Potato Wisdom

This is probably not the best term to use, but potato here relates to how it is used when speaking of Graphics, specifically of usually high fidelity 3D Games, where "Potato Graphics" refers to the lowest settings. As saying: Graphics so cheap they could run on a potato.
Or perhaps it just looks like potato mush.

And ... that is in and of itself already a very shallow description, though - one who wouldn't know better might not recognize that. Well ... which is - a thing. It is moreover ... also just a symptom of the time. As in ... time in general.
For - as with Graphics - we can speak of resolution.
Now, what I will - for instance - always criticize atheists/atheism for, is - when it occurs - what we may call 'presentism'. That is: We take modern standards and apply them to matters of the past - arguing that a Wise, Good, Eternal, Infallible God should know those things and tell us as much - as opposed to requiring us to figure that out.

Alternatively, to "Potato Wisdom", we might speak of Second Hand Wisdom. Which is really what the most of it were. I mean ... Cultural Appropriation, now that I think of it so, bothers me greatly. I mean, speaking of Star Wars for instance. Or other "Nerd Things" that eventually got too close to the mainstream - and then got the whole "appeal to a broader mass" treatment. And that really is just one thing - and Potato Wisdom at it's ... "finest".

I mean, sure - technically it's like 'real' wisdom - if you're to profit from it and short term profits are like super cool and stuff like that. It seems fine and logical; And with all that it would be difficult to argue ... "against that". Well, because ... they probably got their head to deep up their own arse.

I mean, like so, "appeal to a broader mass" usually boils down to getting rid of whatever charm something had that made it successful and or endearing in the first place - to basically make it as bland as possible so that nobody could possibly take offense in it - other than horrible human beings. And that's also where this whole ... "diversity" thing ... falls on its nose. I mean ... it's like ... artistic bleach. Like, an ingredient to make it more bland. And part of it is like ... a list of historical "goodie points". Stuff like ... Slavery is Bad, Fascism is Bad, being a complicated Character is Cool, - and so we're getting the ever same thing redigested onto our screens except the colors change.
But yea, it's no accurate science. It's just ... a vibe.

I mean ... passion is one such thing. Passion is good - like, it leads to outstanding artwork - and yet, for all the talk of how much "they" value passion there is, we should also have a lot of outstanding artwork to look upon. So I have to conclude that it's not that simple - and that passion alone isn't everything. It may be important for the individual - but without a proper vision it really ... only contributes to ... well, not that.

Yea ... "vapid" is a term that comes to mind. Potato Wisdom is institutionalized vapidity - we might say.

Maybe it's also cope.
I mean, every individual who made it into a company of renown certainly has a reason to be proud of themselves. And what is it then their fault, if the people in charge ... are absolute dipshits?

And ... who was it? There certainly is an absolute "Boss" speech on the matter I saw at some point. Something about how the marketing people displace people who understand the product and what remains is merely the shell of a company that once understood how to make good product. Ah ... Steve Jobs: ["Diablo 4 Somehow Got WORSE... And So Did Blizzard" by The Act Man @8:37]

But - this isn't to shit on Blizzard. But ... having done that ... I feel like I'm done making my point here. :o

For now at least.