back| The Phosphorus Crisis


Things concerning our Future

In a manner ...

Whereby Knowledge changes our attitude of approaching things

Wherein the irony now resides that the moment I use 'serious' colors my mind is like a switch got flipped and now I can only think sexually. So yea, in some way this actually is "Always Neon [3]", whereto I am now generally set-up to basically convey a non-sexual matter within sexual ones. The thing is that per writing I got to the point where I can settle on two elements. The one is "the Point", the other is "the Metaphors"; While in general I yet don't bother by such - simply so to maintain Freedom.

I generally do have this feeling as though I were blinded, I did so while writing 'Always 2', but just now the picture came to my senses that it could be like cum covering my face. But that is 'half-assed' "knowledge", just like anything about the Phosphorus Crisis that you read here but don't really know of independently - like that Phosphorus is an essential Element to ascertaining our Food supply.

I have heard of it as part of a presentation where someone presented a discovery whereby plants have been "infected" intentionally with a certain fungus that grows at the roots, nourishing itself of the plant, while however growing its own roots through which it in turn also nourishes the plant. That is called symbiosis, where now the fungus receives of the plant what it needs to survive while also supporting the plant with what the plant needs to survive. Thereby 'scientists' have been capable of increasing the amount of Phosphorus the plant 'draws' from the ground, thus producing a more effective 'yield' with lesser requirement to mix phosphorus into the fertilizer; Thus reducing 'phosphorus waste'.

Knowledge 1: Phosphorus Crisis. Result: Being more cautious and curious in regards to certain things.
Knowledge 2: Fungal Symbiosis. Result: Understanding how now combined efforts can make it happen that we need to worry less.

The latter is already 'in complexity' - so - me simply formulating about it how magnificently ever doesn't change anything at all unless the 'combined efforts' can be properly communicated and then formulated. So, if I told you that here and there people already do this and that; Then you could relax and say to yourself "Like" or "Dislike" - but otherwise 'that' bit is missing, yet, how to formulate that within an article that ... should proposedly make you want to do something specific?