"Faithless" - Part 4: White Genocide

Speaking of conspiracies - there are some that make less sense than others. But also - how much sense a conspiracy makes may depend on your perspective. Or what knowledge you have available. As it is said: Something that looks Mysterious - may just be part of a bigger plan. I'm not sure if there's a movie or a show that ever nailed it - though I think Stranger Things for instance made a pretty good run for it. To set us up in a world that barely made any sense - and piece by piece bringing things together.

I thereby find it hilarious somehow, that to some people - so it would seem - "the Jews" is like ... well ... the God of the Gaps when it comes to conspiracies. Or make it Reptilians or whatever. Like so, I don't know ("just yet") who could or would facilitate such a thing as "White Genocide". Though sure - there are people on the other side scheming on how to bring about some "Final Solution". Now, if we were to believe those, then two things could be established: 1) The Jews are really good at what they're doing - and 2) They themselves SUCK at it!

I mean - I would think that I'm extremely tolerant when it comes to stupid ideas. Perhaps more tolerant than anyone else you might find. At least ... when it comes to reasonable people. I do have an open ear for wild theories - one more open than I would like at times - but because I don't want to go insane I also have to employ some skepticism.
And that skepticism is to differentiate between "stupid but OK ..." and "pAiN". And I get it, I'm not perfect. So - yea - think of experts what you will, they're not infallible.

So, speaking of white genocide - the idea essentially happens to be, that Jews secretly control Governments to let foreigners into the Lands so they can simply out-proliferate the white folks. While in part also mingling with them to so ... "dilute" the white blood in "colored filth" or whatever.
What I find interesting about that, is the concept of "letting people in" - for, I don't think that there are mustache twirling Jews stationed in underdeveloped countries to lure people into our Capitalistic hellholes. We do that pretty much just by buying into the consumerism that's thrust upon us.
So - it's a self-fulfilling prophecy, in that folks that scream "White Genocide" are probably very antagonistic and exploitative themselves - thus starving the "outside world" if you so will of resources so they in turn are struggling to for a better tomorrow. And if you think that it then only takes a Jew to let them in and that's the end of the story - well - it's still ... by your own making.

So, there is an overlap with all sorts of Conspiracy theories that implicated some heinous villainy or at least reckless abandon when it comes to the increasing wealth gap. Nationally (within any nation for that matter) and Globally (amongst nations). Socialists have a simple word for it, it's called: Capitalism.

Us Gnostics, I would hope, are however a bit further than even Marxists on that matter. I mean, maybe it even was about time for that old dusty stuff to get an update anyway. Well - maybe we're not much further - but ... here's a concept that's floating around and is now getting a more proper, in-context treatment: Work-Life Balance.

And with that I don't mean the work-life balance of an individual, but the collective. See: It is quite obvious between US Politics (a.k.a. the Capitalistic Stronghold/Capital) and other developed Nations (a.k.a. "the Socialists"), that Capitalism is somehow anti Union. Anti worker rights. As that, pretty much, enables further exploitation. So you'd hear Americans talk of "incentives" such as "work or die" - while others are more like "work in peace".
So - to say that while everyone has to work anyway - one might as well do a thing or two to enable people having peace with it.

But, with this greater - Gnostic or Esoteric - concept of Work-Life balance, we call upon an abstract concept some might want to call "Gaia". At least ... it's a popular term in fiction when thinking of some ... greater mysterious "Earth Spirit" that's bonding things together in an attempt of greater harmony. Christians might be more comfortable by thinking of the Holy Ghost - where, if you're not comfortable with the Holy Ghost in the context of world ecology and economics as the end of days ought to be nigh - you might be more comfortable with it in terms of guiding or steering world politics - though, with the end being nigh and as prophecies go; That doesn't mean that our leaders are any good. It just means that either way, eventually, things will come to a point ... people may have different opinions about. So, while this particular Holy Ghost might not exist in a context where people think that there's much to be found outside of self-isolating communities that await the Apocalypse - one should yet surmise that the Good of God might extend beyond it. But well ...
Diarrhea ...

So, "let me explain": Work comes in basically two forms: Work that needs to be done - and work as a principle of motion. So, the latter is work that happens anyway - it's part of the day to day or even second to second stuff that's going on. The former is work that has to be deliberated upon - and followed up with the same. And there is a bit of an overlap at times. Like so - building a house is work that needs to be done - but for construction workers it's more like just the principle of motion.
Nowadays however, a lot of the work that "needs to be done" boils down to earning money. Which, in other words, means: It's pointless. Because: Earning Money - doesn't actually do anything - and in terms of Crypto Currency it's even harmful for the environment.

I mean - some people literally earn money by chipping away in Video Games ... to sell in-game resources to people who don't have the time or the patience to do so. And I don't care how much of a Quality of Life service deserving of some of your wealth one might think that is - it almost literally doesn't do anything. And what it does falls squarely into concepts of 'waste'. Waste of energy, money and time.
Actually it's a bit of a business it would seem. A business ... that larger Corporations figured out they wanted to have a part of too - and since then ... they disabled in-game trade and sold you all the crap from some overpriced online shop instead. You know ... "premium currency".
And sure - with inflation ... they now also have that excuse. I mean, growing maintenance cost I can get behind.

Also, in Capitalism one does also not even really 'earn money' as much as ... helping others become rich. Unless you're an employer of course ... where, I think there's these and those. There are the manager types that almost exclusively - I'd say - get paid for doing nothing - and there's the naive type that really tries to do right by people. And probably stuff in-between. Anyhow, I don't mean to offend anyone here - the point is just: "Earning Money" shouldn't be a 'needs to be done' kind of work.

Building good infrastructure, creating healthy environments, fortifying against the chaos of nature, maintaining life quality - those are works that need to get done. However - Capitalism - well ... it thrives on not doing that. Because ... any penny that is spent on something that doesn't pro-active produce income ... is like a waste in its eyes.

On that basis, I also think that child labor is a sign of poverty. It's probably a counter-intuitive claim, but it's poverty in a sense. I'm sure, for instance - without having any data to back that up - that the prevalence of child labor is higher, the poorer a nation is. And how is that?
One would think, that a nation that can employ children does overall employ more people than a nation that doesn't. A nation that employs children would therefore have all sorts of benefits over one that doesn't - such as increased productivity.
Now, while I do think that it's OK to allow underage people to work - I also think that this is only true for very specific types of work. Almost ... like ... we could categorize jobs and duties that way. But that's a different topic.

So, I'd suppose, that the reasons for this correlation aren't directly visible. Say, adults that are too lazy to work - that would increase child labor and maintain poverty. Also: Very low wages - as: when the labor of adults alone isn't enough to sustain a living - then the children have to work also, cutting them off from getting an education, for instance, thus ... further maintaining poverty. Poor worker protection rights would also be a reason, though also a consequence. It's like the shackles on any economy.
Understanding that you're appreciated as worker would encourage more people to do fine - than the constant stress of the threat of getting replaced.

Anyhow, so: The Greater Concept of Work-Life balance is to maintain a mode of living whereby the needs of work are in balance with the needs of life. As simple as that.

"Wild Concept!"

Like so, it's also wild to shout "immigrants take our jobs" allthewhile it's merely by technological progress that work falls by the wayside. And yea, maybe there are people that come from abroad because they did good at school - it's then not them who took your job, but your underperformance. And on the other hand there's the jobs you wouldn't want to do. And a good chunk of either is probably on the "needs to be done" side of things. Leaving you ... with a rather pointless job at best.

So, speaking of who does and who doesn't contribute to society ... .

Whatever the details, suppose - at least - that the majority of work done is only done to "Earn Money". And it doesn't really do anything. That would mean that a lot of people have more disposable income than the economy would actually contain. That alongside dwindling resources would mean that at some point you couldn't afford living all that much anymore. And Dwindling resources here might just be a consequence of the kind of work that is to be done.
But so, with an overabundance of money - there has to be an overabundance of goods to buy. Else we might figure that it's pointless. I mean, imagine "back when" a thing you bought had to last for decades. Nowadays ... or some while ago ... people were like ... buying two new phones a year or something stupid like that. But I start sounding like a broken record ... .

So, let's then - maybe - also think about Incels for a moment. Or, well ... "the Manosphere" that - as they say - only helps young men to get a perspective of life. Sure, and what perspective would that be? That all these things we just discussed - never even thinking of young men - is the fault of feminism.

No, feminism - I'd say - is the consequence of us having accomplished a certain degree of wealth. Something that a lot of people have learned to embrace - but the market forces didn't really follow. They are currently, like ... going the other way it seems.
But sure - as there are stupid men, there are stupid women. And by stupid women I here don't mean women that suck up to stupid men, although ... yea, they really are the loudest when it comes to promoting the "a man without money is worthless" lifestyle. And yea, I agree, that a woman - when given a choice - has the privilege of choosing whom to get knocked up by. At least ... most of the time; I'd hope. And what remains doesn't have to be rape either; It can just be stupidity employed by either if not both parties involved.

Now, the end-goal here - if you believed in Love - were to promote a kind of common wealth in which one could focus on the good sides of life rather than ... swimming through a shark-tank each day, as it were.

This narrative also applies to privilege. The privilege that is nowadays often mentioned as a negative is ultimately a consequence of unequal opportunities and distribution mechanisms. It is product of a kind of isolation that compartmentalizes society by class - where now "class bubbles" maintain a certain disconnect from other living conditions. Slavery gives us insights into that; As a Slave is almost by definition afforded much less than the people they serve afford themselves. And if that were the definition of Slavery, then Capitalism were an Institution of Slavery.

So yea, if you want to be a man - first try figuring out what needs to be done. And don't listen to dipshits on that matter. Uhm ... to say, that ... the forces that really emasculate men these days ... that's not liberalism. It's the same as always: Capitalism. You know, like ... how the ancient Capitalists literally castrated some their servants.
Well, it's a bit of a stretch of an allegory, but ... it works.

I mean - if you worry that we need to reproduce more ... I'd say: Trust Gaia. If it's only your ballsack that's itchy however - well, I'd do the same, just ... the thing is, I think, that Gaia is in a bit of distress these days.

And - maybe I missed a few things or could have been more thorough, but ... I'm done for the day. So ... yea ... that's that!