Try This:

It says: Wherever there are two or more assembled in my Name - I will be there (Jesus Christ). So, if you are unfamiliar with the Bible, there is this whole entire "I will always be with you" topic that each Believer naturally would cherish in some way. If you have problems believing my story, you would now somehow face the same problem I do. You need 'one' who truely believes, or so - where is the line being drawn?

That I have no precise guidelines, frame data, etc. - thats good! It means that around an idea the rest now sortof has to unfold itself - which means - it is flexible to the circumstances. Now, while it certainly would look mad from the outside if so looking at Christianity if you stick to the whole entire say so say so nonsense - from the inside it is entirely different because the individuals 'share' the same belief. Sortof - how deep, that is another thing but the point is that now the community is structured in a way where the word of God is an 'auto-must' in some way. Depending now on how the Mess is ordered there is more or less space for developing an individual idea - but yet - is there that what holds the community together, which are now individual 'methods' of faith that exist due to the lack of information and thus expressing itself in a greater variety.

If you have read you will be familiar with the story of the Lamanite tribe that repented and was blessed by the Holy Ghost - where it is said that they did receive Baptism before the Lord even arrived - technically. So - when comming to baptism I have to say that it is more than just the ritualic gesture of good will or so - there is a deeper effect to it and in the idea was that what happened to them we have assume.
Now, the idea is now the one of exceptions that are being made or things that present themselves within the invidiual context. So this story happened at a time where the comming of Christ was a mere legend - like we believe in the return of Christ today somehow.
The story with Baptism today however is that one needs the Authority to do so - which is within the Priesthood (thats what it is called) that is bestowed upon someone by the laying on of hands. In that regard the Priesthood effectively presents itself as tie to the roots, so that we might guess that exceptions are not in the box today anymore. There however is a slight exception to that already given within what some call Sacrament, others Eucharisty, while most of us should be familiar with the eating of Bread and drinking of Wine as part of a Ceremony. When blessed by the Priest, the Bread and the Wine/Water receives the spirit of God and by consuming it we ... well! It is said thereof that one who eats and drinks of it owes himself to the Lord. It is a 'taste of it' that you would want to experience as indication. And I might expand on this idea at some point .... It so however is unclear how.

In the same sense it is incipid to assume that Gods company is bound to not being alone. Eventually being alone is just the thing. So you might extrapolate from the List of Tracks what stuff I got in my Playlist. Add some Bob Marley, Donkey Kong, DMX, Mega Man and stuff that you want and try to work while playing it on shuffle - and don't think about it. Maybe ... *caugh* and some ... whatever - (Wrong or Right (I'm tired) - DMX Year of the Dog ... the end) - thats how it rolls. Don't think about it - just let the ice Melt ... that means ... you're the ice and you don't all of a sudden turn into water. About Her (Malcom McLaren). Well, I also got E.V.E. in there (Scoprion), Age of Wonders 2, Secret of Evermore and Zelda (1,2,3) Mixes.

The more familiar you get with Him the closer you can get to making it a social element - and whatever rules rules - kindof.