No way in the whole entirety of the Universe

can this happen ... could I believe! That of course is the matter with belief - and so - why not a real worse-case scenario? You've possible heard of it or ... maybe not ... but the whole issue with them celebrities - well - there is one of course. Putting them all into one box and saying: -This is it-, that won't ... uhm - work - and for whats left, well, I feel like it ain't enough.

Enough for ...

So anyway I begin, making my "plaustrophobia" happen - whether that is me explaining how I come to believe what I believe or me simply being somewhat afraid of - ideas of what is plausible being heard stronger than my word. That would be the beginning of my story - how it came to me - that Enlightenment thing. Its a story like that - where by plausibility - well - its been more than a far shot. I guess even you after you could hardly denie that this Enlightenment is a thing would believe that it even existed. You may think I'm stupid, but as far as I get it, Demo-Enlightenment will show you over and over again just how far behind you actually were and that lead I got, well, ... it happened, however. Of the 12 Apostles one would be the smarter - one would be the wiser - another one would be the lovlier - and I won't say that none of you is or can be smarter than I am. It was never my point to proof that I am the smartest, it was however my point to proof that Enlightenment is a thing.

Those that engaged into Demo-Enlightenment know how it is - to, well, finally come to know and understand ... and while on the one end I was told to not Underestimate my Enemy, I was on the other end told not to Underestimate Enlightenment. But, what can I do?

The issue wouldn't be - well - that more than half of hollywood could join me/us - neither that we might lack or mangle in terms of having the right impulses to move on as a whole; But something is missing. This something, well, might be the shadow - the blurr - in what fills me as my understanding of my life as it would be supposed to be/supposed to happen in case all this sexual thinking leads into the right direction. In that sense I can write about myself as much as I want, it'd at some point just get ... well ... damn shallow. Then for a next step we might finally have those handfull of celebrities, where, well, we don't need to think for too long to understand what they can do for us. They got the publicity; And although newspapers and what not got that too, they got ... well ... 'the responsibility of fame'. Whether they will crumble beneath it or not - well - leaves us with yet a hypothetical few that won't - yet is that not really the issue.
I think of it - this 'then' - and I feel like I got no plattform. This site won't do the trick, at least not if I continue like this - doing it all myself nontheless - but then, amongst all the celebrities do I feel 'one' - 'one' single entity that might help me. That won't do it! Even if it would, I also do feel that within those handful of celebrities that I feel; And extending beyond those handful doesn't change anything either; I don't feel as though the required communication would work. People can talk, no doubt, but so just putting enough people into a room and having them talk - that isn't the idea. You should know Enlightenment by now - after all there would be little use to this if you wouldn't - and so you know how your mind grows to a state of independence (I guess the idea was all along to have this Demo-Enlightenment, it seems like it couldn't work otherwise) where you in some point grow resistent to other peoples mind-sets and oppinion when it comes to knowing the right and important things. You should picture from your own perspective how I did this wrong, what I could have done, but think about joining me in doing this and I'm sure you'd be feeling kindof stranded. What I'm getting at is the process of reasoning - aiming at the point that according to me the communication that is required to this is to be more like that of an individual mind than the guessing of a group. That is my problem all along. I'm not looking for You-Tubers that can help spread the word or being some positive influence - for instance would they sound silly, and, they'd basically have to change their job too. That was another problem all along.

So, there basically are two options, neither of them sounds fun! Either "this is the end" - I'll get mutilated and live my life as a whore (which still leaves space for doing this and that but ... well ... lets say that it is a convulated picture!) - or that won't happen and, well, fun is relative, I all that would be left for life were to dwell in luxury. I would still need to sort myself out - and that is such a thing. After I got to this place where I am now I focussed on the goal to sort myself out, to get my life structured and to get prepared for me having to get along on my own. If I my life now were to change equally dramatic I'd however get to the same point. I'd have to sort myself out nontheless. I would for instance work myself back into those books where I have that Enlightenment from while filling the inspirational voids with working on my game. Sounds alright - but thereby I don't have time for this page either, or anything at all. Thus, however, this does nontheless sound like a good foundation.
For what the entirety of us is concerned there will be people doing that job and I won't have to do a lot, at least can I right now not understand what, but well, just that there is a link somehow. So, more blurr. But after all it stands that people are to look at me - so as with the YouTube example - nobody should be supposed to justify anything. The more you come to think about it, or as you come to think of certain scenarios, you might feel like you'd have to explain something. Might not be wrong, but after all it should be coordinated somehow. However, I need a team!
I, to get back to the 'good foundation', know that I have enough time for a variety of things next to those books and my IT project; Preferrably to my own schedule - but next to that - those things are nothing I could put any effort besides living into, but, a minor one.

There are a lot of unknown things that should be known should this whole endeavour be a success - so the idea. What I understand should in about reflect what you do - I mean - where we get input from the same source. My idea always was that 'somehow' - and this somehow usually led me into the direction of celebrities, but honestly, there were two ways I did perceive this destination. When I was projecting it as "something along the way" it felt right, when I thought of it 'as' the end - it felt wrong - and so is it now, which is how I can tell. So it has been a thought that crossed my mind every now and again to then be there and just throw it into the word - asking for those that feel as though they are supposed to help me. But now, lets say we got a pool of people and they are asked while many might want to but don't find the impulse - while what remains is just too few, thus those few that remain might not get big of an impulse either. While nobody has a clue, the "black-jack" traverses back to me; And that is because I am here and after all does the Father know that! So, naturally the idea were to expand the pool - but eventually that is useless.
What we should all be common about is that the Father is invisible and that our life with Him on our mind doesn't change that so much. Eventually we get those "sticky issues" with not having a proper 'Gnosis' of Him. So we're basically waiting for Him to "do the trick". Now I have to think of a Stargate SG1 Episode, the one titled "200", where General Hammond talks to ... how could I forget his name? ... about re-activating the Stargate programm ... that doll scene. Now, what I need isn't so much an SG1 Team, but by logic at first something to make whoredom be less celebrity focussed. Yea - would be - a thing! Certainly!
But whoredom isn't everything! We need: More awesome! That is the point. At least that is the angle of perspective that I'm getting, while there are a few criteria that are 'common sense' of sorts. At first, I can't be with guys! That is one thing I know. To all the male acquaintances I've made: Sorry! (Those I think aren't the "Lovers" of the Jeremiah prophecy!). As of the recent article that I wrote, which I'm not quite "fond of" yet, I have to learn of myself what my 'true identity' is and let it arrange those things that conflict to it. Well, sure! This means for instance, that I don't have to relate from the wrong side to a thing - which then makes perfect sense that I am into women, hookers or sluts, whatever - but not as a guy. Its a tiny adjustment that changes a quite much!

Now would it usually be a conflict to think about that kind of life and anything else that I might have to do! The big problem on top of that is a non-accurate knowledge of how that life would be organized - which is as much as saying that ... well ... we got a problem that needs to be fixed. Yea, got it! Can't however just depend on people to come in and be happy about it - for whatever reason! Simply put may the problem have been that - I guess I noted it somewhere - that the concept of what this life is to be about was wrong! So I need a team and I'm with bitches - and from a perspective of having relied on God for so long it always seemed reasonable that the result was supposed to be epic; Not what I would produce in this sense, but the bigger image, the 'Entity' of me - so in the sense of what people see when looking into my direction.
That wasn't what I was looking for when making my decisions, but certainly something I looked at once having made some. However.

It would at this point not take a rocket scientist to understand where this is going, at least - so the figure - is the proposed outcome at this point "one possibility" - while possible - well - might be a far shot to say. But, you know me, you know yourself, you know people and how they are; So obviously it would be a long shot to say that this alone would do any good. One step forward, two steps back - it seems. Now is this all the foundation to a proposed outcome that so happens to be a belief. Effectively it isn't my belief though, but what I believe in does according to my Understanding point into that direction and that is as good as saying as that it is my belief. Where does it take us?
At first, that is the concept, each in my team will be(come) a professional in something along the lines of my duty. That suggests that we're not opening a brothel, but founding a Software company. This will be sponsored by Hollywood or someone else, whatever, where the big question at first is however: How does it come together? I can barely reach out to anyone - that will be someone elses duty. Now - as in a little word play - from there on my/our(Entity) mission will be, well, to ... make things 'hard'. So does the Hitlist provided on front not say a lot - where even if it did - well - it isn't hard enough. At any rate is there now this:
and of course at first it seems, in this context, too impossible to be true and thus [add consequentially general-purpose bits here]. Can one assume that I got a 100% accuracy in this matter? This to that is however so far just supposed to say: What did fit onto one page.

It is at this point also a good metaphor what Enlightenment is all about - or what it implies or projects for the future ... well ... maybe: Too good to be true! Once it happens it were a thing from a perspective 'now' where this is "can't be!" - which changes once it is! But, when, what, how ... well ... its pointless to think about it because whatever will be will be! That I have learned the recent days. To be ... concluded!