
The Vault Guide

The Ranks and Systems within Enlightenment

A - The Philosophy of Ascencion

In first place we are all here, waking up after the Vision so at the hat of the Old Man. We know of a Temple and Confusion, a Sanctuary at the Mountaintop, and something like a dark ending wherein our existence is being described.

In that place with these strange figures we have an example of a System, a hierarchy and order that supports its ways in freedom to contradict in matters of the Truth. Each fulfills a certain purpose or so at least 'the critic' takes up the role of throwing jokes at all those that "walk on straight paths" to say "hey, all that go 'that' way are Morons!" while next you are welcome to join one of these groups or you are just whipped into the Temple.

Some might say that it are our pleasures and desires that keep us there, but wouldn't we all find a way to say: "Were it just that good!"? Or wouldn't we otherwise betray ourselves that when we claimed to search for wisdom we had to let go of them? But naturally it is a legitimate concern! Eventually one has to let go of the one things to come and know the others. Metaphorically we might as well run around in circles - where there is a neat Episode of Star Trek Voyager. Therein Kes steps into a biogenic force-field and collapses, being about to Die. In order to save her, Janeway has to contact "The Spirits" by undergoing some ritual and it is believed that the ritual provides Bio-chemical changes that will be the key to curing Kes. In the end however the story plays a trick on Janeway, forcing her into a step of faith. (Season 3 Episode 7). The pronounciation of things is thereby clearly on "just another Scan" ... which is why all of those things are primarily the least of all concerns.
That works as we focus on the things that don't need to be weighed out that way. First, if possible, taking finite, cognitive, solidary, consolidating and decisive steps. It is to say that "the Law/Rule"(s) of 'ascension' best resonate with the natural progress because this way one isn't forced into a bad spot. There if we so take Christians and Muslims as primary example, so, two groups of which many say that they are in-consolable to each other, would equally be pointed onto a nautral spot from where Reality defines itself. If both groups remain to be differential to each other at first, we can speak of a sphere of void information that so has two gates. Though we are basically speaking of the same "gate", the access point is yet different. While the gate so has its own front plaza, an internal stance towards the things those two groups believe in, that doesn't need to be primarily important.
So, as the individual takes a step closer to God - in reality - he should gain a Rank, sotospeak.

Ranks effectively though are a worldly way of comparing two units in correspondence to a measurement; Where worldly now isn't to say 'entirely without value', but more like 'in certain ways flawed'. This flaw however takes place as the worldly sphere tries to comprehend a progress that ties into a reality beyond itself, but still takes place - although in an individual manner - within the same. So we can simply begin to measure in time, while what an individual now accomplishes in which given time-window is a different matter. Worldly is here however also a way of saying 'physical' or 'coherent'. It is the basis on which we translate our will into actions. Thus as there is a physical way to go, there are those that are provided by God which also tie us into the general Ranks we can achieve. First of all however everything up to the process of Unification is trivial - it is only to mark locations along the way to the entrance. They manifest as they grow, and the way they manifest is to help comparing the individuals Position within the System.

B - Overview of the General Ranks