad - which is why we should take extra care to make sure that we're getting the fundamentals right.

And stuff. It shouldn't be that complicated.
In other words, for I suppose that's something that needs to be spelled out for some reason: the thing itself that isn't innately right or wrong can attract people coming from a lot of different positions leading to a lot of different outcomes. And just because you can - doesn't mean that you should!

To however move away from this for a bit, I also think that people have a very skewed relationship with or concept of wealth. I mean, one thing that struck me is that from watching TV and movies - I would have never guessed that the American system, keyword: Healthcare, is so broken. People, I'd figure, would just naturally assume for instance, that calling an ambulance is like ... free. This is also how it comes accross in the movies. It's almost ... like propaganda.
And sure - making the nonsensical bills that people over there have to pay the subject of any Entertainment might not appear to be appealing; That is assuming that the people in charge even understand that this would be an issue.

And ... it's wild to me ... what runs through my head ever so often in terms of ... things I didn't consider or should have considered. I mean, when we talk about Sex and Orgies and Gangbangs and such - I at first think of community, like Church, or a Club; In simple: People coming together around shared interests OR WHATEVER. I mean, where there's a will there's a way ... it's ... not that complicated. Except in the sense of how a lot of things in this society are more complicated than they should or need to be.
And I suppose a lot of what "I'm missing" in this regard is that people don't properly register the aspects of societal transformation that I advocate for, desire and imply. And so I'm stuck in people's own little minds and frames of reference; That being criminal gangbangers on the one and super wealthy party people on the other hand; And I'm like: "What?".

And it possibly goes on - looking at how things are presented on YouTube that's certainly the case - with how people are like held captive thinking that they might have some part in either of those groups.
So much so, perhaps, even, that when I say "Church", people think of ... like ... Church as ... a group of uptight Christians; Rather than: Place of Congregation for people with shared beliefs.

And there was I thinking, that 'Vanity' might be something I should write about.
It is one of those "bad word instances" - similar to Pride. It's funny, in a way, how J. Petersson will take offense in people using Pride as a positive, while himself talking of Cultural Marxism while (pretending to be) completely oblivious of how he's talking like a Proper Nazi there.
I mean ... we should be making progress; And dipshits like that really don't help!

I mean, sure ... words have meaning. Saying, however, that 'Pride is a bad thing' - is to add a quality to a concept; And as that Concept evolves - perhaps due to the opportunities or wealth or diversity of a time - the quality cannot be as easily maintained. Certainly not to the point that 'is a bad thing' should be inherent to the concept of Pride.

And so is Vanity a matter of appearances. These days I suppose we mostly take it as a matter of ... not being completely ignorant of how one looks. And sure, basic body hygiene. From here one should be able to see, how we can move into different directions about it. So, if we want to go and say that Vanity is bad ... wholesale ... I think we'd have a problem.

And if that's what we're concerned about these days, I'm in no position to write about the deeper nuances of Vanity in context of Clarity - and that is something I actually care about right now ...

But ... uhm, well ...


While Vanity, in a sense of procuring Sex-Appeal, is a somewhat Universal thing - it may happen regardless of context. Yet there is this ... matter of Culture in the abstract as discussed previously; Which, these days and in this context, is dominantly present in shape of Tribalism. And similar to those "bad word instances" - people try to appropriate things for their tribe it seems. I mean, Conservatives certainly like to imply that they are the last bastion of straightness. Which they certainly are not! I mean - from an outside perspective, it all looks pretty gay to me!

So, I might try to limit my Sex-Appeal to not procure an appearance of perhaps trying to appeal to these and those - but, to be fair, I'd leave that to those that have something to gain from dragging me through the dirt. Outside of that it is however difficult to do so, if Sex-Appeal is somewhat intrinsic to my identity. Doubly so - as the matter of trying to convey sexual sense and meaning ... also has an inevitable aspect of Vanity to itself.

So however - the thing that's currently bothering me. And yea, it somehow fits into this context; But not much.

So I'd rather have to write of Envy. The issue with Envy were, that one cannot avoid provoking it - and that is why people should learn to deal with it responsibly. Round about that, Envy can be a good thing - if we don't let it drive us to do bad things. If you learn of a thing you want to have - or be - you can use that in order to grow. Without causing harm.

And anyway - to take offense in God's positioning is silly. Yea, He's described as a Jealous God who did resort to acts of violence to consolidate Himself as such. But what some might describe as Jealousy, I might describe as an unwillingness to be seen as on par with the other "Deities" of the time.
And maybe I'm biased here - and more sympathetic towards that because ... I can relate. But there sure are also limitations to that. It's far from ... rampant and raging jealousy - it's more like an ... "actually".

I suppose the big issue remains however to look forward, not backward. And, perhaps, to "touch grass" - as it were. To see that life ordinarily exists outside of ideological frameworks. As is written:
    And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.

    Jeremiah 31:34

*1: We don't! Just because people 'say' that that's what we do - doesn't make it true. In a similar vein - people end up describing the process of transition in the most gruesome way possible. They speak of mutilation and butchering - and I can see how someone who's absorbing these kinds of rhetorics might think of us as though we're psychopaths. And yet they're the one's insisting on purity of language. But yea, language isn't worth shit if we can't convey critical information - where, if words don't exist we have to make them up and where terms are inadequate we have to expand. It's simple. But not to them it seems.