Future Pragmatism

Something I observe with a little bit of uneasiness, is just how far we've come in terms of technological advancement. And ... we may yet need a little more before we can truly advance into the next age - as it were - where in terms of pollution we might also say that we're still stuck in the industrial age. Our relationship with capital would show the same.

And yea - all these "the future is now" type of visions ... they don't really ... work out. I mean, electrical stuff is cool I guess ... but the pollution that the production of those lithium ion batteries produces ... that's not really ... 'it'. And yea, some odd month ago we were all hyped because Fusion ... and yet we're still ... I'm sure ... dumping plastics into the ocean. Now we heard of superconductors ... and ... we'll see. May be a bit too good to be true.

Overall the problem there would be that there's no guarantee that we'd get cleaner just because we have access to clean energy. Maybe it's too expensive - and with that metric, I ... can see why it's useful and overall it's probably a good approximation of how easily or readily available stuff is - but I think we should eventually move away from relying on 'business' for ... the really important stuff. Now, who is to tell what why and how? Well ... we'll just do it - eventually. It's like ... how did we figure out eating as a community if everyone can just have their food for free basically? How does every family dinner not devolve into a complete shitshow, barring political disagreements?

But no. My uneasiness stems from the complexity of modern tech. And it is also a bit of ... a topic these days when we look at climate change. There are these ... we might call them 'sensitive ecosystems'. Things that work but if just one thing is off enough it triggers a chain reaction and we probably don't know the extent of all the consequences. And ... pushing for more and more advanced tech as the society underneath can barely keep up seems to be a sure fire way to lose it all. And the biggest issue is, that technically we have the numbers. It's just that most people seem to be caught up in bullshit jobs just to keep the ball rolling - while nobody even really knows what the ball is or why it has to move. So-to-speak.

Anyhow - I don't really know how stuff fits together, and whatever is technologically possible these days, at the high end, probably only comes at the heels of having good computers. And applying that computational powers to ... stuff. That and highly refined production methods.
And - I have long since been a proponent of developing tech trees. It may be one of those silly stoner ideas; As ... on the one end we don't seem to need more people that know their stuff and on the other there are more than enough folks who are willing and capable of cobbling things together and thus we have things.

That is sure part of how things go - and it's probably OK to say that it's OK - however, a part of why we'd be doing so is because ... you might not know what to otherwise do. If say, half of the work done these days is actually pointless - and a half of what remains being just detrimental (a.k.a. could be done better, possibly with less effort) - there's three quarters of people on earth that would have to ... change. And yea, realistically - a change as fundamental as that would have a ripple effect on everything. So ... one way or another - I suppose we wouldn't even know where to begin.

But - here's a thing: In gaming - most dominantly in Factorio I suppose - there's this concept of "the starter base". In Minecraft that'd be your first dirt hut in which you'd collect your bearings before moving on to some 'actual' thing. And depending on how much you could explore - that 'real' thing might also just be a temporary thing.
Anyhow - so, right now - all of civilization on this planet is basically like a Starter Base gone haywire/rogue. It's terribly inefficient and all that - so, it's ... hmm. No, we need to first consolidate into a starter base before we can move on - it seems.

And right now ... there's the issue of even convincing people. And where to start with that? :/...hmm.

Well ... Long story short - as in, skipping to the end, I propose we create like 'the actual' Starfleet - with the whole (copyrighted/appropriated) Starfleet Delta; And with that we'll bounce all these wannabe space forces off the table. For the start we don't even need much of a Space program. And also it isn't to be mistaken for - take the "Space ... uhm" Logo from Legos - . We can for the time being see it as a challenge to even just get settled in. Like, perhaps, in Factorio - where all sorts of stuff has to be built before we can have a space program; And until we can have an actual Starfleet it sure is just LARPing - but ... whatever.

Anyhow - I'm right now distracted by something else.
