Taking a drift

Now, this is for the show - basically. To show - what exactly, amongst the Tohu Wabohu that else is there, is going on in my mind - so to look at the future.
The future is weird. Where, before I get into what is on my mind - I would need to stop at the Prophecy contained in Isaiah 40+. More precisely: Isaiah 42 - and even closer down to the point: Isaiah 42:22. The issue however first on my mind isn't about the future at all. It is about that expression in verse 24: Whoever chosseth you chooseth an abomination.
See - the problem I'm about to share is one that is re-occuring in what I am concerned about. It is called 'Astair'. Here we can take a good sharp look at it, which is here especially good because it is the 'Astair' around a Biblical verse that in this time should yield specific interest. Now, what I mean by Astair can hereby first be introduced by saying: It is what the word 'Abomination' (or whatever it is called in your Translation) does to you. I can, so for instance, take it down to that single verse. 24. Now, given that I have 'manipulated' a certain crowd to see the word 'Abomination' for a certain thing, I would only need to cite that verse and all would be convinced that I'm in the right spot. To make them believe in it, well, I'd have to take a short trip around. I'd only have to find something where-on I could continue: "You are a nothing". So, instead of saying it, I'd open the Bible and read that verse out loud and all the "aaahs" would be in my favour. So for instance now. I said this, therefore they are a nothing, and an abomination is chosen by those whoever choose them.
Therefore - I'll repeat - it is more important to get the full scope. Naturally I'd advise 'everybody' to read from Isaiah 40 to 49 literally everything. There is no tolerance that I would support for it to be different at any point in time while the scores ain't settled! The thing should be clear that this one verse is just a statement within a statement - a statement that 'seeks' the settling of a score. It sais: Come here, show me what you got! The story goes on: They make a big whatevertheshitisgoing on to stay away - and whatever they think they can do to one day take it there and win is failing. So, I'm boasting, maybe sometimes beyond my capacity, but hey, there's a dead givaway for you! They rather would want you to believe that I'm just a poser than showing to you in real life on me that between me and them they are more than that! Posers!
Naturally they'll use their social status to add weight to that. They are involved, connected, possibly wealthy, all that - in comparison to which I'm literally, I'll admit, nothing! I'm excluded, unconnected and unwealthy.
If you know those prophecies that you should know - you'd know about the part where it is written that "Poor Israel" will be like eaten by the moths - which uhm - I don't see why it suiting me should be negative for my position! But oh - bullshit!

The future! The future - well - it is what "we" make of it. You for yourself and so forth. If you choose them the future is going to be their way, all that follow would believe, more or less, that its right, etc.. It'd work somehow, at least for as long as no major catastrophy is striking them down, but me making any statements in those regards - like - predicting catastrophies - well, that would require God to tell me that He's planned something and that I should warn you. That isn't the case however.
I will however predict that things will work out in my favour and that soon enough mankind will unite in the desire to remove the Vatican from the Landscape! Some people might choose to vandalize on Roman Catholic Churches no matter their supposed cultural value and people will look at it and barely know why they should bed mad about such things! They'll look at it - and basically somewhere deep inside agree - deep inside but not beyond their consciousness.

Those are things - as you should know - that I have little to none to say about. I'll say that I worked hard on getting it there, that people will realize how things are, but beyond that its everyones own choice to do whatever. We might so for instance stop here and wonder if these acts against the Roman Catholic Church(es) are fair, good, or so - like - should I ask you to do those things? Should I tell you not to do such things? Are they important? Is it important for all of us to see those things happening? Or would it be a sign of ill-mindedness? So we might argue that if it would have to happen that I would have to order it so. But what if I don't and it yet would happen? See - not a big deal!
In other words I so predict a social movement that will emerge from individual thinking. Maybe, so one might say, I spoiled it and thus folks would be reluctant, but I'll say that I know in about enough about the human psyche to say that it won't hinder everybody from doing those things. It is just a natural thing. The more it gets to you the more you'll also get the emotions - emotions that I trust will be beyond any politicians control and they would be advising themselves to not say a word!

Beyond Jupiter

If you believe in those Apollo 18 stories your view of things will be different than the one I'm forced into. I don't wanna tell that there are no Aliens and neither do I want to say that I don't believe these stories although they do somehow appear like they are just another piece in the puzzle of confusion. Thus I'll avoid the subject unless consolidated facts are on the table. Someone who knows more about it might be able to predict certain things that may at that even be within his range of control, but saying so, the 'fear factor' is simply growing. But, fear from what? That the Antichrist is head of a Galactic Empire with huge Battleships and what not? In case it must be I'd place a bet on some unknown Alien Race that comes in and saves the day. Something like that. Nothing we should even be concerned about!

Or, in other words: An "Enlightened" Game Designer will always build in some back-doors or cheats of some sort - why should God not? We've seen that particles can behave in ways we didn't expect them to. If we look into Genetics we can see that there might be some that interact with our psyche. So, maybe there is a certain type of God particles that simply do not work for anyone who isn't Enlightened - and see - there we go! Inpenetrable Physical Power!

And even if they conquered all Galaxies - I'll say that there is that one Starsystem hidden in the void that they didn't see or know of - but well - its at all much easier than that. Trying not to make any simple suggestions my closest bet is to check my mood - my passive mood - and I'd say that however large the empire may be - at all - we're still ... free! Yea, so, wanna risk it - rising up against a hypothetical threat of a clone army that knows no ideals or anything and stands there in the sky the moment we refuse to play their game? Since Snowden got out with these revelations of his we may know that we are being owned - but by whom? And how? I don't know of any such thing? To me they either are heroes in the background that serve us a great deal by fighting problems of all sorts of malicious activity, or just some bunch of backwarded nonchos that only have the power we give them by living in the rules of this system they are operating in.
But this is of course where my story must begin because it is the thing that most immediately concerns me!

I'll so move into some villa because some rich people finally fancy to support me. What would be the consequence? JFK part 2? Well, of course, that is a problem and maybe I should be more seriously concerned about it. Seriously enough to consider it a problem that even prevents me from getting there. I've at some point read for instance that Megan Fox removed her Merilyn Monroe tattoo - but that of course is a two faced message. I can take it one or another way. But Merilyn Monroe would be like me - a person that stood alone against something and her death couldn't be put into any properly conclusive frame. However. Since something to go up against whatever odd there is there would need to be a strong community and so the dark story would be that they are taken care of not having something like that. But - here's the catch: If that is the way things are and it really is as bad as we might picture, then I might get nowhere anyway unless I mobilize enough people, which, would be a way to go. So - considering that Isaiah 42 applies - there is however one thing about that way to go: Whatever comes isn't up to me! I'm taken by my hand - thus - I don't need to tear myself away to go some way that 'might' be the right way.
Thus - once more - we get to those 'eventualities' that 'eventually' even aren't.

It is somewhat of the major topic here. One reason for me in the past to write a lot about Sex was the issue that there was this "crowd" that felt like looking at some exagerated idea of what I say and would wish or hope for me to remove those things. You might so get it from the "tone" of what I wrote that I continously tried to de-exagerate some exagerated misconceptions. If you so want to know how much de-exageration is right, well, to the point that Sex isn't even an issue is well enough!
But still *whine whine* these and those things are there. Well yea! So the problem were: "What if those things were taken the wrong way?" and that imposes a problem that I would have to solve. I'll however say: "What if they aren't taken the wrong way?".
It is of course silly. Once I try to 'talk to someone specific' and that person cannot think independently or individually for itself but continously pictures the worse cases of what somebody else might think - yea - tell me what I should tell about Baptism! It does simply not work at all if people cannot see the need to obey certain rules. YOU need to be convinced OF YOURSELF doing what is right FOR YOU! Then you can stand there and explain WHY. See, the Mormons didn't do anything - but - building houses and yet people went after them with pitchforks and torches. To say: WHAT I say isn't relevant - what matters is that it is the RIGHT thing.
What else matters is that only the STUPIDEST will be stirred up easily, and MOST STUPID implies MORONITY because simply STUPID is what we all are!
But you understand that if you can say WHY, then there can be TWO that say WHY. Then three, then four, then four hundred, etc..

Lets take it into Child Abuse. Lets say I am Pedophile - lets say we all are. Naturally the next step from finding something like that within is to acknowledge that You yet would never ever ... . So for some there is a limit. Like, if a young teenager, Lolita Type, starts to seduce someone, well, that person might be weak to such but that is already an entirely different situation! Saying that we don't want to support such things because we know the one or the other horror story where a person abused its victim-esque appearance, I have another mind-set about it. I see that if we exclude a certain thing from reality that does non-theless exist and habituates a certain 'legal' joy it cannot be removed. If we however yet seek to do so, we push its existence into a form of habituation that is just miserable! It is complicated, no doubt, thus, turn down the volume - let it be an issue for when we can talk about it more explicitly as all the other things - and let it be a thing so that people have the time to think about those things! That is good! It is better than just out of nowhere and all of a sudden say: Hey, uhm, by the way!
Naturally Astair might make it look different. Dont you get it though, you, you who is not new to all about me? So yea, eventually Astair works in favour of the topic, but does it work in favour of me? Astair would make people listen and accept anything they are being told - to me it is just something I don't want to rely on. I would much prefer people to have had some time to make up their mind about it! Thats the course I'm on! Now you tell me about the other way! You tell me of us standing on some podium, saying: People please listen, they'd listen, all according to screenplay. Well, but thats not how it happened! But that is what you believe has to happen and so you'd help those that want to keep me silent. They'll say nothing different to what I said but you say that their way is the right way because you believe that people won't understand and so I got to question: Do you understand? Do you even know what the topic is about or would you if I asked you need to look their way to give me the answers that I posted here a while ago? Isn't that what I meant when I said that Astair does make people accept whatever - regardless the topic? Something gets mentioned, a few people get upset, time goes by and all went that way. Sounds familiar! Politicians do it that way! Not? Well, yea, eventually they take it too far - like Mexico most recently - but are we, the people, not already numb? Aren't we almost sick enough to even try?
What is the point? What makes the difference? The difference is that I require people to turn towards God and make their peace with Him instead of being just bystanders to a program that is automated no matter their oppinion! Smart people will say: Yes, right is right, but that implies that not everyone who says the right thing is automatically prophet! Especially once power is in play we have to be cautious!

So, what if they behave this way? What if they don't? What if they have to make their mind up and don't? Can't be right? Who are you to say? Do you even know?
The story hereby is simple: I've heard a story of a woman that got raped being 13 years old and she enjoyed it and ever since secretly wishes to get raped again. Those are types of beings that some people might simply not want to accept - thus they'll shove 'em away, out of the sight, but is it right? Thats what I wrote about in that main article about Child Abuse there. OK, now, take a malicious and powerful person that is pedophile - coin that story while you take care of me shutting up and that's what you'd get!
So, maybe that person would make it right, but wonder: Does the cause justify the means?


But so, some topics are simply about accepting a certain matter. My idea of a good future is that people then however don't only understand 'why' they accept something, but by God also know that its happening the right way. No ambiguity!

And so, what is God? Should we accept that God is just a word people use to justify their cause? A word we convulate to have things our way? Should we accept that our Understanding of Him is that while we have a reason to be upset about something that God did something wrong? And that once we belive that He did something wrong we have to believe that it can't be and thus have to accept that whatever we do is doing His will if we just believe it so?
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, I'll say no to that!

The problem in the way however is of course the way of getting a straight answer from Him! But starting to accept that He can (is capable of) give(ing) straight answers is the the very beginning of it. Look into yourself and you'll find really quick how good you are! You'll find that I have to add nothing to it!

But I can decorate it with words! God is a Living God, etc. - thus - I'll leave that to the preachers though!
So my understanding of this life, this living diety of mine, well - at some point I also wanted to mention that Understanding is Larger than Knowledge because Knowledge can be formulated from Understanding but Understanding formulated from Knowledge is guessing!
So I Understand that there will be the time where God brought those things to pass that He had intended for our well being - and so I'm back at "part 1" where I wanted to take a drift into that villa where I'm going to set up patch.

See, people would expect nothing else! Where else? A shed? It might sound selfish at first - then - information technologically stupid maybe - but - I might use one extra desk for working on my designs with a computer to work on my models without being at first required to ... complicated story.
See, first, my IT project. That would be selfish. What I have or use to work with it - information technologically stupid. I - that is right now and from this moment right now I take a drift into the future - would be keeping my Linux installation at first and stay with it. I have my own Model Editor for 3D Models that I'll be using for my most basic needs and that one has originally been coded for Windows - thus - I usually have to shut-down my Laptop and boot into Windows to use it. I might use my second Laptop but it sucks because the screen is so small and I'd yet have to plug around and then space is full and I'll put this here and that there and - yea. Space! Why not: Space?
Why not doing something different?
Why not?
But those that fancy to support me will have learned that it is best to just let me do. I'm humble enough to stick to what I got and not ask for any extras aside of Space maybe - so - in some way I'll expect that people there will also take a step towards me. Anyway ... that is a next step, a topic for here.

I'll expect people to do the right thing although I didn't 'command' them to do ... uhm ... instead of commanding them to do something. So I'll also clarify for now that all I ever wrote, be it advises, knowledge, wisdom, anything - is at best a suggestion - so in terms of the value that is put into it when facing a critical observation - and that not to be backwarded but to arrange space for discussion that might make something better and that is just how human social life is 'supposed' to work. I'm a human too, ergo, I don't see why I need to prepare for something different!
Well, I understand why I might have to - ergo - that is what this is about as well!
Anyway the definition of a command structure would imply - need to - that it is only valid for a given purpose. OK, but what is purpose? I can formulate everything I want to - thus - I can formulate myself to the commander of the entire human race! Purpose, logic! But I'll be more specific: There should be no authority upon any social structure! There is no 'Boss' and no demand of any kind! People that are too bossy are "Low Lifes". There of course are exceptions - like first of all - the commander in a military hierarchy. Here however the justification is evident! There is the purpose that a Military compound has to work a certain way. Within those confines so authority exists. The soldier is well aware of that, but, that isn't an excuse! Otherwise a Bossy person could be a Mother - but quickly - that isn't where I want to take this idea. Per duty, that is the point, everybody fills a purpose and that purpose is part of a structure wherein authority is valid. Keeping it that way is keeping the rest as open as need be.

The bigger idea is however not easily conclusive from this context. The question were: How to establish social harmony without an authoritative individual that keeps the order? I might counter: How to establish a social harmony once the authoritative individual is a moron? The closest thing to a King or Queen - that is my verbalization - should be the Parent. They have the power of supremacy on the young individual and thereby steer and guide it into the directions they think are right. The older that young individual grows the less power the parents will have - thus - their ideal should be to help that individual ... but thats perhaps better put by parents for parents.
It may however serve us as metaphor. But, I'll leave that so hanging right now.
People next to that will be expected to behave - which implies that there is no position of authority that may dictate behaviour of any sort. The individual is always dictating its own behaviour, which is further the only way authority becomes a thing! The individual who chooses to be part of a hierarchy by so aspiring to fulfill a certain duty, submits to an authority and rather than comprehensive should it be self-understood. Also self-understood should be that the formulation of that is entirely irrelevant! What matters is the expectancy it creates - the good idea - "the spirit of it" - and I'm sure that like 8 out of 10 today are entirely willing and capable to fit into such a world! Make that 9 out of 10 when comming to a "modern" (new modern) concept of a working infrastructure where certain freedoms are accepted. So, uhm, 'openness' might be the word. Something like not believing into the worse in people and that someone, the 9th, only doesn't want to be excluded without right away being entirely included.
They basically are part of what I may have forgotten in the previous epistle. They would produce something like a medial zone around something. As they don't want to be excluded they try to be a part of something, but not being included does give them a certain freedom. That freedom knows boundaries as well, but exactly here is the openness that which makes the difference between being finally excluded effecitvely nontheless or not.

So I'll say that once a rich person comes up on me and offers me to be my bank providing me with a certain budget - then I'll try to work with it. We can picture it by looking at the human brain. The brain doesn't work because there is one central brain cell that controls everything but because all the different cells relay impulses to one another. At some points things do narrow down to 'one' thing - where - the most prominent 'one' thing might be our vision. But that is otherwise as well a topic that may be discussed to death so I'll skip on it.
So, I will do my thing and next to the things that are context sensitive I'm going to work on my IT project.
This also is my purposefully featured counter way to the previous chapters issues.

It happens in parallel. I'll just do my thing, taking my time, while others need to take theirs for themself. So easy!
That is -the Principal- foundation for the future.
That is -the Prime-ordinal- way of Life I advertise.

Thereby, I suppose, things will progressively get better and the most fundamental word to most adequately describe WHY is: Fun! It'll be fun to see how things work together, how more and more better things become possible, how we can create our entire civilization anew - and one day I will die happily without having done any more to it than this. More or less eventually. The picture could be like me just staying in that Villa, living my life, and around me things will just grow until that Villa I live in looks shabby in comparison and beyond. To say something more about HOW than just that if you seriously think about it you'll understand I'll add that there is only one way and if it wouldn't succeed it wouldn't happen! Neither would it succeed if it wouldn't happen! Uhm - there is hope - and hope is what matters against fear! That is to close this topic!

Fear, those: "If ..." issues that are countered by "If not" - stands between the own self and Gods will! If we know where God wants us to be - we aren't smarter for having those concerns! Well, we may be somehow, but - these smarts won't even matter unless we overcome the darkness! So there is hope, or call it trust or belief, maybe couriosity! Call it the accomplishment of setting up facts against guesses!

Peace! Well - yea - peace is fine! Peace in the small once everywhere will iterate into what we know as "World Peace" - sotosay! Sela!

Stardate 55129.36524