
Essentially, if we wanna have an argument that is about more than between you and I, but held on the Level in favour of our community/kindred - then I have to say that we are arguing about Understanding. If we're arguing as between you and I, sorry, but - in that sense the virtual Chair I'm to sit on were empty. Neither is it you or anyone out there that has the right to say on which Level I should direct my attention! If anyone thus argues against me - aside of literally personal arguments - it is either a welcome exchange of information or someone that doesn't want me to argue on that Level; As though I wouldn't have the right to do so? Or - as though I'd be too stupid to do so? Well - either way.

Understanding - is to say: I understand something about the Gospel - and someone else might understand something about it different than me. To say that God is on my side is however saying that I'm blessed to understand and do have the heart to be worthy of that blessing. Since that is a simple cosmic Law the argument were to reside on the matter: How to know on which side God is standing?
That is a matter of each individual to sort out where I defend my own oppinion - and in that regard I am free to take a look at counter-stances and to write what I have on mind about them.

My side is with the Testimony - the counter-stances are to get along without it and thus they are to somehow make it possible to proof Gods stance without it. One possible way is to see Him as the Ruler and Authority upon the Universe and thus being capable of making something like "the Seal of the One" a thing. What I constantly see in the "Magic Mirror" as put up against me is the issue of blessing. Blessing in that is a 'vesselized term' that at first is 'forged' to hold a certain spectrum of ideas and there-after it is occasionally being filled. So, having a talent where the individual is good at something, that may be counted as blessing. And so - that summs up a few things that can be pointed out and are respectively defendable - which means - in some way what I wrote was wrong. So, those flaws are there and now it matters what someone would do with them. It was of course part of the whole writing that I was defending myself against a certain correspondence to me. At first I want to get to the end and take the issue of "Am I crazy or not?". I can look at the Story of Yang Luchan and think to myself: Well, it is pretty conclusive. It seems to be a boulder within Chinese History and so the story of how Taijiquan became popular in China is easily answered once taking it into account. (The english wiki holds a much deeper article than the german one).
To further assume that I thought really that Abel does do Tai Chi - disregarding that I might understand that what he does is more like not Tai Chi than it is - that is possible - alright - but so is the matter of depth allowing me to yet point out a certain connection. It would encourage a person to look at Abel and to think. What do I mean by saying that Abel does do Tai Chi?
Quasars or Blazars - those further are a thing that nobody is really 100% sure about! So, if someone were to mock me on that, that person would suggest that I study Astrophysics first and before I even think of mentioning the word I better be sure that I do have all the math to 100% backup my statements. In the same I shouldn't even be required to point out that someone who so mocks me on that should be required to do the same, otherwise the mocking is futile and hence I don't need to let myself be bothered by it.

So - OK? I however have my reasons for saying or writing what I do, and if someone has a problem with that, needing me to only speak or say something when certain conditions of it are met - then well - I might again take out the "how about you?" returning-the-favour joker. It is however so that the more contra I yield on those issues, the more they push out the idea that I'm crazy or out of my mind, the more they produce an entirely nonsensical image of me that then when put into the context of blessings might work around the edge of telling me that I'm unblessed to the point where it should be evident that God can't be on my side.


I'll make it to a habit of mine or - hobby - to return favours as they align to what I regard as within my rights. I see and acknowledge that I'm a human being and thus not perfect. So, I'll be flawed now and then - but so 1st - I pushed out an oppinion that isn't entirely backed up by facts. Big deal? 2nd I pushed out an idea that people may think about, finding it enlightened or interesting although in the end it might as well be entirely nonsense. 3rd I reflected upon the Universe in the way I see it although I have nothing to really support it with.

It so stands clear that once the matter of blessings has been twisted to a point where my talents can't be counted as talents - I can't take that stance seriously! Gospeed!

1st: Understanding History to an eudcative degree
2nd: Seeing connections between Abstractly organized compounds
3rd: Science Fiction!

Stardate 55290.77982