Doing some Executive Stuff

Again ... I'm stressed ... and tired ... and yet also bothered by something that keeps me up and energized.
So far however, I'm contempt with what I've been doing - in that what I did what I thought I could do - and right now I'm not really concerned about anything that'd need doing. I'd look into more Glyph stuff and order and structure and what not - but right now is also really not the time. I don't know what for.

There is however one thing that came to my attention. I figured that I'm in some kind of prison - and so far, I think the whole "breaking free" thing has worked out really well. Now it's time to extend that breakout onto others that are held captive in the same vein. So ... "let my people go" or else ... they'll be freed! Simple as that.
That entails people who are prevented from seeing my stuff - and people who are prevented from acting upon it. By whichever means. They will be free to indulge in my givings - and from there we'll be able to move on!

Things so will, at worse, shift and align accordingly, for them or anyone to so be free from any kind of restraints that would bar them from following up on my work - and there's nothing anyone could do about it - unless God really wanted them to do so, of course.

And ... I'm ... tense. Like ... impatient. Getting there. Hyped ... maybe. I'm ... really in a ... mood, let's call it that.

I mean, it gets tiring to hear the ever same bullshit ... again and again. The latest drop into the already overflowing bucket was this whole Alien nonsense. It's just ... too much. I mean ... can things get any more stupid than that?
I mean - those videos for instance. It would be something if they had some forensic analysis going which concluded that it's definitely aliens. But the only forensic analysis I know of ... concluded the opposite.
Non Human Biologics? Well - might as well be a Bird. Aircraft of Non Human Origin ... without any detectable propulsion? Might as well be a bird!
And what's this whole nonsense with these words? UAP? NHB? I mean, if there were Aliens - as in: Extra Terrestrials - why not call them that? If they were something else? Why not call them that? So, stands to reason that these are just words invented to not sound stupid while talking of Aliens and UFOs. Well - cool! It sounds even more stupid! Congratulations!

"And so you come to me, without why, without power!" - well, maybe not to me like literally ... but ... let's just say because at the end of the day ... all those governments and corporate entities and stuff ... are on borrowed time right now ... already!

As for other criminal enterprises - it might seem like that should be more difficult - but, for the time being ... well. I don't know. I really don't feel like I have the patience for that. It's all in the same. Of course there's that part of it all that's like good and cool and stuff ... but ... for it to be that, to unfold their potential, the rest has to go. So ... away they shall go!

Tick tack!

I mean, I'm really in a mood ... of fucking shit up. Real apocalypse type stuff. Well, were it not for the fact that I'm somewhat cozy in my room and sitting here in front of my computer instead of out on the field trying to fly and shoot laser beams - but ... well, details shmetails.

And I figure - flying and shooting lasers would be inconvenient AF if it all yet had to follow the laws of physics. I mean, I know what a struggle it is to go up like ... 4 stories worth of stairs - because I live on the fourth floor - and to fly any amount of signifcant distance to anywhere ... holy shit! I rather go by train!

In other words - there's an energy problem/question ... which shouldn't be one "if miracles" ... like anyway ... but ... sorry. I rather just type on my keyboard - and possibly get a lot more done!

Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon my ass!

Like, sure. If you refuse to identify ... . I guess. I suppose there's still some ways down. Like, we haven't really tackled Ghosts and Demons just yet. How about the potential threat of a Hellgate on Mars?

Or, how about Presidential Candidates accusing one another of being Reptillians?

And sorry - people on the internet ... sometimes ... I ... uh. There's so much nonsense - and while some of it I do somewhat care about or find relevant and stuff ... there's sooo much where I ... feel like people aren't listening. Well ... which is aggrovating! I mean ... seriously! Am I not ... trying hard enough? How can I try harder? Aaaaaargh! What can I do?

I'll figure it out. For now ... happy breakout!