
The Controversy of Understanding

Or: A reason for me not to write about contemporary Politics

Uhm well, another reason for the latter would be: Politics to me is much so the bottomless pit mentioned in the Revelation of John. But lets skip on that matter for the time being.
It would seem irrelevant of course - whatever else I got on mind - but that is ... you, or your worlds appearance, your thought of significance which in that term, magnified by the multitudes that shares the same eye on it, may very well be the way it is - at all - but that of course is part of the problem! See: If I take a step out of that cycle of doom, lets pretend its just that for now, and you claim that I'm doing it wrong, trying to pull me back in to get into pulling some levers or making some adjustments here or there for the point of the matter of course, I do in deed see and understand the deal but that implies that you did not understand my point!

It makes me in-deed feel a little bit like in the twilight zone.

To help you see the line I'm trying to get you jump accross, I'll ... start this way: My vision of the future - or - what I envision the future to be whenever I write about details as 'time' in this case. So, time. It is at this point just a word that may lead into a large variety of different topics and idea. It is for here our subject of interest - where as we see it unfold are to see just what my point is.

I've written about it a couple of times already - and - from the beginning of me getting immersed into doing the different things that the spirit made dominate my mind (uhm, that again is another issue that would need further explenation - but that is another issue parallel to the matter of time here) it has been a thing that bothered me. So, you could say that it is as old as I'm Enlightened - or - one of the easier things to become a concern of my mind. So, what becomes a concern of my mind or not is something that should be vastly incomprehensive to you - at least in the ways I speak of them. You will or would discard it - calling it arbitrary - but so did one of the most brilliant minds of recent history, Albert Einstein, speak of Quantum Mechanics as well. Well, I'll get into more of that later.
It does however not matter all too much whether I explain what I have on mind about time right now - so it is easier to just let you in on the big point there. What these things are, are very well - you would gather it soon enough to however smack it against me - points of interest.

Well, maybe you right now would be best advised to let that concept tickle your mind a little. You might say: Instead of offering you a world where we know it all - where we presume that the unknown is something that does not exist - I offer you one that is vastly unexplored. Now, just saying so already opens the controversy where people mean to know it better - bla bla - "get to the point" - but if you're not trying to misunderstand me you'll notice that the point is right here, waiting around the corner. This "offering" draws a controversy - one that is however not unknown either. I'm talking of a world designed by God for us - quite as this one - so the question should be: If God created this Enlightenment for us, how come there is anything unknown therein? Or in other words: God knows, how come we won't? But as we go on asking these questions without comming to the very obvious point - we'll spin around that cycle of doom - asking around wondering why we can't change what we aren't meant to change - or - think we can't accept.

Acceptance of the Unknown

So is it of course the first step to acknowledge that. It is in that not much different to when I were an ordinary old-school prophet who would also only hold a limitted amount of information within his bag of duties - opposed by a world that has a hard time seeing what is there and usually jumps the gun asking questions that demand just those answers that are deliberately not given.
It is anyway ours to acknowledge the unknown. But so to draw you a profile of this world, or to give you pen and paper that helps you draw a profile of it: See these from those - know those that do acknowledge the unknown for real and those that don't, can't, won't - except it helps them stuff an argument or something like that.
That is as well one of the important things. You certainly have heard the one or the other story about: Mind-sucking Freaks, conspiracies of dumbing the nations down, abuse of intellectual concepts to mislead the population into an insane master-plan; Things like that - and you may wonder yourself: How close are you to that threshhold of making those horror scenarios a reality!? What do you really, sophisticatedly know to assure yourself that the thing you'd be standing in for were the right way?! Are you trying to be part of the team that plays to win, or are you hoping that the team that plays for the right thing will win? But those aren't questions or issues decisively concluded herein.
So back on route!

You certainly would "do me right" if you claimed that I should be giving you those answers that help you make that step over into the "new and better world" - but if you didn't really get the general gist of that idea yet - well - phew - hard to say!
So another thing: Though there may be some that would require a little bit more ... elaboration on the things ... I don't have to or maybe even can't/shouldn't bother - can clearly go on without having a look back and in case it was me simply slacking or lacking I can return at point in time available. Its a simple writing - not with ink on paper but in form of digits as an array of bytes within a virtual dataspace. Means: Changing something isn't all that difficult.
We may want to think of our future in the future - the legacy we leave behind for the generations to come - and while it wouldn't hurt to spend a few magabytes on these archaic "originals" - it wouldn't really hurt either to ... well, quite a point!

I could try to bend it neck over knee into a single sentence, but you'll figure that this one little sentence would be what this whole entire article will be or is about. In that it also is a bit about progress in time and thereby also about my progress in time - and that would be the actual topic. The topic on its own however usually made me rant about things - from my reflected understanding that I see in you - so appended: The controversy of understanding.
You will at point have to do me as much of a favour as to argue that I'm quite bright in my mind, maybe even brilliant. It is at least the highest available understanding of myself that I have available - so you'll need to forgive me in case I settle on that. I mean to say that I do literally have the choice - ranging from super-crazy to epic-brilliance - which are all legitimate oppinions I would say. I however don't demand you to accept that - but I wouldn't do myself a favour by projecting anything lesser than that. It is at least one building block to the pyramid of hypothesis that tries to capture the understanding of my duty. "I could with that brilliance very much do this or that" - which is of course establishing an expectation. You would so expect, from me, a complete package that you would buy into as tradition for your children and grand-children and grand-grand-children and all the generations to come. You may look at it like a "once in a civilizations lifetime chance" to capture a man of God and have him deliver the answers you seek. This of course were already an insult to the sole existence of such a person; But, lets keep going on and start leaving that behind for now.

I have a quite simple statement to make, but it isn't quite as simple to make it count. I do thereby very well understand the situation - but time and time I yet expressed my issue as I knew no other way to get going with the matter. I so envisioned a future where people would look on what I wrote with the interest necessary for me to legitimately express myself there. That of course is already right away imposing a very fundemantal difference to the time I was writing things in: Taking what I say more seriously. Now however that I expressed this vision its going to get spoiled - assimilated - weird faces are going to pop up in there to make it at least difficult for you to see what I mean, but thats beside the point. So am I not talking or writing about those jerkish scientists that mean to have a smart and educated oppinion, but of those scientists that want to take it as one of the more accessible problems of society. In that sense I don't mean to be a patient, but a ghost. Yet - that is enough abstraction for now.
In some sense am I that scientist that I envisioned back then - where the matter of time is an issue within the making of the key of structuring our society. Thus - to get to that point real quick: I say that I have no time! Again! Or: Still. I would or could go on giving you examples, but that would only offer people the chance to make suggestions. A simple picture: Would I put more time into presenting the central points more clearly I wouldn't have to complain as much. I however am not complaining yet. It isn't my intent to complain here. But fact of the matter for me is to ask: When? When do I have the time for that? Now? Well now I'm concerned of another central issue of the whole matter - and so - it falls in line with the past. In the past I would write such things and it would appear as though I keep complaining instead of doing my work. So you and I need to think back about that Pyramid. It does here however not really shine through that there is a vastness of things in the unknown and it is the projected idea that 'real growth' is yielded from ... well - ... - "that sentence".

One Sentence is Missing

So - its rather easy to clip the issue with "communication of God with man" into this situation here right now. You would look at me - otherwisely - and expect me to somehow show off how this communication with God works. And so OK - I can think of the one or the other occasion and cue of events - but so far, and that I can show you off, the results are ... well ... dodgy - and that is a matter of perception. Now, if you could tell for sure where that communication would need to lead/end - clearly - you could take a deep serious breath of analysis and find plausible intersections. Right now the situation - to fill you in - is the following: The whole matter started with Enlightenment, the immediate metamorphosis of mind adapting to the new scope of reality, etc. - which is much and only perception, saying, I perceive and speaking of what I perceive, well, were a point if you wanted to know what I see. If you can't believe what I say or always assume I made a mistake - well - the issue is going to derail.
I could ask God right now: Whats the point? Where to go? What to write or tell here? And He, as I know Him, or as He gestured out, ... well, easy - step by step. He gestured out how He ordinarily did and so I'll write of that - which would appear as though He hadn't done a thing. But the idea is generally that right now that isn't the matter with a hush of "go on and it'll be clear to you" - the general idea is thereby being planted in my head and that in about usually takes to one of those points that you are to understand. "It isn't so easy!".
Back about time. As I complain about not having it - you would have a way to argue that its my own fault. That would be supported by a wide variety of different ideas of how come I should remain just where I am - like that I'm a social case that has no other hope but by helping himself, like, learning how to clean up my own mess and all that. Part of that may very well be justified and yet I do not intend to defend myself on those matters. I'm not perfect.
From a different point of view I can compare myself to a company that ran a successful business but time has changed and now can't go on with doing what it did. In other words - however more expansive in idea - "how to find the one good alternative to minecraft amongst the many many clones of it?". In another way I could draw the image of a phantom who takes over control of a thing by means that "work" - but those things that 'work' there aren't the things that are supposed to work within the terms of that specific thing in interest. "They get what they want because they put their power into their will and persue their interest on foot and bike" - and once they got what they wanted they don't know how to handle it. But would they let go? Leave in disappointment? How with such pride and ego? They want something, success, and so they'll shove it down our throats that what they got for us is just what we have ever wanted.
Its real - and - you yourself being incapable of understanding just what to do about it won't change its reality! The fight however is classically that between wisdom and sensuality. Wisdom and Knowledge of the thing will help you prevent those sensual cravings of their ill grown desires. But that is another story too!
It is one of less timeless meaning - yet perhaps postured here in form of a warning, as a sign-post, a column of remembrance - but - enough for now.

Then - I have to change this. I've taken you to a point and you would generally say "yay" - you don't want any of that bad stuff, whatever it is - you wanna do something against that, whatever is wrong about it - so - we could make things count in this very generalized way. This vague idea of where to go might soon turn into certainty - that I would lead you the way if I didn't do so already - but so the story goes on that someone stands up and asks you: "Whats the point?". Whats the point of exploring a vastly un-explored sea if -I- (me) seem to have a handle on them things already?
If I were there I'd say: Well, lets find out! But anyway.
So I have come to learn the one or the other thing about it - and if we could settle on that - we could understand that I have in deed happened to learn the one and the other thing about 'it' - THE thing - while, if we can't settle on that there is work left to do to clarify the matter around that term. So is it the idea: Did I learn the one or the other thing about co-existence with God beyond the curtains of His most sacred gift? If you mean to understand that on terms of what I tell you, show you, so in point and case of the results of my communication with Him, you are - as I have OFTEN pointed out - on the wrong way! And now PLEASE LISTEN: Why? A humble *caugh*Testimony*caugh* in the audience? Yes! In deed. So, lets be "objective" about that in this scenario: For what reason is it there? For, if it is there, it is there for a reason. Whether it is there or not has been a point of interest of mine where I see that it is the only really safe and sure way to be sure so that there is no reason on earth nor in heaven above for it to be not there. So there is a point which is obvious within the figured recollection of the story. But now people would want to go out of their way and do "that" - "that" is: To look at the testified road and to analyze it - so - to figure correspondingly whether the testified way can be right or not. And, what is wrong about that?
Well - a short trip into my past, as, I corresponded back then to certain issues of the matter: I was fresh to the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and with deep thirst, enthusiasm, fascination and satisfaction took a big fucking leap into their literature. That is the History round about the first vision, the early church - basically all that mattered around knowing the very basic history of the Church. One problem that occured to me was the existence of Mormon sects - so - Church of Christ versus Latter Day Saints for instance; Or - the church in Independence, the proclaimed Zion that is, or the one in Salt Lake City? Today I'd be more interested in how an exact knowledge even matters to begin with and the basic symptom of sects and the significance of truth thereby - back then however I had to come to the issue round about Brigham Young and Joseph Smiths "prophecy" about them finding a place to dwell and grow at/in. Its the story of his death and the mission of Brigham Young to lead the Trek to the Rockies where they discovered Salt Lake. It is one of those stories where I put interest into a problem that would otherwise look like a torn open abyss of doom and unhailful evidence. It is the idea that this story somehow prooves that its all bullshit - yet - to understand it one may find that the bullshit so began a lot earlier: Sunday as Sabbath, the confusion around the many versions of the first vision, different names of various people or personages that appeared - to say: The whole story was flawed from the beginning - and yet - the entirety around the Book of Mormon and the Priesthood may hold up to be true! Joseph Smith went into the forrest to see that Apostle that God sent to lecture him for a long period of time and he had to go there to be lectured before he would finally receive the book for the appointed task of translating it. So, if you took a logical grid - saying what the right church 'needs' at the very least - you could found it to begin with; Being yet one other way of interpreting the scripture, by the way. So you might want to be right, but, tell me pray, please, more about the Priesthood. How you expect it to come to you? Or may it be possibly to get into the church, get it, and be off with it? Is that a chance? Do we know? Well, the idea is: Can the Gospel be dispropretrialized from God? But anyway. So, taking a good look at it is the question: Can the flaws that we find be legitimately explained in light on the divine truth? If, then we might understand the bigger deal. Around that edge may it be found inevitable that the church would split apart after the demise of Joseph Smith - which is naturally the simple conflicting understanding around simply conflicted points of understanding. Then, what is Young Brigham Young supposed to do as new Leader and now officially recognized Prophet? Can he be perfect? In my understanding they weren't really perfect either, but can I deny that their deliverance has yet been inspired? It is a difficult issue in deed, but the story revolves around one central aspect: Knowing the TRUTH.

Now did I do a whole lot of work to present this particle of my life to you - and I might expand on it - yet I don't think that the matter cannot be disclosed by bright intellects other than me! There are years worth of theorizing in there. But, whatever. Once the faith in it is large enough, we will receive the rest of the Book of Mormon - that was a promise! That may sound like that we are required to believe for the case of becomming blind to see the evident fakery - but around some point in time I might just slap everyone around the corner who throws atheistic fanatism into a gentle religious discussion. And if I were John you might understand how come that John and his Brother had been called "Sons of Thunder"; And why I have little encouragement from anywhere to actually "work on myself" to get that, uhm, removed from the very essence of myself. It is just a way of being - a vein of my existence - a particle of my character; Where as of yet I haven't hurt anybody! It is another piece that might be further explored - but - you don't quite understand the point of view yet.
One basic ingredient to getting there is of course the matter with the Testimony. If you'll start trusting GOD - that is GOD - no-one else just GOD - whether it has been me or someone else who pointed that Testimony out to you - you have an open Path to understanding whether or not that Enlightenment that I is speaking of is right. Once you are Enlightened there is no ... "way out" sounds bad ... uhm - you'll have an entirely new Understanding of it. Lets compare that to Minecraft. Prior to Minecraft one programmer may have wondered "what game hasn't been done yet?" or "how to earn a million?" - after Minecraft - its all so obvious and clear. Proof of the point: Terraria! The first really successful 'Minecraft-like' that exists on individually legitimate ground; But well, there are others - like Steam Punk World, which is basically just a simple jump and run that however plays like a mining game - and some existed prior to minecraft. Minecraft was a very unique take on a game-concept that existed already - but instead of focussing on some form of Multiplayer experience it did focus on the building; And that made the game a success. There is, as you see, no reason to deny the success of Minecraft because it has happened already. We can thus take a look at the reasons with this one certainty not to be bothered by. Once Enlightenment has been achieved there is no ... uncertainty left to be bothered by either. "Doing it the right way" is however one of those things.
Dwarf Fortress for instance. It is a ... well ... lets say 'Horribly Ugly' game ... but it has a fan-base and is in its own regard quite famous and successful. It is however a niche experience and measured in terms of money an epic fail as its for free - well - but not wrong! It were wrong to call it wrong as to say that it has no ground to exist on! But - that is a different topic.

So is it though one of my ambitions to get you jumping accross this specific line previously mentioned - which will at some point also yield the result that quality or success isn't measured in numbers anymore. For example: Lets put it in terms of smileys. Looking at Dwarf Fortress there may be 10 happy faces and 90 unhappy faces - but those 90 unhappy faces aren't required to be happy - they'd just turn away and look at something else while those 10 happy faces are matter of fact and by all means of the definitions happy! They maybe would love the one or the other feature added to it - but here goes the thing: What kind of feature? Where are the priorities? What should it 'not' become? A more intuitive control interface? I'll tell you as much: It is kindof odd! On some occasion I've happened to read the update "blog" of said game and the developper was rambling of some sort of totally in-depth feature about the dwarves interaction or reaction to beer or something - which sounds silly looking at what a dwarf in that game actually is - but those kind of things are what makes the game. Point is: Take some person that takes a hold of the game for some 'mainstreaming' he might just as well go into a Kindergarten and shoot around with an UZI pointlessly. And so - here again I'll come back to my point and say that I have no time - or not enough - or enough for some matter of the definition but not quite as much as I would like to have.

And why? Now is this question not towards those people in the future, but towards those of now. This will then maybe help us understand how that future is to look at it.
I don't have time because I'm expected to work, I'm expected to do certain things to fit in; So that the issue with me saying that I'm not having any time is an issue of wondering: What do I have time for alltogether? That however should cease to be a topic in the future. Fact is that I may have enough time for a variety of projected visions - but at some point in time I have realized for myself that my "waste of time" is vastly a matter of writing these things, like this, that eventually evolve to a certain point; And in all those cases I have very little time for anything at all!
It of course does partially deal with "your lack of understanding" and I don't see how that should be solved by me simply looking away. At points it may be the better and more straight up way - that is when I instead could write something that is sophisticated on its own; Which may at all have come a long way. But anyway. I see for instance that our civilization right now is a mess - it really lacks a certain form of organization - an Enlightened organization. Just a guess: The market is running just fine - and that would be a nice stand-alone article anyhow - but right now it is a subject right here. We don't have employers yelling for employees but employees yelling for employers. Yet I am supposed to find a job? The problem at the bottom of it of course were jealousy or envy - the incapability of working individuals to accept the existence of such folks as me. But if you simply were to jump over that shaddow and to appreciate what I put my time into - the whole story would look different at once. Questions would change. Perhaps into questions of uncertainty - but aside of all the things one could say for or against it there is one thing that has to be told at all: If it is God taking you there - what are the predictions?

That is why you don't argue with me - or - to put it less arrogant: There are reasons for not arguing with me - as much as there may be reasons to do argue with me. Could it be a world entirely without argue? Without difficulties? Social differences? Perhaps not - but one thing is clear to me: The way we'll deal with them will change for good! We could start as simple as: Don't you hate these: "Click here to pay X amount of money for Y amount of Coins/Crystals/Magic-Shards/whatever" gaming moments? I mean, Support is a great thing of course, so, I also support gaming financially though my budget is rather small. I can barely afford to pay more than 10 bucks for a humble bundle or sometimes can't even efford them when there are some cool offerings. But, whatever. I happily payed the "Rent" to stay in Azeroth - I bought Minecraft while it was in Beta - I was maybe not always that way - but that is also a matter of cash. Lets say that I'm the Prophet and that I'm the best Advertisement for a Game or Movie there could be - at least take it from the perspective of cultural evolution - that is as good as it gets and by the time those devs were in the position to ask it from me they'd rather have me take it for free. Its not much of an ego-trip - its just logical. It is what will have to happen in process to "getting there". There is that 'now' where that wouldn't really be a plausible suggestion, but in that now - what point is there in asking cash from someone who ain't got none! So, well, yea - I'm a pirate and sometimes proud of it - but I'm not a pirate who owns pirated things by default and on purpose. Thereby this is in good spirits for everybody - like thinking of folks in brazil who have to pay unfathomable amounts of cash for specific hardware. Whats it? 200% tax on a thing like a gaming Console? Moronic demands of Digital Rights Management on the other hand. Think of it! Why? What for? Well, naturally in this 'now' there is point and reason - I dig that - but in a word like 'FUBU' - For us, by us - what is money? What is DRM? A Nuisance! Always Online Insanity! And quite literally - it makes noise! Being online - it has a certain feel to it - for me at least. Its like a world full of giggles - or - it feels like balls that giggle - nothing too bad and in quite some cases possibly the next best thing - but in some sense it is the threshhold beyond which we have given up to care about ourselves. It is that "Click of a Button" thing. Like that there is certainly a lot of bad stuff to be told or written about movies, games and all that what I would generally call good - but at some point in time I might just slap all those 'non-gamers' around the corners to have them shut up snagging into what is none of their business. I mean, come on! Concerns! Concerns of what? Things that have been grounded and discussed to death with no other result over and over again that is happily ignored each and every time anew? Concerns my ass! Now, if you can't deal with me being a friend of those things - maybe you should draw a profile of yourself. At first "loosing the own self" to the internet may sound like a real game-changer - but what does it do? Doesn't it connect us? Doesn't it make it really difficult for certain things to pass by un-noticed? Some people do and others don't have access to it - that is a nature we all may be capable of understanding - or - we should be as it is the very basis of understanding here all together! I'm not saying that "those online junkies" aren't doing it the right way 'either' - just like those that think that in their nature of complaint there is a reason too. I "assume" that there will be a reason for people to keep complaining as there will be a reason for people to keep being linked to the web - but thats not the point.
Neither is my "foresight" the point here. I, possibly, don't have any - at all. But what I do have is a certain understanding of fundamental concepts that I can't ignore and need to somehow make sense of - and this past simple conclusion may at that be 'too simple' - but it is still naturally so that an individual who found its way to the true and living God will ultimately gain insights into the very urgent problems of his/her own personality. It is to say: You are what you are - and what you are is what will make you become what you will be. Now what one lacks without God is the proper guide to feed you with the things you want to know in order to know how to steer this thing that you are into society. You see that I'm not very gentle or polite - at least not always - there are however those points where politeness doesn't offer the expressive potential, at least not without an inch of sarcasm or naughtiness, required to pronounce a matter against an equally unpolite or naughty counter-position. Or in another sense of depth am I really patient - circumventing a lot of needs to explode or go haywire on everything - but it is this patience that gathers a lot of understanding that can sotospeak be considered 'dense' or 'tensionous' as it so may uncharge in case of given situations. But, lets not bother that too much.

Characteristics of a Living Organism

But, so look for yourself - I might say - what would you do by asking me to kill my Character? You'd accept me then, we might argue, join me and ... then ... what? You'll be whatever pleases you but I have to please be shutting up? Quoting General Landree in Stargate Continuum: "This Arrogance! Really!". Now is that movie in deed another one of those I have obtained without paying for - but - it wasn't quite my own effort. The only piece of Stargate I legitimately own would be the Ark of Truth - but - not anymore by the way. Irony, it would seem, that the one I payed for is no longer in my posession and the one I didn't pay for - hence being on my hard-drive - still is. Now would it at first seem cursed in case I give two shits about knowing that movie - but - how little would my world be?! As little as it might seem to you! So, lets skip to the Ark of Truth and be happy about it. Its maybe got the most epic: "Hero lost on the battleground decisively marching towards his target" scene - ever - and the conversation between Teal'C and Tomin is really convincing! I mean, it was in-deed that movie that sold me back into Stargate. To honor that, I bought it. That has meaning for me. But to be meaningful to you - how much money would I need? I'm glad and thankful for Stargate because it is effectively my personal nerd-climax - something I can be proud of being a nerd for because it is as off the radar, as totally non-hipster or whatever as it can be - so I'm a nerd as a nerd used to be before You-Tube came around. Nowadays being a nerd is a social obligation, a breed with codices and requirements dictated by a bunch of neo-geo nazis that preach the religion of hype and fear that the nerd colony that is soon to be a grown up society may grow beyond their control. Its almost funny - certainly if you saw things from my angle. I say that games nowadays are vastly bullshit and they struggle and fight hard to make my oppinion cease into oblivion but that doesn't change the facts and while they struggle hard to make-believe that all is dandy it shows quite often and that often enough that the Truth is a little bit different to that! But then the not so funny things are there too. One factor to saddening things a bit more is my not 100% extensively deep matter of fact knowledge of the all and everything of Gaming. But luckily there is the Ocarina of Time. To me it is a little bit like the first sign of the Apocalypse - a game that I in deed enjoyed and piles up to my matter of fact yet existing pride of having been a Nintendo-boy - but a game that is rather bad in its own due. It doesn't hold up to what a Zelda game should be - which is taking me to the point of: How canI say so?
Maybe I can do so from my own standpoint of a die-hard Zelda Loyalist up unto the point where those games didn't really dig me that much anymore? But I'll add that I kindof enjoyed Twilight Princess although it was the worse Zelda game I ever played - and I did really dig Wind Waker although it is what the crowd would consider the worse game other than those that nobody talks about - which is to say that in terms of arts criticism is a rather harsh thing. For once is there inspiration that comes from God and maybe flows into everything ever made - so - around that edge I can't say that there is something somewhere however that is totally devoid of something good. But what I meant is - I wrote that long time ago and is possibly lost somewhere, whatever - that there would be a 'better way'. Ocarina of time could have been a totally different game, a better one, and nobody would miss the ... one we know! In this term good and bad can be evaluated in terms of how close it got to its ideal - and in that sense Ocarina of Time is one of the Worse, and Terraria better than Minecraft! Its however just a sense that I get - a sense from which I might get what the ideal should be - but - if it isn't meant to arrive it won't! That is one of those 'twilight zones' - the look into the mirror that doesn't show what it should or the car that drives on its own beyond comprehension. Its like so that the sole success of Nintendo up to this day 'might' - I emphasize: COULD - be based on the fact that Nintendo holds a lot of fans and that every now and then a REALLY good game HAS to be comming from them for the sakes of ... balance or ... nutrition - for after all gaming is a thing vastly there for the gamers and not so for the devs or the bystanders. So, who can be blamed? Effectively we might even think that the gamers are to blame - as though they didn't deserve what they might - but - more globally comprehensive would be the fact that its a matter of the time we're living in!

OK - this may be tough to digest - so once looking for a pragmatic way for the own self to correspond to this - as sincerely: Ocarina of Time was one of the best rated Nintendo Games ever! I should be careful not to be misunderstood there. So is it the strategic value of these points that there are "carcasses" along the road of my past that I left behind - things I once wrote and now would need to be sorry about but I can't quite convince me of being truly sorry other than about the social consequences. I don't mean to hate you in case you love(d) Ocarina of Time - and I might virtually zap myself back into that state of mind where I enjoyed it as much as a proper Zelda fan would - but isn't the world too 'split apart'? Isn't it rather odd and un-epic that the center of Hyrule is a cow-farm? Is it not so that Hyrules big lake is a little bit, well, maybe too big and most likely too out of the way of anything at all? Isn't the passage up to the Waterfalls not the most pointless piece of map in a Zelda Game ever? But yea, isn't the Desert Fortress one of the most awesome Zelda Locations ever? Well, in that sense Twilight Princess certainly topped it by miles. But doesn't Twilight Princess haven't got the most useless hub area ever? Isn't the gameplay so linear it rubs it in your face? Isn't it the most disgracefull activity for Link to go running around like a dog hunting for dew-drops? In those nasty nasty eye-cancer producingly dark horror environments? And sincerely: Those overly cutsey characters finally gave me the vomits. Just - my personal attitude about it.

So I would have it so that they put less effort on making it look big and awesome and 'realistic' - but awesome while big yet not so realistic. I mean - take the lake or the planes - they are quite large. There are caves that aren't. Now, taking the entire mountain and and part of the sizes of those locations and scrapping the entire kokiri village, crap, all the villages but Karariko, and you got yourself some free memory make a more - 'classic' map. They were proud of their ability to mask the capital by using some sprites - so why not using the same for making a 2-Dimensional grid of smaller hubs look huge - throwing a few larger hubs in here and there and have just a more interesting map to explore? It may sound too simple - but the point isn't that what I think it should have been - it is simply the entire design that is fundamentally flawed. It turned into a niche experience, something that people believe is super awesome - but isn't quite as supreme as the older Zelda games used to be. To give you a hint: Games that need to make a big wuzz about what awesome kinds of locations its got aren't my type of beer! Maybe I do in deed want to rip your heart out and present it before you on a silver plate - but that only in case you got some delusional cravings for stuff that is in deed not as good as it makes you feel! Look inside you! Is your heart like hovering on an invisible pillow, withdrawing your thoughts and reasons 'for' riding on that pillow (as opposed to an internally deep immersion)? You might gather it so: You are zombified in case you're going onto the road with torches and pitchforks because I don't quite like the games you do! Now could the same be told against me - and I won't say that I 'can't' have to apologize or that kind of stuff. I happened to react on impulses, "sensations" even we might say, images that perhaps even arose from some sort of deluded attitude; While as I acknowledge that you would have to do the same; Because: What is there to make it any different? Well: Tolerance! Tolerance however isn't the matter here: Zombies are! Its not in the thing they will like or enjoy - it is in the way they do it. See - this pillow - if you ever felt it - isn't it like putting you on a ski downhill and sooner rather than later you're throwing money into the machine for more speed? What I'm getting at may be not so obvious - but another thing though is that you don't really enjoy the game! Same could be argued about me as I re-experience Final Fantasy 8 and re-endure those lengthy battles with turns upon turns of just drawing magic from enemies to stack up on those things; And thus at some point the conversations would end up in these kinds of things: Contradictions about mechanics. So, I may have to be sorry for this trip into the game of worlding - uhm - world of gaming while I may end up standing there like someone who doesn't have the remotest clue of what he's talking about and just pieces some controversial oppinion together from a few bits and pieces he caught up here or there - I didn't play Mass Effect - I would, eventually, but something inside me isn't giving me any joy in it. Thats how it works for me! This is a basis of discussion that is very essential - where controversy or quality or good or bad isn't solved on the basis of drawing individual measurements that the other would need to abide to in order to create harmony; But on one that is more compliant to human differences. Thus I will also avoid to try explaining all those things I don't really know any more about - and return to what made me get into those things to begin with. If I know I know for a reason, maybe, if I don't - so the same. I added 'maybe' because its ... well ... kind of not as simple.

Back on point

The more I work with God, the more likely is that what I see, know and experience of His making. Call it immersion. I do believe that it is necessary for us to be kept in some kind of ... 'individual reality' - something like a point to live for. Around that one can perceive a whole lot of cause and effect for how lifes can go like this and like that; So in acknowledgement of what we choose to live for and with what attitude we do so. Though it might not make up a perfect example did I just feel like watching 'Vegas', the second last episode of Stargate Atlantis. It pictures the leader of the featured team of heroes in an alternate Universe where a Wraith is about to ... well. In the 'real universe' he had saved that girl, made career in the military, somehow, until he finally got invited to joint the Atlantis expedition. In this alternate universe he didn't save that girl, his life went downhill and he became a ... well ... "looser". Watching the episode itself won't add a lot more depth to this analysis, but, due to the way it is made its possibly worth the time of contemplation. I mean - take the picture of a hard-born cowboy stepping into a saloon. In that moment time is due to blow a few wind-sounds and picture a few looks and gulps, play a few strings before even thinking about letting that man do a step. On paper that is just: Cowboy enters saloon. That is also a bit of a problem I got. Where do I put my emphasis? It is hard sometimes to get things accross properly.
What it is, really, that makes me "crazy" is primarily the distance between your and my understanding of God. Or, what do you read when you do read the word: God? Or, in other words, once some suicide terrorists yelled 'Allah is great!' - what I see is the Truth spoken by a person that I wouldn't want to speak it! The "ordinary" man would do, or is really pushed to the edge of doing, one thing: He'd internally 'spit' at it - meaning to spit at the acts of terrorism but in the mean-time he's spitting at the Truth as well. This of course makes it complicated to deal with such things - its in deed like a splinter grenade and each time something like that happens you have to carefully harvest those individual pieces out of your flesh. It sucks - no doubt - it would be more pleasant if it were easier - but the Truth is however, well, true!

Controversial Understanding

To make things worse: The terrorist may even have believed that he's doing the right thing!

You don't see the word God as I do because you lack those experiences that I have. Experiences, well, you might not even know in what way to imagine - and me telling you the direction, well, wouldn't really help you a lot either! But - lets just ... go on.

The controversy of Understanding is taking me back into games though. However, more indirectly. Lets take Stargate and Star Trek. My oppinion of Star Trek is negative and my oppinion of Stargate is positive. I have things to criticise about Star Trek and things to praise about Stargate. When I think of it though - so - once I have time to sleep and thus time to think of a few things - I come around to the point that Star Trek isn't all that bad as my compiled critique might make it seem - and around the same edge a lot of negative things about Stargate come to mind. Especially Stargate Atlantis bears a certain 'main cast Arrogance' of its own. Now would it however be crazy to just put a stamp onto a product because, well, one thing doesn't quite "fit" my taste. But how can I wrap what I 'cheer for' up properly? Well, I can't - flat out - if you can't see the imperfections of a thing parallel to its goodness. It would appear to minds, maybe, that something that I cheer for would need to be entirely perfect. Just like anything that I don't cheer for would have to be entirely garbage. For that matter you might have a loot at the super awesome movie called: Kung Pow! [no comment].
Well yea, give it time! Time is all that we need - and the only way we get it is if we make it! What that means is - well - working towards financial independence for all! Money, as much as it may have been a blessing is as well a curse. Its a mechanism of pressure that alters our behaviour quite significantly while the ways of attaining it stand in no sane balance to anything at all - other than exploits. I've written about it recently but didn't publish it yet - well - at some point then.

The missing piece in this puzzle is a term we know as 'Messiah Complex'. You don't need to believe in my mission to cause a "glitch" of some sort. If you think that I have a Messiah Complex you impose that my oppinion about arts needs to be understood respectively - while to me it isn't quite all that obvious just where the need to address that is comming from. So I'll understand that I need to oppose the idea that I might be saying those things from that perspective, but not whether it is people being serious or just getting it wrong. It is at the end a combination of things - as for instance that the general sense is disbelief - that allows me to make a good guess. It is however a good picture at yet another problem of mine. My understanding of reality is that it can't be good if you take all your goods and bads from one person. I'd preach that over and over and due to that it is even more difficult for me to assume that people think I have that sort of Messiah Complex. It causes the impression in me that people don't expect me to understand a single thing at all - so that technically you wouldn't even believe that I could speak, not even speaking of thinking.

Hustling to wrap the thing up

The problem is of course that each of us Understands certain things and the danger of not having understood something very essential makes us look stupid. It is however a common "desease" of Atheists to be all blown up about their "enlightened" idea of the Universe. The whole point of their story is however just that they cannot see God no matter how hard they look - and while the Bible tells the same thing, basically confirming their observation, they yet expect it to be different and so is the difference between an atheist and a believer right away the own connection to the own mind. Irony, at all! The point is rather simple: What makes a believer see God while God at all is invisible?

Think about it!

Getting another go at it!

So the entire topic here is at all about the future - or - that jumping accross that line - or on advanced analysis of this thing so far: The matter with what I would like the future would be (and yada-bla-bloo-bleep about how life is not that simple and trash and bollocks and horseshit and crap-tank) - and around some point in time I might just slap people with such negativity around a corner just to make them understand what I think of that oppinion!
I do got a big mouth in-deed and in-deed would I not have one if the person I was talking to were like a walking cupboard for instance - there usually isn't a need to because IRL they don't have the time to come up with a sneaky answer and play themselves for a fool in progress. It is just my experience and of course like a game of "who has more stones in the pocket". There is no strategy. What I mean is that for as long as I simply say those things that I'm certain about there is no problem I could have other than people not understanding it in case the topic is a mess. A mess like me and my time. Therefore the end of it is however still rather simple. Or - as someone might get engaged into arguing round about what I said about the one game or the other movie, well, that person would need to find that there is a point beyond which I'm not the one who cares about what movie is good and which game is bad - all that much! At the end we may have to then just wait for them to "boosh" it up as though they got me at my ballsacks with it, but I'll right now say that they won't even let it get there but much more would like you to believe now that it is so, so that you can believe in some reaction of me that makes me look and sound silly but isn't quite as real as horseshit!
Now, let those things be a matter of the past!

Abra Kadabra

The real issue is the question for that future I dream of - and while reading through this article you should have gathered that so far I nowhere impose it to just happen out of nowhere. It is of course a problem if I were to talk to people of a future that would not exist if nothing changed in the present - but thinking that way might make you forget that this is at all aimed at the present. So, what did it tell you?
To relief you of the trouble of revealing it to yourself on your own: What do you miss? What does this lack in? What is your expectation? OK! So, we're back at that Pyramid. The gaming segment of this article is here like your arbitrary every-day desturbance. Woosh, and all the content is gone. Add to that that my private life, especially those Love segments, is a horrible mess and potentially a single sequence of error - and you're back at: Why did you even read this? Who am I? It may at parts be too complicated or so - but that effectively ... give a shit!
Its simple: Humanity - that is at first just a handfull of people maybe - will need to grow to a point where some of the issues I'm hot about telling you here are solid cases. So, what is communication with God all about once there is nothing super-special to do? Amongst people that got Enlightened the immanence of Gods present will be ... uhm ... immanent? So, eternal times 2 - so far. Whatever. So is this the first step to even begin to fathom what the heck I'm talking about. If I had success with what I'm doing you wouldn't be likely to know any more of it than if I weren't - but you, or some of you, would hate yourselves for being teased by the money! I won't say that there is any money in it! I won't entertain the idea of prioritizing some front-line "Enlightenment Show-Off" in the mastery of Arts - I want to entertain the way of taking it slow. Now could I then step up and say: OK people - I got this and that to tell you; Like what I think is real about communication with God; And put it into the round to be considered - but that kindof sounds like it sounds! Truth is that I don't really know what to do - then - where I expect that I would kindof just go on as I do, but that something I write would at first pass through a round of hands and in that does a) trigger some individual interests on an individual basis as it would once published and b) get published in a more thoughtful manner. On route a some things would unfold that ultimately lead into a correspondence to the original article. Here, well, take a trip into the Neverending Story. Be Atreyu that is arriving at the Southern Oracle, looking into it and seeing Bastian reading the book. It shows the difference between Fantasy and Reality - kindof. Or the limit. What I mean is that if you look ... well ... lets take that "Enlightenment Show-Off" issue. You would expect to get enlightened and then super-blessed and overcharged to just be super-awesome at everything you do - that is the picture you were to project beyond that mirror; Perhaps like Atreyu walking towards that Oracle, wondering for what he might find there. I would assume that at some point someone may just not be capable of holding back - logically - and would just start doing something - but that is something you might ordinarily reflect in that image of expectation where the reality would however yet need to have taken you there first to be able to understand the reality of it. If you walk towards it - that is the challenge of facing the own true self we might see - and get anguished by your expectation and hence turn around you inevitably don't make it there. You can only truly judge yourself once you got there, and getting there at first means to motivate yourself to move towards it.

The own True Self and my Vision of the Future

*Caugh-caugh* - or: "The imagining of a solid road into a swamp". You should see it by now! We are free to believe whatever - but that implies that as much as people believe in different thing is there bullshit that people do believe in! Believing in Bullshit is equal to making things up - and a made up road is different to a real one. I'll assume that after reading this all you might again worry that some people again only take portions of it and believe in things their way - so that if you for instance said that this is the article people should read, or any other for that case, you have legitimate space to worry of how people will take it. Now, if I could redeem you from that I may wonder: How can I redeem myself from it? I got it recently while coding on my game. After I had the globe done I was a little bit aimless. The next step would be obvious but for some reason something else occupied my mind and throughout the time I worked on that and before and while anything I got into there-after I had to ask myself: Whats the point? Either way I'd put I'd have reasons to believe things in a variety of ways. Everyone does need time. This is a lot of stuff and depending on your history with those topics it'll get down to you easier or not quite as quickly. Yet a road, no matter how fancy and solid its design, will be covered in wilderness if nobody is walking on it. Once people started to walk on it - it'll get cleared out. Things will take shape as there will be demand for certain things. I may think of those things but that is - like in programming. Thinking ahead is a nice thing to do, yet in my case and experience the matters changed by the time I got there. The point is that mind can only hold a certain capacity - so - the real issues will proof what remains to be practical. Asking me to make solid statements about a thing I have no experience about is ordinarily just inspired thinking. If you're expecting that to hold up to anything you're making a big mistake! Look at it that way: Try to describe (open a word processor maybe) what situation we're dealing with, exactly, people, places, oppinions, points and figures, everything - types and genders and backgrounds and pre-occupation - and try to explain whether it is a solid demand from a side of authority or a dynamic adaptation to the situation that will be the right way. Then to lift the curtain: What is it you're asking for anyway?
In that future of mine people will just go on and do their own things as they used to since ever - so do some want to be employers and others will be preferring to be employees - as everyhing comes with its own ups and downs. Now, if you argued that this can't work you're telling me ... or everyone else ... that being an employee is bad! Or do they rather want to say that ... just ... well ... forget it!
But before you tell me that I don't know people like you do - try to think about what I think about that! From my point of view do I know people like you don't know them! Or is this after all again just about me? What the fuck do you expect then? I mean - seriously! See, anyone who complains about me arguing that I'll make myself a fine life while they have to suffer and work - yea - as though it were any different if I were not the guy! Or in other ways: What do people expect after all? Sorry, this is rambling about folks that are reading this at some point - and so there at first is a road we are to be walking together. But do you think that I'll be making it rain food from the sky? Or do I in the flipside now have to work at the farms, in the butcheries and everywhere including cleaning up toilets and all that? It is of course just the uproar of a dieing breed!
To be more specific though: If you do not have the remotest inspiration for how to run a facility - but you have the enlightened cognition of the fact that it is so much easier to just go working in a facility than to run it - well - you might have yourself a job - "duh!". Tell me that I'll need one and I might tell you to so give me yours instead - you take my place here and try to make yourself a living on social aid!

The only exploitable "profession" - if you read carefully though my writings on the matter you'll see what it means more precisely - in this 'new world' is the existence of un-employance. As we say that we support people with extra-ordinary talents - as we might call it - some folks might worry that it would get exploited. That is the one really difficult gap to bridge - but not quite as hard at all! At first - all folks that are Enlightened and un-employed - well - difficult to be recognized in their social value by folks that aren't Enlightened no matter how much they work! But people with a heart will realize that its the only way - thus this whole thing will basically explode at some point and that basically means: No change - but - one big change that will progressively iterate through society and recursively renew itself until everything will be different! Its like the answer to all those prayers: "Oh God, please let it rain Brain!". At first Brain for you, then Brain for the rest! Is this direspectfull unto you, dear reader?

Now you are required to formulate the correct answer from what lies herein now as shabbles though once so wonderfully expressed. That is disrespectful! It is an intrusion into your own private need for a harmony to establish your thought in! But well - isn't it all relative?

Yes - how I wish for that moment when it does that - raining Brain - when people see that though we might change one pointless existence for another, its yet the better one that is the better one!

Communicating with God

Starts within Understanding. It means as much as: You make up your own mind! Nobody but yourself is responsible for your own mind! It may sound ... weak ... but as premise it is the best protection against deception. If you're digging this but then buy into something else you're doing something wrong! So is there of course that space of uncertainty - whether you'll be sold out to something else nontheless, the issue where the thing depends on what you'll find there where this is comming from - but so its the best bet either way to do it right from the start and thus know where you're going to to begin with. It are, well, starters hickups right here. In the bigger image we, that is I will certainly look forward to it, want to improve our society and you'll look forward to making your interests count where you fear something might be forgotten. There is no easier way of putting it! I'll assume that it won't take long for us to just not accept this world any longer, so the demand for a new thing will be large - perhaps even larger than we could handle and thus there will be more "input" than we could ever ask for. OK, it is one thing to get it all down by inspiration - yet an entirely different thing once its finally happening. Carefull preparations and thoughtful considerations aside - its all paper-trash and vanity of highest degree once its pushed rather than pulling or even lacking behind. We can't say where things will grow solid. We may assume that certain spots will just remain blanks, unsolved, opened - for a certain thing to fit there - but that is of course where the order within the chaos will arise. In this renewal, many jobs will be lost - just and simply because of their obsolesence. This in another way will mean that jobs are created because more spare hands are available and thus work-time can be significantly reduced. We'll not worry the invention of new technology that might cost us our job, but we'll happily embrace it! Some people take pride in doing society a favour - and certainly is that an honorable thing. I can't judge it though. Whether its simply so or someone having bad conscience, what do I care? At some point everyone will have a job to do; And our simple vein of restlessness - the sole motivation for activity to be active will enable us to do what we "can" - whether it will be as usefull as an ambitious space-program or as useless as, sorry, Dwarf Fortress! That is my point. So to those fictional scientists that I was talking to/about - they fall somewhere into that. Maybe you can even imagine that you might find an interest that would take you that way. But I got to say: Time, in this world, is a terrible Beast!

See: For something "this big" to come together someone would have once needed the confidence of having all the time in the world - to so lean back, dive into some book that would just be the tip of the iceberg, and work on it with the clear goal to be as diligent with everything as possible. If you had to dig that within a couple of hours you'd break yourself into something and get out of it with nothing gained but a lot of time thrown out of the window. Therefore usually it happens to be a given fact that people that achieved great things had it layed into their crip. Newton wouldn't have been capable of doing what he did would he not have had the corresponding education and IQ for it. Now I don't have all the time in the world anymore and throughout the recent years I barely noticed how this was the case. Although I apparently had all the time in the world - it was yet limitted - and now, however that, I only have a few hours per day to get things done that need to be done. That doesn't leave a lot of spare time! Matter of fact did I not really have any real spare time since it all began. Don't believe it? It would be justified. I had enough time to recover from whatever I did - whenever I was in need to - but right now is one of those moments. Technically I should rest to then continue with whatever I was working on - but I don't.
To you it may mean nothing - it may seem as though I wouldn't really work - again - but whether I'm right or wrong about what I'm doing is of course all part of the process - and at this rate - either answer once truely true would solve a lot of issues. There may be many people who live lives like that - lives that aim towards a single point where a lot is clear all of a sudden. I'm not quite there yet, so lets not digress too far here.

Time is in this sense as much of a matter as a home. I can't really feel at home here. I don't want to make myself at home here because it doesn't feel like home. It may though be my home for yet quite some time - but home also means as much that if you get invested in it there will be a pay-out, plus, nothing one should ever worry to loose. I agree that a big part of it is the people one is with - as essentially one is what the people close to someone make of one - but that again means that I have no home here! And at some point in time I might just slap all those around a corner that mean to give me silly suggestions about my life as soon as they have a chance to but against me for simply I hate it!

Hate is Healthy!

It is Violence that is desturbing about it! But so is the issue: I write about home and OK, missing out on a point is a justified problem - and sometimes I give reasons that aren't all that conclusive without further explenation and so I guess I was wrong after all to be all that upset. However - if you take an insult in that then go ... yourself - make yourself away and leave me alone!

You would do fine talking of Christian principles - at some point then you might discover the faint flavour of forgiveness my friend! For me, well, whom can I forgive as there is nobody asking for it? (Yes, big huge fuggin FUCK "YOU" in-deed!). And that is of course part of my agression! Not that I have nobody to forgive - but that it so are bad times wherein good parts of men do glow and so how can I be any good in a time where there is no bad - apparently - or, that any of my wor... forget it!

It is extremely annoying however - that may add up to my agression as well - to be as forthcomming as to get into all those issues of analyzing the solidity of the way that has been testified. What I can really be easy about in those regards are the things that I did learn for myself as an individual - that is: The answers I found for myself, answers to questions I've been asking. Now, instead of asking me for those answers that you seek - please do it right! And in case you ever followed an advise of me and it didn't turn out so well, please consider: Some things are simple, like, launching a rocket; But other things aren't, like, making it go there where you want it to! I may be a spoiled little brat - but that is then as purely me as it gets. I mean to say though that no matter how close you would have sticked to my word, there is one thing you apparently yet lacked to do! I'll assume that there is a certain tolerance you are qualified for as you open the right door - and that space for tolerance may grow depending on point and need - so, whatever - however though - I guess you won't come around making sense of this for yourself! Peace!

Stardate 55292.26504