The Truth about Rape

First: I don't write these things as though I'd really like to tell something I thoroughly know as though I could lecture anyone about it. People that know me personally and good enough know that I'm not that way! When I write that I'm open to different thoughts and idea I don't mean to say that I'm too stupid to figure things out myself, but that I appreciate to hear of thoughts which is ... you know what? Fuck this!

If you are ... rambling rambling ... anger, zeal, destruction ... Kamehame-Ha ... bam! If it is your idea sotospeak that I have to ... then that is your expectation but if I exist as an ordinary human being and you can't forgive me ... that ... then ... well ... there is a "sorts of" people that is polluting my mind and heart and let's say ... when I read about politics, it kindof fuels the same fire and I'm really pissed. To put my mood into a visualized example of action then that is simply havoc. People know that feeling! There are movies about it, loads of 'em. Speaking of a genre called 'rape revenge' we might get to the topic here, but, one of my favourites would also be 'Walking Tall' - but outside of movies - well, there is real life! Everytime a white cop shoots a black guy and gets away with too little I just want to ... burn everything to the ground. When I read that politics concerning our climate don't get along because some morons simply denie its existence I simply feel like heads got to roll! I don't mean to be kidding there either! It is my proclaimed goal that I have enough backup to sentence people to death if need be! "Bloody Satisfaction!". This isn't about judgement, it isn't about "not forgiving" - I'm not talking about ("petty") "criminals" - I'm talking about real criminals! I'm talking about people that keep standing in the way, expecting that nobody is going to anything ever that would be necessary to change that, but well, I intend to change that!

Ever wondered what 'Salomons judgements' would look like if he lived today? I can't really tell but - I'm all down for the whole peace, Love, Flower-Power thing and thinking - 'which is why' ... you know! So, needless - or, better yet told: This way this topic is headed into the direction ... well ... lets say I am to write about Rape here, what is the controversy? Something about something bad if certain bad things align - well, duh! I kindof see the deal but I guess that its nowhere near anything that I suggested. But taking those suggestion down the right road - its taking us into politics! The real rape or rapist stuff! Those are the folks that will benefit if we don't dare to get anything new on the way. You'll look at me, say nay, while all that will ever do anything in politics emerge from just that system which ... well, I don't think its all bad - however - get the idea?

I guess that leaving you with questions can be considered idiotic since it means that "those people" will have a point to append their smack-talking and you'll have to defend yourself - but - thats how it'd be going anyway, so fuck that too!

When I say that I'm open to different thoughts I don't want to say that I just listen to then give contra! It is what will happen if people just smack shit at me, of course, but the point should rather be the 'bandwidth' of truth, like, you don't have to be wrong if I am right, whether you see it or not! But well, lets pick Democracy for instance. Whatever you think about it ... sotospeak ... is wrong because as I am right it is both, good and bad! So you are pro or contra Democracy, where it isn't that which matters but your reasons! After some talking we might get to the point where I express though: Democracy is good, common sense is better! But what is common sense? Well, lets just put that question up here as for shifting focus on the concept of opening a dialogue. For what? Why if I'm right anyway? Well - for all the details! Thats what it is about! If you need me to figure all the details to everything as though I'd be Jesus f'in Christ - go to hell!

And so what if some jerk went through that, making all the efforts to find each and everything to his idiotic idea? So, evidently, that is bullshit too!

So, how are things going to work? Writing some of the most essential things beneath a headline like this? Well - time! What you think of time? You may get your daily business done in one day; And maybe the company you work in/for even got founded and successful within the same time (woot?) - but everyone who ever played a Fecebook game knows the drill with time! Though, well, IRL there is no 'buy shiny buy everything' button! Achieving max-Level in WoW can be done within a short time, but in context that is equal to missing out on the whole 'saving Azeroth' part.
I realize that the way I'm doing things might not be considered the right way - as for instance am I kindof begging for attention but once its there, what can I do? I should crave the attention with those things that matter and if that is how things are supposed to be last year already then I have a real problem! Real as in 'not unreal'! Then I have a totally twisted mind - twisted in the way things work together in context to how they should; But if you need me to write ye Holy Scriptures to increase the Volumes we got already (and are possibly still to come) - then: What for? To crave attention, buck myself up as King Dingeling ... so, ... get the point: I'm not indoctrinating anyone! I'm telling you things that you should consider!

Rape - but first ...

To the "elephant" in the room: Children. If you didn't get the catch about individuality and variety then you should take a note about it now: We are not all the same! Seeing that I'm this way and then projecting that all gots to be alike is a fallacy!

I'll get to the point in consideration of Monica - or more importantly: What is on my mind about it. You'll get the big idea there as I mention that in my mind its setup so that one of her girls is a Whore and the other isn't. Thats wherein my thoughts can move though there isn't really anything for me to think about! It is generally not on my radar and my 'realistic thought' - so when I think about what I have to expect for real - my minds setup isn't relevant for me anymore as whether its just one or more that is this or that - that's something I shouldn't be able to tell me now because its something that does eventually not even matter. That is the next thing.

As I fancy being a Slave I fancy being obedient and there is the idea that ... well ... I might want her to command me to ...? What a dirty way of thinking! No! If she'd tell me to then I would, no doubt, because its 'parents decision' and me somewhat into that, but, also only if I can agree to it. OK, that puts the whole enslavement thing into a bad spot but ... my desires to be a slave and all the talk about wanting to be sub-human don't mean that I can't think anymore. But, wrong angle, wrong direction! The thing is that either she is Enlightened already or not. If not, and she'd tell me to fuck someone I can't - then she'd have to listen to me. Either she follows, tries to be Enlightened and for that duration has nothing to say at all - or she doesn't in which case I'd be out and whatever she means to tell me doesn't bother me anymore. If I'm kindof getting fucked ... well ... that'd be a problem either way, so that "this" would be the least of my concerns!
If she is Enlightened then, well, whats the point? She'd ask me to do something wrong ... why? To test me? But she'd have to assume me to be stupid enough if anything is to be tested and in that case she is telling me to do something wrong in which case she is doing something she ... "shouldn't be able to" for if she were "able" to, how come she's Enlightened? (The more that discussions revolve around such stupidity where ... solution: Headshot!).

Seriously: I need you to understand that there is no fucking excuse against following God and everyone who tries to put doubt into you only wants you to be "so considerate" - fuck that! Why would anyone - seriously? And if he/she's an unbeliever - or worse: Fake believer - what can you change about it? You have to worry that they do it intentionally - and if you can't make your own decisions then how come you ain't lost?
And how come I could help you at all?

So, if she is Enlightened then there will be stuff ... like for once that I assume that I won't be anything but a Slave Whore because that's what I am as anything else is already built and stuff ... where my only purpose would really be to "fit the two worlds together" or something, well, ... while if I therefore have to get things going another way ... well, I have another problem because ... but well ... time! That is suggesting that there is no other problem, while that is however now the question: How much do I depend (am I made dependent) on HELP!??? I just hope for your sake that you won't take too much of it! Its either "Disney Land" - or work ... to give you, with utmost reluctance and deepest dissatisfaction, what you "need". Don't get me wrong! I'll be glad to be a pleasure and stuff; But I don't really know what I'm supposed to do considering the things I actually 'can' do! It ain't about knowledge because there is no more knowledge I have - so - what the fuck?! Presentation? Screw You! Lets say that its a taboo for me! To get it straight: What I think 'has to be' is far beyond my capabilities ... now what? I tell you what: More shitstorming! More random ass-kicking! More anger! More weird being mad about stuff! Until you get it that I'm "the One"/'the Chosen'/the Hailbringer - and that there is nothing you or anyone else can change about that and if you take it as a gift or not is your bullshit! Just standing there and wondering what good I am isn't gonna cut it! If you can't think maybe you just withdraw!

Type A: The Moron: The Moron is an idiot who plays stupid! Ignorance is Bliss in this case!
Type B: Political Problems: I say - period!
Type C: The Fanatic: Headshot!
Type D: All in one: "Looking for volunteer Sadists!"

Life is so much easier with me! Its like there is a King who actually has got something to say! But that of course depends on! If you don't want me to be that person you have severe problem! I'm curious: Whats the line of defense against me looking like? Or offense? Anything reasonable?

I don't try to upstir anger - I try to be a functional pressure vent! If anything violent happens I'm sure that it'll be someone else who started it and eventually I can't withdraw myself from expressions of sympathy and appreciation, which is where I don't care what kind of role-model folks want to idealize me for! I'm my fuckin' own person and that is the 'message' of the story! Faith is the key and if you ain't got it, well, no surprise you can't get in!

The Truth about Rape

What I understand about it ... what I mean by it ... well, let me review a few of my former Customers for that. My first Customer ... skipping on all the foreplay and petting and stuff and skipping right to the end ... I was kneeling upright on the bad while he was taking me from behind. The whole work as a prostitute does have a certain vibe of rape about it already. There is the point where you're not yet having the money - but starting to talk about it already a bit of a commitment. However, once the door is closed and you want to do your job right - you're now 'unfree', 'taken', 'abused', 'commited' for the time that he/she payed. Although I was curious, "the end" is kindof what would matter. OK, as a bitch I could say: 'stop' and he'd have to respect that and all is fine - which is now where rape is that he'd continue although I said stop. So, skipping on a few customers there was this one time that I said 'stop' - but I noticed that I wasn't happy or satisfied and sortof ... it is the one thing I really regret. So, in that sense there is no rape - as if I would have endured, well, it'd have been my own achievement - and I had chances to make up for it; But, that was after ... well ... I was more ... open for such things; After I had fucked my own butt plenty of times with one or more dildos - well - different however! The only reason I didn't get our biggest one up my butt are my hip-bones I guess!

That is ambition. Ambition is like: Taking a dildo and raping it down your throat just to ... I mean, the first time I deep throated I had to puke! But it turns me on and that is basically the scale of measurement in this whole realm of idea. Naturally the point of wanting to get raped can't be to get ... well ... it sortof is the point to get messed up but certainly there are limits. What in this would mean stuff like: They'd want to keep me in-tact for further occupations - is also simply the common sense of living together. Well, beyond that there isn't much to say! Good night!