Everything below the 'Politics for Sure?' headline is basically bullshit - not saying that its nonsense - but it is, well, just following up on things.

The Logic of World Peace

So, this is the 'cold' approach to the Story. To Elaborate: What the 'hot' version would be - meaning to distanciate myself from the 'right' and 'wrong' concept as labels on top of both respectively - is the summary of what I come to make sense of in approach of my emotional ... stuff. I hate to explain what I did or why I did if at first I have provided my own reason to get into it and assume that the reader might understand. The point is that this is, my oppinion, science. I explore and elaborate reasoning - thus presenting my 'oppinion' basically, where I mean to put that into the context of Literature. If you don't understand something it is of course a constructive critique to point something out. If I wanted to write a Screenplay for instance I'd appreciate any productive suggestion to further improve the quality of the content. But here you're finding me trying to explain something, and explaining the explenation as a method - that is just too much. Its like explaining the word 'something'. If you don't (want to) understand it - well, sorry - but ... I don't care then!

So, 'emotional' is the basis of the 'hot' approach. I assume that you understand the fundamental logic of my approach into this subject; And while there yet might be the mangle that it has no logical 'final sense' that isn't based on an emotional argumentation to it - well, I'm about into the same issue when I try to reason 'cold'. So, that afterwards there is no 'final sense' to say that it is what you 'must' do. Well, what you 'must' do - in the final sense so of course - is to worship God and ask Him to answer your questions.

A non-Religious, intellectual Foundation of Peace

For instance. This is what we're getting into when people don't want to ask for one - or similar issues - thus - simply thinking of an intellectual solution that doesn't require any Faith. But what is there on top and why? If I acknowledged an Atheist leadership I would hope that it gave the believer enough space to what he believes in. I however have to say that I believe that Atheists are entirely incapable of a fair leadership, and now - what?

Now we got the same problem in a different variety of colors. Now we wonder: What is this one religious leadership going to be? We got ourselves a 'Multilemma' - multiple dilemmas at once - and we might try to approach the issue within reason. So, what reason can we have to get that sorted out? In the end there are only two really outstanding individuals: The Antichrist and me. But, lets put that into the 'ignore it' tab. But, its in about onto an issue - so - between two parties that argue against each other it so used to happen that the battle for winning over the majority turns into mocking on the others. This produces what I would call 'critical argumentation', so, where only one unlucky formulation is already the ignition to relate to that group as idiotic. While 'logically' all would have to agree - that woulnd't happen because of the ideals that are attached to that party. So we want to settle on a perfect ideal - as goodly as possible - and so I wonder: What about those people that don't want to accept that people accept that there is a God? Or only would do so when those however have nothing to say? So: Pointing out flaws in the reasoning of the other and once sinking below an acceptable Niveau, well, twisting things around to suit the own purpose down to flat out ignorance ... in which case there is only the raw will to persue and eventually military force that is left.

JFK ... what happened? What happened thereafter? Conspiracies ... whats going on? To the skeptics: We do not exist! Simple as that! If there were some Alien race out there like us, they wouldn't believe that we would exist either! That doesn't proof that any Aliens exist, but, so we have a non-confirmable issue. If a column of fire ascended from the sky to show people the way to me - what would happen if people just stiffneckedly called it on Aliens? Well - "telling the Truth"? But how? How do they know? What this expands into is the method of denial. Once a matter is just "too complicated" for us to solve - we - do - what ---? Well, we allow those that seem to be most convinced of their case to dictate the directions? In other words: "Ignorance is Bliss!"

Why have I not tried to formulate a reasonable solution? Why talking about the fact that everything is turning those ways instead of trying to solve it? Well, did I not try to solve it? I'll tell you one thing: If you are asked to understand the basic concepts of the Gospel - walk the spiritual way of life at least on the minimum of the barest of essentials, where you are given the rights to interprete what is per fact the Gospel - and further denied to engage the path of Enlightenment - what reasons would you have to continue with such denial even if 99% of our kind would be into it? Its like a concept to find a peace between Atheists and Theists.
Thus I might want to open the Book of Concerns that add doubtfullness to the validity of the Testimony. Of course, when there is no God, its power must come from somewhere else. If we can describe that 'somewhere else' and find something that does exactly match its description - can we then however say for a fact that God does not exist? So, what would be that 'somewhere else'? Well, I'd say: Something that is convinced that only the Testimony can have certain validity. Now well, which would then also include anyone who is convinced that the Testimony is right and true but too naive to see where to be careful in formulating it that way. It is also dangerously close to another Persecution of Christians - this times putting all Mormons onto the public Hitlist - while, in which way have Mormons actually caused negativity? Isn't it the Muslims? Or anyone else for that matter? If ignorance were Bliss, then I'd argue that the best place to be at were with Mormons! They are friendly and nice individuals - although when at this time wanting to be more actively a part of the community you'd have to restrain from certain things, but, hey - its better than Kumbayah with Atheists!

I however don't want to call bad out on all the Atheists either! There are Atheists that - well - I can take seriously! In event I appreciate their ideals - yet - to cut it short - if it isn't viable to have an Enlightened Community with political weight I don't see where the real Democracy is at! Thus I take it that I am allowed to speak, on a neutral Level, but what grade of ambition am I allowed to bring in? In that sense I'm a rebel, I admit it, I "undermine the System" - of course! I don't try to be political - I try to get rid of all the baddies - so - I have a clear political goal. It are those people that erect themselves within my way and try to block me. I in that don't try to be offensive or unfair - which of course is my weakspot. I listen to reason, try to understand, thus I'm always sub-par to someone who does't! But I got my way - while - I don't have any specific target. My way is about largening the pool of divine influence we might say. I'm living my life - so in other words - which includes that I'm sharing my insights. When I then am talking of 'insights' I mean 'insights'. Not oppinion! It isn't my oppinion that I'm using a Keyboard to write this text, it is strict Knowledge and my Insight confirms that. So people that do have problems with the Book of Mormon - are people I 'might' help by sharing my insights into what they call out on. No Archaeological evidence for instance. So well, I see though that when considering the Phantom Time Theorem - there is Archaeologically the high probability that Teotihuacan might have been Zarahemla. The Phantom Time Theorem does further solve other issues - like - Prophecies within the book of Daniel. If you are insightful too you are strictly not capable of arguing against it as though there were nothing to support the Book of Mormon! You might question the Phantom Time Theorem but - what can you come up with that is 'strong' against what stands for it? Or the Zarahemla=Teotihuacan philosophy? Maybe you can gain momentum by pointing something out like the graves recently found there - but that only works against people who haven't read the Book of Mormon! So, there are people that argue reasonably and await reasonable response and there are those that argue forcefully with hostile and treacherous ambition.

The Artificial Fact

What if I came to the point that Atheism is a non-deducable issue and thus claimed that anything Atheistic were just too mischief-making and discarded anything that would come that way? I'd make it an artificial fact that Atheism is inconclusive! So, as the person who is percentually the most involved when it comes to making such decisions - it'd then just be that way in case I'd be that way!

Reasoning, to me, is a matter of providing Context. Context provides safe statements! If we were in a valley and surrounded by two armies, one comming from the east and the other from the west - context provided two basic ways of escape. We could formulate that into an Artificial Intelligence and it would - in a raw state - point into two logical directions. [take 360 degrees, mark danger zones red, show circle]. It were then me as a human to look at it and say where to go. There might be a secret passage at the east - within the danger zone - and it might be the safest escape. Here the Artificial Intelligence might fail us, while after all its a question of risk. Provided that the Armies don't know of that passage however - it would remain to be amongst the better options. It is a problem that cannot be solved unless we want to entrust our fate into a mathematical approximation of chances. As a believer I'd be curious about Gods advise and finally would go that way; Whoever came along! This means: "Alive with God" - sotospeak! He is, therefore I at first will listen to His argumentation. Because I see who and how He is, I deem it logical to heed His advise the most. Because we are in a situation where everybody has to make up their own mind - I see no problem in that He is and chose to remain Invisible to us! I take it as a fact that He exists - for myself - and I do share insights that I got in return. Of course this is no strong political position - but that is good! It means that to those that listen to reason I can talk reasonably - no bullshit implied - and politics will loose significance the more we grow into our own Nation. Who's in is in, who isn't isn't - and that is democracy before being political. There is nothing political about it - thats the point - and whoever wants to turn it into something political hasn't gotten the catch! Nor understood the pointe and whatever else we might put it like.

It is also the point that good comes from good - to say that each individual shapes the environment around it - some more and others less. The more enlightened people there are, well, the more or less things do change respectively. What am say is that once we have grown large enough we may have come to the size of providing an alternative to politics - but that is its own individual thing that reasoning or arguing about wouldn't make any sense. But, I'd say that the matter of the point is that outlines may become less blurry - more organized efforts can arise from an individuals perspective given that we as Enlightened community support each other in our best mind as a family would and eventually simply come to stand there as the better way.

So, skipping on what is obvious or must otherwise still happen, there is an Artificial Fact that tells that Enlightenment is the best option - period. Now, if you see it the same way or not - that is entirely up to You! There is the other Artificial Fact that tells that Enlightenment is a political installment, and, if you want it to be that way - well - it may as well very well be that way. One might call us a threat and imply all sorts of menacing things into it, but all we do is care about the Word of God! What could we do, heeding His advise, other than going that way? See, while you do not know who or what we are you are best advised to Understand that nothing is safe, an advise you have alraedy freedom upon to doubt, pluck apart, argue against ... no matter what! But if you do have that thirst ... or that hunger ... for something that is safe, you know what kind of safety you are looking for! Thus you will know what is best for you. I will not denie that! So, I withdraw myself from any political significance and just let it be the thing that the thing itself is the thing that it is - which makes sense to you or not! Listen to the things that people have to say - that is another good advise I have! Listen to them whether they be Atheist, Buddhist, Hindu or whatever else! That way you come to understand them, that way you can hear what they have to say - that is much better than closing your eyes and not seeing any alternatives! If you listen, you know what is talked to you! That way there is no escape to excuse yourself in your incapability to listen to everything that someone could possibly say! That way those that know things best are encouraged to step forward to enlighten us. That way I might get encouraged to defend my spot, or to speak for myself. This means that the pool is always limitted - because the argument, the Artificial Fact that I am insignificant due to un-deducable issues, just and simply Sucks! Or is it not? The problem?

Well, I have one. It are people that go around and pretend to be Enlightened. Antichristians that play Illuminati for the point of ... well ... confusing things more than they already are. That is my personal issue. They might try to take my spot in that play of claims - therefore I must poke on the matter of 'the Seal of the One'. Now, well, it seems to be unreasonable if you heard something about it being common sense - or - that it is to be understood that it doesn't make me something special. So, it is to me a spoken Artificial Fact that it should be common sense that I am nothing special. Me opening that struggle between hypothetically existing impostors and myself - that is one of those ... 'far away' issues ... way too far in the outskirts ... way too insignificant to be given any credibility. So I say ... which means? It means that "you" say that I say so - as I understand that vibe - that I say so to make myself more significant than I am ... or ... isn't it? Its of course a cycle of doom for me - one more of them - but it is so logical that you have to be sure enough about the Testimony you received that you aren't played out on it! Or that otherwise anyone who claims to be in touch with it doesn't yield more significance than me! Or that any reasoning regarding any deductable logic of it isn't more valid than mine! To come back to the point that you only know when you know! That is everyone of you! So, well, maybe I'm only trying to make you feel unsafe - but tell me - are you safe? If it is the context that gives you an eerie feeling, well, don't blame me as I'm just the one who brought things to your attention! Yes, you might after all give me political weight and credibility - but should that hinder you? But - much better is saying: So take care that it doesn't! Join me and those the rest that will be politically incredible and weightless - so we can all be incredibly unpolitical and just skip that nonsense! It is all about you and your Testimony of Reality. I'm just one guy with a flag - and I hide behind that Seal of the One if you so want - but what do I have to think of a society that is hell-bent on ignoring it without giving me a real chance to reflect about it? I won't do so in written form! I want to be live whitness of the argumentation that is going on! Or, how would I be supposed to trust the reasoning of a society that isn't already acknowledging my entry as sufficient?

So - I don't know if my reasoning here is flawed - to say that I am very well aware of the fact that people might have issues, and so, well, I would encourage you to listen to them! But find yourself back to that question: Did it make any sense? Did it solve your problems? I am most affected by those arguments, thus I'm naturally more interested in finding any problem therein. Add to that that I might be prepared to answer their issues and you got me as I roll. I'm sure that I made myself clear enough about it. My political interests, to finalize it, are solely restrained to what is my own concern - that way all those that know things better may as well be knowing it better and doing there thing, whatever! This doesn't mean that I have to stop writing either! Who would even claim such a thing? But that is my impression - that is what I believe is the political quarrel or status quo thing about it! People would look my way because 'who, wonder what' - and now, what have you done wrong thereby? I might try to tell you to better not care and don't listen and stuff - but - you would only know when to stop listening if you have heard enough!

Politics for Sure?

What is sure? Maybe the conspiracy about Apollo 20 is true - maybe Coffee is the true Gold in this Universe and maybe the problem is to properly shift our political power into the right hands. Is that 'the level' things are going down on? Who cares? I've never heard of it and wooo - now I seem ridicolous and unreasonable for I don't consider the social chaos that might arise therefrom. Well, can you blame me? Is it my fault? I've never heard of it/"you" anything - no matter what - thus go and fuck your ass with your own fucking screwdriver you fucking friggin moronity! I hate you and I hope to see you burn!
Give a shit! I hate it! Fuck those UFOs and the people that ride them - go to Hell!

Regardless of that - lets be sure that next to what should be done anyway we don't let 'them' have a yield of it! Whoever comes after we're done and doesn't join in too saying some moronic 'Vulcan - Live long and Prosper' kind of Bullshit a-la "now you're ready" and yet just want a piece of the cake - just send them away. Fuck "your" ready! "You" were not prepared! [W.o.W. Burning Cruisade Cinematic Trailer]. But seriously!

Prejudistic as this may be - it is my legal right to express my oppinion, no matter who might claim how hard that I'm irresponsible by doing so (Sucko'maFistHere!), where I say that there only is some nitwhit of an organic entity that wants to be sure that all the power ends up in his/her hands. [Showing that person/group/entity/identity the finger]; Where I now get stranded wondering if it isn't God who wants them to be that way. So, lemme thing, hmm ... what could be the problem? We would have an incentive to grow together as a kind, we would have ... but now the story is spinning around and it isn't about resources but about some war that might be going on - who cares? Its all the same to me! While we don't know, we make it better. Once we're done - we are what we are! I am there so in about sure that the same jack-off that is playing us around is playing "them" around - so - what would we do? We get rid of him, make peace with the Aliens, and done so! Not so easy? Well, as it stands, that isn't even real! I'm crazy! Out of my mind! Totally insane!

We know history! One King got decapitated and followed by the next bunch of Morons hungry for Power! Democracy was a nice and interesting concept - luckily - while I'm not going to play it for less than it is - simply because the next bunch of Morons are already there just waiting to replace it by something that is easier to control. We have power! We maybe don't have the power to rule - but the more useless that power becomes the more we'll come to avoid those that still stick to it! A story about natural equilibrium. Now, show me that scientist who would dare to argue against it in spite of his fellow collegues! Then, lets ignore that person!

I do basically hate that topic: 'Africa'. I hate it because it seems to be one of those 'abusive' topics. Show a heart for Africa and you're on the winning side! Or not? Well, show a Heart for Russia and China - seeing in what kind of a nonsensical System they live! People are not amused to the point that they are rioting the streets - Mexico is on the worse end of the stick - and tell me: Are we pleased? Is that an indication for our System being as flawlessly perfect as we are wanted to believe? If something is unright, tweak and twitch around here and there and call those that won't comply a bunch of assholes! Simply, well, I can't have it anymore!

Whats the problem? We don't believe that Africans can be civilized enough to be trusted with anything! So, spoken out loud! We say that all Negros are stupid as shit and hate to see it happening that any Black person can be having any power! To me though, Negros in first place are biologically taken our Big Brothers! That also so in the Pants - to - add a stupid comment to it! I know black folks though and I know there are Morons amongst them too. But, between the White and the Black Moronity I find the Black Moronity more sympathic! Why? Well - the Black Moron is a Moron due to his simple naivity! It is hard to explain this sense of "racism" - how I dare to give individual races individual properties - but lets blame it on heritage, cultural education and finally language. Its not even a strong point, but I take it that you don't even understand what I meant. There are many types of Morons and maybe you're thinking of a different type than I am - so - just give a flying fuck about it!

Political course of action
At first - we need to get rid of all Governments - thereto we'll need the assured backup of all Military Forces, in which case we need to be public so that all soldiers can know about our current political situation. Physically that is projected to have the minimalistic effect (worse case scenario, assuming that soldiers support our case) that they will be ordered to strike against us and so can simply lay down their weapons. The maximalistic effect is that the Generals follow their sub-ordinates and will simply detach themselves from the Government as self-declared Military Body of their Country and join into the thing! Done!

We will need/have social Centers that would in the worse case need protection. As the term 'social center' implies - no matter how someone might want to claim anything else - they are in the spotlight. They are what matters. They are where shit is going down! To take the 'Donut' layout as most simple Form to make an example - the social Hub is in the center, the outside is just nothing. So, a social center where the social hub is put into the ring is nonsense! It is geometrically bullshit! People never see the full circle and while looking into the middle they just see a wall! How dumb is that?! So, there are defenders of the Wall - and enthusiasts of the center! Where would you belong to? So, certain heads that would go out of their mind to defend that wall - well - thats like shouting "Kill [me]"! My oppinion!

Better is better, am I right?

What I might want to be getting at is that in doubt you consulted me! It would be a nice gesture that if you began to heed my advise you'd also let me in to the certainly nice and fair degree! If I can give you the seal and stamp that the Spirit has proven to me that the ordinary Jackson who's got it in him may be just as good if not better - then, 'then', THEN that will be OK with me! It is proven via the process of argumentation, yet I'm not too sure about the final outcome!


Because the center is always either occupied or not - we take it that nobody should be there - so we can remove it! Thus we can put something in there - and so - we're defenders of the Donut! A fountain, or, something that makes no sense - like a Bar. A Bar serving Coffee and Cake - and Donuts! A ... drumroll please ... Social Hub!

So, in this Restaurant - there is at first place for people that have passion in making meals. That means that we can focus our resources in that respect that we have a nice and wonderful home there. If the masses exceed the dimensions - well - we might skip to 'Low Level' support - its just anyway so that the smaller we are at first, the more we get organized within that Donut. This is the principle we build on ... maybe building larger and larger Donuts, but always taking care that the bigger donut isn't less of what we wanted! So, cook is the on the lower end of education - yet, to everyone with taste, a higher art in and of itself. Which means that I'm also a big fan of "Junk Food" - where the Methodic Approach of McDonalds for instance is a high efficiency Model of producing Food. But thats just by the way. So, we have a Restaurant - at first - and the first people to go are those that just do the job because nobody else is there to do it.
Surrounding that center we have that what we need. The Church, offices, basically all to get things started - so - where outside is like the waiting area. Inside we have all you can eat while there is yet food in the Daily Budget - while a classic Homeless recreation Model would be to let it be run by Homeless for Homeless - as concept - turning 'Cook' once again on top of the career List, turning the Chef basically into the ruler of the building. I then can imagine worse than a higly ambitious cook as ruler. What he wants is the best - just cause - and I am not to argue about it! So, the next Link in the chain are those that provide the resources, so, those that the ruler will have to deal with at first! In this sense I'm entirely not included anymore - other than by enjoying the meals! If there then are musicians -- well --- we'd have ourselves a Donut that spins - or - so - with a 'Twist'! Lol!

In the perfect image we finally have a Social Yard surrounding a Restaurant that is protected by Military Force. The Military is to say that all who enter through the gates are protected and finally safe. Thus, that Restaurant Complex will also host a Military Base, because, well, we value our Culture - whereby Food is the essence, hosted by a Building/Camp/Cultural manifestation, and finally transitioning into the accusting realm via "noise". The first concern from thereon will be: How to get beyond being simply a restaurant? Lets call it: -The 'Intercontinental' Restaurant Group-, something that might work in the more densely crowded areas while money is still an issue as 'support bank'. A matter of fact Fast Food Restaurant - but in that case - any FFR that goes in by its Authority is actually already there so ... well. Classically - we don't need more. Yet, we'll need a Carpark, thus we'll need Engineers, thus we'll need Schools - and for the more gifted ones a University, naturally, as base from where to expand our knowledge. Schools open the doors to attach whatever we need or find. So well, maybe there'll then so even be a class in Voodoo! This all is however a quite exclusive Club, after all! That at least to provide the image that is not a funpark - but a Restaurant! We don't welcome Bullshit traders just cause ... we want serious people - so that the possibly complicated Bla Bla concerning the one or the other Spiritual Direction is left outside the building. So, a Buddhist school would be a nice thing for instance - that in first place as spawning ground for Buddhistically oriented philosophy. Its like a Magnet - but in that sense not 'against' the Core Philosophy. It will need to be Buddhists that see how they can contribute to the whole by their Wisdom. You can so imagine me to be a Daoist. I preach Daoism, or, Christendom within Daoistic philosophy. Voodoo would go similarly! Voodoo is essentially Christendom without the knowledge that God had sent one to speak for Him, or, who. It would literally increase our spiritual wealth by the influences of Understanding Gods distance to us. This is to say: We do not want to Understand Religions as a separated school of Knowledge - we want to get to the point where Religion is the same everywhere - to say that Religion is Religion. Even Atheism, so after all, is to me a Religion and its value is in the approach on our Universe as a logical Network of Natural Laws. It provides the stance to take a look at things without the dependency on God - but so from a simply scientific approach and ... to tell that right away ... give God the chance to be Himself, at His distance, giving us the charge upon our lives. There aren't, so after all, all that many things we do need Him for - while basically - all we Need Him for effectively is to provide the Physial Foundation to exist in. If we can understand that, then we're on a good way!

This point is also the one that ties into the hot version, so, the Physical Foundation within the emotional realm. Baptism thereby is the water that extinguishes the destructive Fire within our Spiritual composition. Believe it or not! I know that its there - the force that annihilates our negativity - so, be cautious to understand the truth behind what people have to say against it. Is it me who does the wrong that people do that try to do what I say is right but try to do so without God? I wouldn't say that I ever appreciated that kind of activity!

Which also takes me to those people that try to say that they are for me but aren't joining me directly. If there is enough economic support to support me, why should they not support me for sure? Its beyond my comprehension! Its got to be the fear from Enlightenment! So, anyone who would ever put Enlightenment into question should shut the fuck up! I'm not in for it! No solution that ever acknowledges the same status quo to someone who is Un-Enlightened within the Enlightened Society is acceptable! As simple as that - and every ordinary person should believe in that too because every ordinary person should feel the personal desire to Link in! Everything else is not feasible! There and then it is just as easy as to say what you WANT - rather than 'thinking is right'. "To denie ones own impulses is to denie the very thing that makes us human!" (Mouse - The Matrix). Logically! Those that wonder what about the negative ones, yea, so - do it! Don't denie them! They are there - and now what? I'm not saying that you should heed them! Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong! So, to be not a moron: How nice would it be if all of our impulses could be regarded good? But, that is anyway more of a 'hot' topic. Yet, when Wanting and Thinking follow the same way - and all that is left is the doubt - hmm, ... I'm still gonna tell you that when my personal way is the subject I don't accept anyone who is Un-Enlightened and wouldn't think that anyone else wouldn't agree! If you got in, you'll just know that it can't be an alternative! You'll want to protect the awesomeness of the awesomeness - not letting it be spoiled by vague theory! And again and again and again - and again - I'll speak, argue and make noise against those that think that its not a thing! Its not even about the 10th Seal - forget about it - its just the topping on the cake - its the cake that matters. I have written about depth - the experience of the Force - the issue of 'division through 0' - where, division through 0.000000000000000~1 is still possible - there is depth that is just 'beyond comprehension' - at least for those not yet beyond the 9th Seal! It is, for all matters of the idea, and all definitions of the purpose, just and simply beyond what the mortal being can achieve without Gods help! And Gods help in that case is tied and locked and fortified and constructed around the 9th Seal for a simple and obvious purpose! Point! End of the Discussion! There is no 'no but!' - or simply 'but' - nothing compares! All that what compares is merely a shadow - and I know what you can understand to compare! A feeling, an idea, a picture - but - that is, pfft! So, imagine it: A white rift that is opening in your head! Well done! Imagine it being transparent and blurring what you see slightly so you know something is there! Better! That is exactly how it looks to have broken the 9th Seal! But as I know that it wasn't just that, as I know that this appearance was just a tiny thing that followed along - I know that its just pfft! There is a certain degree of emotions that is similarly pfft! If you wonder what there is beyond - well - beyond the pfft there is whats up! Whats up is beyond the pfft! No matter how deep you think your emotional experience goes - its just pfft! Imagine how moronic the argument about whoms experience goes deeper - thats why - just forget it!

If you don't know for an unmistakable Fact that God has therein Manifested HIMSELF to You then its just pfft! It is so insignificant its braindead! If what you hold there in your head is holding up to the idea that God has stuffed Himself in all of His largeness into your Head - then yea! Thats it! Of course - spoiler: -beyond comprehension- means that it is beyond comprehension for ... . Naturally you would have to argue that it isn't possible! So, don't even try! All I'm doing here is to tell you how certain I am! That is not to convince you of it being real, but to convince you that I'm not going to or even capable of changing my mind about it! All that would suggest such is pfft! And I know that this pfft will defintiely occur to you sooner and later and you might wonder whether you may believe it or not and don't! Its happened so often already and yet I'm convinced! What would you suggest? Of course somebody will have to say that he or she believes that I'm just stiffneckedly clammering on to a lie that I have made up - but - let just 'one' person who believes that it is the right way come and go that way and that person, take care that it is so prepared to understand the lie that it ain't even funny for me anymore and let that person tell you then how little you have understood! I do in deed take that from my Enlightened insight! I do in deed believe that I know much better than most of you - all but those that are Enlightened - what this Depth is that I'm talking about! I am aware of what is going on inside me - and I know just where your limitations are - and my mind goes further. That is what I see, and I don't project it - I may even force myself to not see it and its there. What is 'it'? It certainly and for sure isn't some light-bulb in my Head! It is everything and nothing, everywhere and nowhere - so cut that crap! I'm definitely sure about it!

What else could I put my hopes in? Regarding safety - the knowledge of being with God - the KNOWLEDGE, not theory - the Perfect Rim that stands against all Doubts in the Universe!? It is the answer within the Hypothesis - and matter of fact - it does exist! It is also called: 'The All Surrounding Spirit' - matter of fact - unified with my individual Spirit. It does in deed kindof make me Godlike - so, ignore all those measly philosophers that claim to know it better! They don't know Jackshit! For all you know - you can't tell it any better - and while you're only guessing, you should acknowledge that to yourself! Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself not to be a Hypocrite! Or ask God, if you're so brainwashed, to cut through in case its a lie and bang! You'll get it! Talk it sweet, and well, you'll know what you're doing there! All you need to know about, for all that you can tell is that I'm no better than them, is Gods stance on the story! So - its word against word, words against words. Yea, nice - if what you see as Enlightenment isn't actually impossible to your understanding - its fake!

And that should cut it for now!

I mean - I can at this point repeat it all, try to formulate it differently - so - be aware: Statement one is -beyond comprehension-. Statement two is basically whatever formulation I can come up with that is true while not working within the limitted consciousness of the un-enlightened mind. So, to avoid the fake scenario. Now - I'm sure the 'if' and 'so'n'so's aren't far away - yea well - test me! Try to explain to me your logic of deducing that I'm talking trash! If you can't you can't - end of the discussion!


See, I count on the fact that if I did everything right - people will call me crazy, menthally ill, insane - something like that. What would make me insane now? Well, just the fact that I have seen my initial claim through to an end! So, basically that I couldn't make you comprehend what I told you is beyond comprehension. So, the fact that there is something within my awareness that can just and simply not be yielded from a below 9th Seal person! What is so hard to Understand about that? Trying to understand it nontheless just shows me a very very stiffnecked way of stupidity! Then - alright! You might have suggestions of what is going on up in my mind - and I assure you - I have no reason to believe that you would acknowledge my answers in case I failed your idea thereof! So, yea - quite certain: In that sense you have to please be imagining me like someone who is most definitely lieing and that purposefully without the trace of an wish to repent! Its my joker, sotosay, that while I poke on it, you can't disproof me! You can try to find a way around, but I assure you, I'll tell you its pfft! That because whatever does lead around or oppose it is only there for the purpose of 'hopefully' making me acknowledge something that would allow "them" to sneak one and more of their mischief making community amongst us and back we are at having nonsensical political struggles and the demand for a leader who has to be yada yada bim bam.

Baseball bat to that head there - so - in this clay picture that we create to draw this mischievious situation where someone successfully snook in - just - like that! That is in about the sense and cognitive "strike force" I have behind that issue of mine. It even is the pinackle of my agression - fulfilled within the peacefullness that this actually is! Its like what we read in the Bible about what Christ had done to the Temple Merchandise. So, to make it more comprehensive: I do defend that Enlightenment issue as part of the whole idea where I just and simply can't have it to have a scratched image! I'll confirm that the social aspect thereof is still uncomfirmed - but its logical to the point where its a must be. Anyway - confirming it will have to follow along ... quite naturally ... which is all the point to it thus there is no need to further that topic!

I understand that people want to try and test me - where I understand that I don't meet any of their expectations - so, its like a gauntlet that I have to endure until I either give up or pass - as though I needed anyones permission. So, you tell me if you needed someone unenlightends OK for my case to become a thing! If you are grown, independent and mature enough to make your own decisions - please don't expect that to change afterwards! Just ... well ... prepare yourself to lean back, look into the distance with a big fat and huge exclamation mark beside your bright smiling face!

For the noob - well - I am basically upset about things that were in my past or still going on - not saying that it shouldn't concern you! It may very well be an issue that sticks around until ... well ... who knows? Things like stuff taken out of context to have a word on something, well, can't tell that so easily without properly getting into it. A 'Warning' writing might do the trick, but, knowing what is to be known serves the same purpose. It are things that will roll out before you as things progress - while there are people still trying to fight me. They will however not fight me because as I understand the prophecy they'll fight you and you'll strike back - that simple. Its a long story that can easily get much longer than this if this isn't enough - so - taking your time with this might be as good as any alternative if not better. I'm not arguing that these things are all you need to know - possibly there is/will-be some other writing that does the same in those regards, yet - that is NOT beside the point!

One thing leads to the other, and I try to take care that nothing something does lead into to my awareness is forgotten. So, don't trust anyone who says that I don't care although I wrote here and there that I don't care! Its what I don't care about that should matter - not that it might possibly mean that I don't care about anything although I do and say different. Then notice: You might appreciate me here and now in this way, while at some other point on this site you'd find me flagging myself as 'Evil Mistress'. Two things that taken parallel to each other are actually equally good - just within an entirely different context, which, well, needs to be understood! A bad person would try to withdraw the right context from you - where well, I might be supposed to believe that that person only means well - but to that person, check it out on YouTube, I'm just and simply like 'the Great Mighty Poo'! I have embraced this "dark Philosophy" since I've come around the other darkness in me - but - its not directly connected. It makes sense to me though that while I'm flagged to be the bad guy nontheless - I might as well try to formulate myself within their given context. It might sound silly - so once more - once arguing that I'm not supposed to, that I so have acknowledged a dent in my image which I should have maintained, etc., bla bla, - which is I suppose also their strongest argument against me. My problem though is to allow you to Understand the words I share - and in that sense - looking at this "dent" - its so that once again the matter has shifted onto understanding something entirely different. OK, well, I say - why not? But what is this about? Everything below the 'Politics for Sure?' headline is basically bullshit - not saying that its nonsense - but it is, well, just following up on things. Yea, I got to be sure that these knock offs won't get what they want - which is - a paper to confuse you with! But certain topics are just difficult to write about - bear that on mind! Maybe there is a better way than this - but sometimes - good enough has to suffice! Even for something as 'important' as this - or - technically - especially for something as important as this! I mean - get beyond the point that I am agressive - and you'll find that I have a reason to be! - for instance! I don't need you to think that I am this heavenly peaceful guy without a stain of negativity - I want you to understand your way away from those paradigms! I may be perfect, but the very next one may not be - and so - perfection isn't a standard we should be expecting!

Evilness - as I flag myself with - is a play! It is like once being in Heaven and we Play Star Wars someone gots to play Vader - for instance! So, if you feel a dark urge within you - you can take it two ways: One is good, and one is evil. Take the good one! That is my advise! You'll really be mad at yourself if you picked the evil one and then stood there abandoned by all that is good!

And yes ... the 'Evilness' part stands on the cold end

Because effectively it has no emotional significance! What matters emotionally is an intellectual thing! If I have problems acknowledging Christs Holiness within my Kink - He naturally will have to adapt - which is the whole setup of the story. Either I change or He plays along. It does then however yet have no influence on "politics" - or - I still Love my next as I Love myself! Maybe even more than I did before! It is the best way to picture the triviality of reasoning as well. So, the basic 'offset of the idea' is to change the own feelings by tweaking the intellectual 'parent'. So, when I immerse into my Kink, which is certainly filled with all sorts of disrespect, humiliation and things we shouldn't do to each other, I have a different feeling if I regard Christ the way I know Him as the diety upon it, or if I twist that position around. It is in that not the position of God, but the position of that diety put upon that intellectual realm. That is something that God is pushing into existence. Its like a Light Bulb with a knob that changes its color.

People that say anything psycho-logically about it - well - think of it: Can they accurately reflect upon it while being detached from the Source of it? I think: no! Of course not! Psycho Logically that 'God idea' has a matter of fact influence on how I feel within which ideal - and there this 'Light Bulb Reality' isn't life entirely. It is - point on - about Sexual Ideals. I thereby am not worried of Glitching out because the emotions don't exist outside of that Realm and all that exists within that realm is submitted to it - as - basic and primary Understanding that if a good Person were to enter it, it would be there with a similar intent as anyone else that is there. That, as of yet, isn't really a physical space either. So, you being with me in one room won't expose you to 'the evil within me'. That wouldn't make any sense - would it?
It is its own kind of Physics. Physics is as tight by the power of God, and that is no different within ourselves.
Well - 'I guess'.

I can guess that way because while the Philosophy thereof entered my mind - an awkward feeling grew within me (The Darkness, that with the ugly splinters) the more I resisted it. I asked God, and as I so then began to unresist it happened that this awkward feeling went away and all the familiar presence of God did show Himself carrying along so gently as it was to be expected. It is in that essentially 'the Force that yields me this self-correspondent feeling of joy' that is comprehended as diety - in all simplicity. This Force automatically takes shape in context to the things that make up this joy - so - where BDSM/Bondage/SM/Zoophilia type things aren't naturally Holy! That follows the same line of emotional reasoning as someone the way around might call all that ungodly or unpure! If I find someone to enjoy those things with it is however entirely up to us!
That I so say that God supports those things is something you might just have to accept.

Naturally one might think that so this topic is still a 'hot version' issue - and yea - all rights to it! But it also tells you/us some more about 'logical glitches' - or - how a 'parent idea' has influence on its 'children'. (Parent-Child is an Information Technological terminology (Heritage) used when taking a Class like 'tree' and writing sub-classes like 'oak' or 'birch' from it. The 'tree' contains all the essentials like stem, roots and branches, while the child class expands that to leaves, fruits, colors, etc.). I for instance am a Parent Idea to the contents of this site. As you twist around at that knob connected to that bulb-of-me you'll recognize how the impressions of the rest come to change. This is what it means to then question: What is true? What is right and wrong? Its a bit like comming to the point of just grabbing an airbrush and wildly painting everything in arbitrary colors.

In that sense I want to provide you with a 'classic' image that should be around about me - which is that me figure in front of a white-ish background and it is your basis of picturing my holiness. Eventually this weird face will pop up therein - one that might be a face that would there-after occur quite often as general anti-image, so, negative stuff. Or whatever. Its an Astair Glitch. Something one might never come to try is to twist the 'age' knob. In event you might find the image where I'm just an isolated poor and slim little monkey, but - to get not too far away - that glory image is then further, as I see it, utilized within that hypothetical 'outing' - or 'field march' - or whatever it is that we picture as 'point of the solution'. I wouldn't give two shits about any of that - especially once you're extending into too many different options and while focussing on some parts of it loose control upon the others and ending up with a huge and inconclusive mess. Whenever it seems to 'snap' onto someone else - discard it and go further, so, as rule of the thumb in regards to Astairic nonsense. It might be a functional way of measuring things - but then you have to go all the way and be interested into doing it right! You might for instance try to upscale the model - so - larger than stars for a beginning - and see a shift in gender. Increase it beyond J.Lo and you're getting there eventually. As you will however find, it isn't safe to say anything, given or taken, so, saying, that whatever you see might as well be something or someone else. Most likely, if you remain passive to it, something that got created for that purpose driving against me. What you see might also change depending on 'when' you're looking, I can't guarantee being not rated Mature!!
This so is not a hot topic in that it doesn't correspond to complying to the own emotions in terms of likes - but is a matter of ones intellectual comprehension within reality. In that sense, relating to my theory to finally come to the point, is nothing demandful. It is even so, in that respect, a primary 'cold' ideal to perceive reality entirely without demands, where then, the very first legitimate demands on the desk are those we call our physiological needs - like air, food, water. Then we have to mutually look for a way to manage those things without politics - and that means: Local demands yield priority! If you so wanted coffee, or well, yea - we would look for a way to redeem it from local boundaries but, still, Local demand first. Our landscape - the where and way we live will change dramatically I suppose. More people will move southward - or so - to the equatorial areas - to also do their part to producing coffee and on top of that living in a warmer place. Sotosay - we'll simply need to get away from money. Its not a solution, it is the demand! We'll need a global Network that tracks all of the Resources (like, by manual check-in, nothing automated - so - barcodes and stuff; Not looking at security, but at the management. So, "whats in is in (the System)") that are provided to the System, and then see where what needs to go - as a whole. In the beginning that would remain to be a binary economy. There is the financial economy - and once created - the internal economy. The internal economy flows into the Donut, so, it is 'ours' and therefore belongs to 'us' - and that is as far as I would go for now!

What matters to me next to that is a little bit of a hot topic. That means: The knowledge of the own preferences and ambitions. If I for instance take it that the best way to help poor countries out is to boost their education - I see the problem with professors primarily. Effectively the goal has to be that the educational system of a local area needs to be capable of producing its own professors. I however do not believe that it will work once decided remotely or approached as wellfare project. It can also be deduced as logical consequence to the hot idea because one is simply supposed to stick to the own system of demand and sacrifice. It is yea, in deed shifting towards an 'ego-centric' ideal, but, that in a world where the ego isn't measured by worldly goods. The entire topic of self-sacrifice is anyway overrated in that it cannot be a feasible item within a harmonic society! That is what is important - to focus on the harmony of society instead of giving that one thing up that is to be a part of it. There though is an active and a passive side to it. My active part wouldn't be to do something like this! I do this because it is necessary and I happened to be the one chosen, alias: 'Feeling Responsible'. It is in that however now more on the cold side because these features are tieing into our logical awareness. It helps to put the own feelings into the verbal expression. That also makes it easier for the Spirit to cause things to happen - where one simply needs to know that he/she needs to do something - from whatever urge ever - and its going to be a thing. Looking at me - I simply need to deliver this message - which means that I also have to accomplish that within the world I live in, and now well, good luck with that! Well, maybe 'today' will be better than the day I wrote this! Or maybe it already is better than I make it out to be ... or at least getting there!

I'm telling you - in case the curtain is just taken from your eyes and you see all the shit we're in: Someone once sighed out: "Oh no, the World is going before the dogs!" - and I mean it when I say: "No, that's already happened! Now we're going through the digestive track!". That is something I would like to shift attention on when testing my Enlightenment because this "Level of Perception" is what I'm looking at and convinced of primarily. It isn't fortune telling, it is, just cause and effect. As of that it isn't 100% safe, but, in combination with the 'great idea' its the right tendency that matters. So, when I see news of the poverty going down in this world - I'm not all hyped about it once looking at other things that I have on my mind - but - neither does it contradict or add to the negative. It are many things that add up - to which the influence of the odd-sayers does belong. That is a matter of their positions and power to obscure things - and that is primarily what I contract with, so, that big thing I sometimes call 'you' - because it is just that big thing that I'm basically corresponding to, within the scope my words might have. I have to yet learn how to properly change myself to translate it into a writing that doesn't relate to it - but does so as a matter of itself to itself - but, usually ... I don't know if what I'm doing is right or wrong - so - you need to play along a little bit.

The Point

Like that, I ... believe there was one! Yea, actually - this as the cold side to my theory so finally suggested that demands aren't taken the emotional, but the physical way. In that it is my responsibility to host this agenda for long as I must. It also means that the Hot Version is just a 'maximum' idea - where - the demands put on people don't need to be taken seriously. It can still work out the ideal way without being that crazy; While on the cold side there is little that actually matters. It should however not be forgotten that as a deep immersion into the emotional reality might obscure the vision on the cold side of things, a too deep immersion into the intellectual side of things does also obscure our vision on the hot side. Naturally society can work once all the worldly things are clear - but - we shouldn't forget that we're yet living a real life! When after some day the work is done - we want to live! So, within the cold idea that goes as far as wanting to support Artists - and beyond a certain point of Enlightenment we have to wonder how to integrate the unenlightened minority. Getting there is however a way of getting there, which is possibyl a way that will come with its own lessons and so - it is futile to think too much about it! If it were so then possible to not only have worldly wealth, but also emotional one, then we have real wealth!

Once the time comes that there will be no more Enlightened growth - we can understand that everything is once more about to decline, telling us that we must prepare for our offspring to crawl back into shit - and take care that once they come back to their minds there is what it takes to crawl back out of it!
To be prepared for all! Once bitches commit suicide because we've pictured them in the wrong spot - we might understand what it has to say!

I mean, an Orgy might be something one might picture would fit into a social center, but what actually does belong there is the awareness of what is going on around it. There should be no darkness surrounding our top-level Logistics. Spies might have it easy to know where what is and stuff - so - I'd take it as a definite issue that its yet better than having ourselves ruled behind closed doors! There is no rule - there is just - the organization of living. That is my idea. So what? What is there to be spied on? Who is to gain anything from it? Well - someone creating a secret organization ... well ... that isn't my problem to solve! Or, we better take care of understanding what we can be capable of, so, maybe it won't even be dangerous! I might be wanting to rewrite this, thus then replacing this where this is linked from, but now I'll make a point to it - and say - well, may the best thing happen to begin with!

Stardate 55290.62057