Jesus was a Woke man

When it comes to Jesus' politics - as by His lifetime - as pointed out before, He was pretty ... apolitical. His concern was the Kingdom of Heaven - and that was His take on what we might call "Ancient Liberalism".
By "Ancient Liberalism" I'm thinking of people who looked beyond the Status Quo of the time - trying to find more Universal Truths that would stand beyond national, ethnical and religious boundaries.

Buddhism for instance.

Christianity and Buddhism may appear to be very different from one another - yet this difference merely exists on basis of worldliness versus otherworldliness. While Buddhistic thought focuses on the material world as the place to find peace in - Christian thought focuses on "Paradise".
As opposed to popular belief, did Jesus not give us a list of rules that we must obey in order to enter Paradise. While there is a Doctrine nad also Rituals with Rules - the focus is nonetheless on the quality of human thought and behavior. So, depending on who you think gets into paradise - determines what qualifies as Christian advocacy here on earth.

In the forefront of that messaging - as found within the Bible - is the concept of God's Mercy and Forgiveness as prioritized over the rule of Law. Also is the God of the old Testament shown to exist beyond the strict dogma the Bible implies of the time - such that He would yet assist Sinners and Foreigners pretty much without condemnation. A habit that the workings of Jesus further perpetuated.

He was surrounded by both men and women - and since He also spoke against the institution of the Family when it comes to salvation, that falls in line with the observation that we don't read of men that are being |placed above| the women that were with him.

But - that aside, did the Gospel further go out to all nations. Some might even say: Unto all Flesh. Hereby His disciples are encouraged to 'not Judge' - and the Parable of the Weeds among the Crops further illuminates, that whatever evil we might conceive as in need of removal, we are to leave there.

So, finding unity with all that can be in Paradise - was Jesus' approach to "Ancient Liberalism". And while He most certainly was unwoke regarding the socio-political conditions of the time - wokeness yet follows from understanding 'the Kingdom of Heaven'.