Mail Har(r)y!!!

It is actually not a secret, though it may out of context may remain a mystery, that Christians had Mistresses. Well, maybe its an odd translation that I've read, but in one of the Letters Paul sends regards to "the Mistress". If I now though say something like "Matriarchism" I want to be carefull, but ... there are some things about it. See - a problem with our world is/was that Women had nothing to say. That was also an Old Testamentaic oppinion, but, the Old Testament is a Religion that was Fit for its time! Whatever! The point is that since we have this emancipation going on, may the odds be whatever, Men couldn't just do anything they want. OK, its a complicated issue and I don't intend to entirely resolve it. Parts of it must come to the readers own mind personally and individually. A point is that Women have oppinion too, and as - to fetch up some cliche - "Guardians of the Home", the Housekeepers, they have it wired into them to so take care of the Order within the House! Thus it is a patriarchaic concept, even so, that the Woman is in Charge. Lets say: I have a better feeling when at Home the Woman holds the scepter!

But that just, beside the point!

Our concepts of Morale and Ethics define how our Civilization is going to unfold and thus evolve. Therein, I want to get rid of some Absolutistic idea. The thing is that Emancipation might seem like its a breakthrough and certainly it is, but the point is that Men first had to allow it. That is the seed of Emancipation present already, or the point of recognition that this exagerated Patriarchate is wrong ... had to first be brought to mind. Thus we have Philosophers and Stuff, people that think and speak of what they think where then the reader would go: "Uhm, actually, yeah!". From one side of the picture we might think that we are caught up in some swamp, that we got shoved into it and that religious doctrine in further turns only made it worse. Theres a clear picture - where religion points down and philosophy points up.
As this is just the topic that makes up a quarrel about Religion, I must stress that it has never been a Secret that the Devil exists. Now, how similar to the Devil God may be, the thing there is that God obviously had a reason to let the Devil loose on us. And while the Woman may have ideologically been placed below the man, and finally it is yet so that the man holds the larger capacity to physically protect the fold, the woman never really had an inferior role within the Bible. Just sayin'.
Instead of thinking about a swamp though, we can think of a scaffold (those constructs used to build 'upwards'). Although certainly there is God who is told to be above who would be in the position to pull us up, History shows how ... well ... mankind wasn't always all that fond of His instructions - and OK, acknowledged - back to the old school arguments! Isaiah Chapter 40 is a nice, though little to nothing saying Chapter about that subject. It is followed by Chapter 41 (Obviously) which would introduce the solution but in turn it speaks of a Guy, and I would suppose that that Guy is me!
Old School ... well ... what is right? What is wrong? It is however rather wrong to speak of the 10 Commandments as all that bad, and to go out of the way to not hold them and to risk that the entire nation is doomed in return, how good is that?

Well, issues! Let's say we aren't BC anyway anymore - so - Spoiler - the Old Testament is -out of date- and -out of commission-. But naturally the passage about the Devil was to say that God has His own ... idea of ... well ... whatever He's up to. But at first the Bible speaks of people that have heeded the Lord and they've been treated well - fine - most of them. But that's another thing. Are we doing good for the reward or for the point of doing good? I have to stress that it was a Porn Image from where I have that Quote of Immanuel Kant that says that: "Morality isn't the Key to gain Happiness, but the Key to become worthy of Happiness". And so this topic here is critical, but the only critical thing about it is to again shove all the responsibility on God. Thats what one might do and then we again are lost in struggles about what He did or did not do. Its paradox, and I hope you'll see it too!

We might say, so in the swamp vs. scaffold parable, that we since ever thought that what we as civilization do or did was right! Disregarding all those Mischief makers! I, by the way, try not to use 'good morale' as a currency here! I mean - when I go and say that the Bible in case of this and that woman reflects the positive attitude of Heaven above - its like saying that we are the better people. Be that as it may, the figure fact to hold up is though that the scriptures offer us little guidance! "Love your next as you Love yourself" and thats in about it, and, I might stress, lines up with the attitude of other people of that time. This is not to say that God was right and the rest wrong, it is to say that the Christian is still left to His own morale - but not left alone!
This 'glorious' "one day" idea of the time where we have come to the hypothetically perfect system of morale and ethics - thats the focus. The thing with it is that its existence is dependent on 'us', even if so in the end eventually on our decendants. There is "stuff" we maybe don't even know about that contributes to it - and it is evident that God doesn't intend to take us there by formulating it for us, but by showing us the direction to get there. He and/or all the other people that do and/or did. God is in that case not someone I can argue into your head, but on the flipside: Do you think that all the Christians around the Globe that have experiences that make them certain about Jesus Christ are just making things up? "And the Light it shines in the Darkness and the Darkness Comprehended it not!" (John 1:5). Thus, this isn't so much about God and Jesus Christ, it is simply about the good and the right way.

So, scaffolding! Either way. If we're stuck in a swamp we can breathe therein and yet not swim, so yea, scaffold again! Our Morale and Ethics though are the ground. When I speak to you today I speak to the concepts of Morale and Ethics that are those of today. Once this would last a couple of centuries and things changed - things changed. Yet timeless is the fact that the only way up is up! Well, except we're dealing with systems of relativity but, whatever is relatively up is finally up after all! And so is contention and opposition also relative to what this is going to be. If I were to remove a few sentences, the opposition would turn out to be different. Thus, eventually, some sentences may be entirely useless in the end, but would they be missing, they would be required. So, what my point is is to point out that it is our Understanding, our Morale and Ethics as a kindred that teaches our offspring about life. That more so than all writings combined! If we were to formulate our ideal world, we would have to live up to it. Because the one doesn't come without the other, living up to it is all that is to be done!
Now, how close we are, what stands in its way and what not - that might be the actual center point of this discussion but - let us not forget about God! This discussion so at this point is just one inch away from turning into another godless discussion about our ideals, where the whole point so far was basically to move the position of God into a proper Light. Not as insult or imposture, but, this is just formwise to really regard 'all' readers of this as being addressed - yea, well - what can we do?
The thing is that should you ever see someone arguing that I would use the concept - the self-understood good - as a tool to convince people of my cause, then understand that people getting convinced of this cause is the reason for that argument to stand! So, is it wrong that people get convinced of this cause? If it is so self-understood, and I'm just some guy talking and writing about God, isn't it each individuals own problem to turn towards God? So, eventually I've had a part to it, so what?
Once more: The right morale and ethics is royalty free - in my oppinion. Whoever would want to claim a copyright on it, well, like the Roman Catholic Church by still yielding Church Tax (here in Germany that is still the case) may be doing, is basically - my oppinion - out of his/her mind! By the way: "Babylon the Great Whore" - what is it? I mean, it is not a far shot to look at me and to think that way, because, woo - Sex! Kink! And worse of all: Pleasures! But on the one side was one of the Old Testaments female heroes a matter of fact prostitute and Mary Magdalene - well - lets not argue about that! To say: What would God care about how we enjoy our existence 'if' (granted) it is within the green zone? But the most commonly accepted interpretation of that picture is the financial abuse of the Holy Word! Should it not be free? Isn't it to our well being? Well, you are free to make up your own mind about it!
And onward: The Logic of the Gospel is already 'there'. It is common sense including God - as ... [something something]. Guide, Shepherd, Father, Friend ... that is going to be the subject here!

The inner Compass

It is difficult for me - well, it isn't from a practical standpoint, but from an ideological one - to say: "God is telling me" or "showing me". So that when I for instance come to the quite appropriate expression that "God is showing me the way" - I'm aware of interpretations of that statement that aren't really doing anyone any favours and on the flipside they cause a lot of misconception which further, well, is all but well! The problem is that God is far too often compared to an ordinary person. He might act that way, sometimes, but He is still capable of more and to my experience that is what He is most of the time. I guess a nice metaphor is to start like that: A foreigner and a native meet in a bar. The native speaks to the foreigner in some kind of weird dialect, not the native one, but how the common prejudice about the foreigners would go. Broken English. The foreigner, after the native spoke for like half an hour in the worsest of all Englishs available, answers in a pitch-perfect British accent: "Are you not from around here?". The passage: "As much as the heaven is higher than the earth, Gods ways are higher than ours" comes to mind. But usually we don't understand what to make of that statement! What is higher than our Logic? Are we not capable of thought and comprehension?

So, I'm about to set that perfectly straight here! Thus, pay attention!

My Porn Browsing habit is closely related to making sense of my emotional chaos. This chaos began with two females, that I had been in Love with. I thought the first time it was real love and fell to the ground. The second time I thought it would become better, but, it got even worse. Because the emotions were really strong - my idea of Love was destroyed. I thought I could never ever Love again - because either the emotions wouldn't be so strong and then I wouldn't really be interested, or it would just turn out the same way - perhaps - but to get engaged that strong, well, again, ... not an ideal thing! But naturally one still has desires. Desires for Comfort, someone to be with, well ... and these desires become emotions, emotions that are hard to sort in or out. When now thinking 'Porn', it is difficult to see how that could help! Maybe it doesn't, but, certain pictures cause certain emotions and so someone may after some time for instance be capable of saying that SM is a thing for the own self or not! Easy!
Images however can be inspiring, thus, one certain very specific image might exist 'out there' that would "do the trick", whatever it is! In the same way, to make it easier to understand, one might think of a very specific person. You know so and so many potential partners and the right one might be amongst them but it just doesn't come to mind. So eventually one has to travel the world to undergo a change of of mind that then enables one to clearly see who that right one would be. That though is a science of its own - nothing I think I can really get in depth about at this time. But there is this picture I spoke of earlier. It is part of a comic with a very weird story. Basically a girl is in Love with a Horse and a guy is in Love with that Girl and the Horse and the Girl are doing it. What do I know where I got that from, don't ask me, the point is: Its there somewhere and there is - if you were to look for it - basically no way to get there. And here is the misconception: Would I find it if you asked me to? Or if you planted a picture in the web and wanted me to find it? Well, I won't say no, but neither can I be certain of the opposite. In the same sense am I allergic to people 'testing' me, or when I get the idea that certain things that I then have to do are just because someone wants to see if I would do it, ... I hate it! There is only one exception: If I think I'm doing too much - which happened - I would decide not to do it to see if someone else would - so - I can be in a bit of a relief. Thats not a test, it is about the social situation and balance. But to make something dirty, intentionally, just to see if I am tidy enough, madness! Its different if it is like what I am get payed for - as - employee checkup, but anyway.
God doesn't talk to me like: "Go here, then there, then that" ... although ... the weird thing is: He told me - sotosay - in which order I would have to write the different things of my IT project, but the fact is that it then is not just all that simple! It would be more appropriate to add: "When ready". And even then it isn't quite that simple. There is knowledge involved in being able to accomnplish that path, and without that knowledge the first objective is though to acquire it. So, I have a roadmap, but no road that fits its layout. So, back to point 1, the human is left to himself. It is though not impossible to go that way when there is a direction set. Thus it is already more efficient to know the place where I got to be if the way there is ... well, that's the issue!
What is the way there? Is it obvious? Self-understood? Maybe! But also is it a way to go, and while going that way God is yet there. Instead of then telling me the different turns I have to take, it would be as though I just know. Now is it one thing to just assume that God isn't there, yet an entirely different one to Understand Gods presence as immanent. So, to come back to the Pornography example: The offset is that I have a certain aim, something I want to get sorted out, where the emphasis is on: "I want to". Thus, however I come to want that, the next thing is that - when I make a remix (Music) for instance - to know just the thing I would want "right now". So, I eventually get that feeling - one specific feeling tells me that there is something I want. Another tells me that I'm missing something.
Here God is like a Compass - one that is just there as a part of the own handfull of senses. Thus it becomes possible to look at the picture of someone and know, although it would seem to be unexplainable, what is important to the own self. The guiding theme should be obvious: God does interact with us on many Levels, in which way it is possible that we can live our lives, go our ways and yet be guided. For as long as we understand the directions we're taking, we're already 'aligned' and the rest is not so much about God and us but about us and each other.

I didn't take the shorter way around the HUD (Heads-up-Display) example because there is much more to it than just that, and also not as much. It's not like I'm running around with HUD in my inner eye - to say the least - and neither did I fully explore this. I guess the best way, if then talking of 'functionality', to put it is to say that the World becomes your Bitch. Maybe my problem is that all the things I want take me towards Odds that I don't have the resources or whatever to overcome, aside of which one just thinks of something and the road is layed out before. So, in relation to time and space and alternate routes. It takes time though to learn those things or someone would need one to explain what these feelings are there for. It is then also yet there to be explored personally, where another thing that is different to a HUD is that God is a living Entity that says 'Nay' if He wants to. Aside of that the Stargate Atlantis Puddle Jumpers are a nice example.

Boasting with the Lord yields ...

... Fate! The very odd thing about this entire Article here is that basically it is yet to early for me to write it. But, in the same sense, if I waited for the time when its right, it would be too late - so - its an individual Dilemma. It would be too late because if I were to write it then, when so the Princess of the Castle opened the Doors for me, it would be odd to write about these things in hindsight. I do so already have these "before and after" problems. Enlightenment/breaking the 9th Seal meant a significant Change, and so was Baptism, and I wasn't prepared for that so I haven't gotten any proper figures to accurately relate to. I'm left to guessing! Afterwards one is always smarter - and should there be no Aliens, sotospeak, I'd have to think back and wonder where my mistakes were at. So I'm better off to write despite possible error. To say: I don't really know all too well about these things, but there is something. Part of this something is that despite how ashamed I am of anything I wrote in terms of Celebrities - it is that narrow right way I have to go! Thus, I'm basically amazed by now because it seems to be not just "likely" anymore, but basically already inevitable. So, what is going to happen is that I will need time during which this will be one of the few things that the public may have access to. So, I guess - this is more why 'later' is too late. Ergo: Gods guidance doesn't protect from misconceptions. It is either way the case that one has to learn - it was one of the very first Concerns God handed over to me - to rely and depend on the Lord but to do so the right way! A good rule of the thumb is to say that the only reason why God would not acknowledge your oppinion is when you have forgotten to consider something vital. As second rule: He expects you to go your way as a Human individual and not as His puppy. The exception is if someone is into God that way - where we might come to the Abraham example.

God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac and some people say: "What kind of a God asks such a thing from a human being?". Well, to get that clear: God didn't want Isaac to die! This story yields no true pragmatic value for the believer - it is more about Abraham than it is about God, if it is about God at all. Abraham was Loyal to God and what we can learn is that God befriended Abraham. It is nowhere written that we have to be like Abraham, but if you are like Abraham, there is no Doctrine, Law or Rule that He would care about that stops Him from being good to you. And thats also in about the "Hail Mary" of my life! That so for once whenever someone has a problem with me, that one does also have a problem with God! Independent of which problems God has with me.

I actually wouldn't dare to be seriously certain about it - not yet - and in the end, you can't really be sure about it either. But something has changed. Previously I would take a positive change for something positive, OK, but well - ironically my mind was only capable to move within extremes. Either something happens or not, and that nothing happens would be bad, hence positive means that something should happen - yet it didn't. So, I guess around these things that what I say or write sounds much like gibberish. It thus has been a very nice change for me to be surrounded by people where such things don't matter. Because I'm unemployed and thus a case of social aid right now I've been put into a Measurement called 'Neue Arbeit' (New Work) - where others like me are, but not quite like me. The point is that I can't talk of anything like this, but we do talk about all sorts of things. When anything is up to my belief I just shut up - and so it is literally nice to get a break from all that "mind boggling nonsense".
Because I'm used to it I already take into account that I'm probably wrong - but we'll see if I'm by Christmas this year (#14) still talking that way! I would say nay because counting all things together its rather obvious what is going to happen. Point 1 is the question: Do I feel what is going on in this world, yes or no? That is a big bugging thing - we might say - the/a beam in my head. But most of the time I feel confirmed, with the chance that it is just a Hype issue and there well, nothing is certain. I basically just write this as wrap-up - although - it is the point that inspired the Headline.

It is however certainly safe to say that unless Megan Fox falls in Love with me, you don't need to suppose that I really know what I'm doing! On the other end it may be my big trouble - naturally - that I'm bothered by such thoughts though instead I would in deed be better advised to think of other things. Naturally things don't have to be this black and white, but between black and white there is yet a middle - on which side of the line I stand - well, is an uncertainty until ... the one or the other thing becomes certain! So yea - that's it for now!

Stardate 55290.15374