The Bunny in the Hat

Haha, its of course - ironic! People claim that Joseph had no Book of Mormon and that he kept peeping into a hat and drew his idea from there. Well, weird story.

Well, the problem there is of course a more general one. I mean, that with the younger minds and authority. See, the question is at all: What structures do we build? What guidelines do we follow? What has to be ... well yea, there you go, the Bunny is out!

Arbitrary Rambling to go in-depth on the matter before I return back to the matter clearly:

And on another note: The entire concept of leadership is futile and definitely premature! What folks would naturally have pictured is that I would sit down in my chair and have people do whatever I want. If you ever took care of what I wrote you might have read the one or the other passage where I shifted responsibility from me, saying that I'm not a leader and stuff like that, or in the most recent: We got to work together. And well, if I tried to work with folks and folks were simply not capable of working with me I wouldn't have much of another choice eventually but to sink into my chair and don't care - but now its evidently so that this entire scenario is an entirely different focus!

The most principle flaw of assuming authority is rather severe in my case. I mean, I tried - every now and again - to change my idea of what I am supposed to do - so - instead of arguing and trying to be reasonable I meant to make points, being authoritative, saying: "This is how its got to be" - and if there is anything left to yet rub against my face it are the one or the other thing I did there.
Well, lets say that I may have gotten the idea that some passage about sucking my cock would hit the right tune.
Its not that I didn't hit the right tune that matters - it are the menthal processes behind finding the right one. Man can only guess - and well - with enough knowledge of human absurdities - uhm, nature - one only must be careful to not ask the wrong things. One who does want certain things needs to work for them. So, instead of just saying something like that he'd first have to work towards the point where people will accept it. You could give me advise that would make me a better leader - if there were still any point to it - but I'm sure I know more than enough about it. To let you in on my minds process there: If the problem were that a sexual connection that would need to come together by as far as I know wouldn't due to some sort of restraint - being myself asked what to do - its of course the closest asumption to draw that line. Either you did or you didn't, point being that if you didn't you failed me in my authority and if that were all that mattered you failed at all - but if you didn't that to me were yet another step forward.

Within the Hierarchies of Order there is of course one thing different - where there are leaders like this and leaders like that. The leader of a platoon has authority - but yet he has orders that come from above. On the very very top of things decisions are being made - and to some part those are reactions as a matter of cause and effect, reactions to consequences like an invading army or the outbreak of a flu or something, but some follow a set of interests and that is where I want to put the magnifying glasses on!

Case and Point: If you choose to follow an authority, you have to live with it. The Gospel according to Thomas (Nag Hammadi Codex) - verse 2: "Jesus spoke: Who searches, don't stop to search, until he finds. When he finds, he will be shook. Is he shook, he will gaze. And then he will reign upon the Universe.". Or point 7: "Blessed is the Lion that is eaten by man. So will the Lion become man. But [sad] is the man that is eaten by the Lion. Through that the man will become Lion.". "And he said: Man is similar to a smart Fisherman who cast' his net into the Water and pulled it out full of small fish. Amongst them did the smart fisherman find a large, good one. There he threw all the small fish away and kept, without thinking a lot of it, just the big one. Who has ears to hear, the same shall hear!"

Point 10: "Jesus spoke: I have thrown fire onto the World, and behold, I keep it until it (the world) burns.". So, back to the Bunny.

You might feel like you're submitting to me in case you follow me - but what do I have to do, what can I do, to make you understand that it is counter-productive? Lets change figures: Why a leader? What for? "To lead" - well - may be one of the most stupidest answers conceivable; But yea - as the one and only logical answer - we might think - thats what it is! Stupid!
See, a leader - to be in good terms with such a thing - needs to lead folks somewhere. If by this definition a teacher were a leader - the entire definition of what a leader is or must be has to change correspondingly. Now do I in first place expect nothing more of people that follow me that they provide me an adequate place to stay so that there can be some sort of communication going on and stuff like that, next to which I expect nothing but that you seek out your own points of interest which however yet logically is to imply that you're looking for Salvation. Salvation isn't just a matter of the own self, but through the personal change something that becomes a matter for everyone else too. However; Its like in and out - as 'for to go' - and you would be back into your life and couldn't really tell me yet what we'd need a leader for! Maybe for to organizing a party - well - because what else matters? If there were a politically ambitious person to be enlightened - he would yet continue his way of living and so - as enlightened individual he would persue enlightened interests. What do we need? Other than that people understand?

And of this nature is the human upsetness about God. Whatever man may be upset about - its vain! I mean, I do get into those corners as well every now and again, those corners where I can't right away explain to myself 'why' - and why shouldn't I? Of all the people on the earth I may be the one who first of all deserved an answer to that. Saying I got none? Well, more like: I don't need one! Case and Point that of the Exodus. The Israelite people were suffering amongst the Pharaohs reign and as it was time for God to take them out of there people simply wouldn't understand it. They wanted to go back or turn towards another diety of their own craftsmanship - yet that weren't all. Those few individuals - were "dragged along" we might say. Though at some point it may have been the majority - it simply were hardships they didn't want to endure or didn't understand; However, by the time they got closer things had changed - so - a generation passed by at least. Depending on the point in time where we look into the story it would look a little bit different - I mean to wrap up the entirety of it. Or should I give it more space?
God of course is a source of hope. So, lets picture Israel as slave of Egypt without hope - so - they'll endure their hardships and call it life. Taken away from there - well - by a power as great and greater than the Cosmos - there is space to wonder 'why' - and within that space the unfaithful will grow their grief. "Dragged along" is to say that there is a goal - a goal where they arrived at some point and sicne then those people have grown to a certain pride of being Israelite - while - wonder of what would be of people in the likes of those that complained all the time! Possibly amonst those that wouldn't understand why to make any sacrifices or otherwise while living in wealth ... well, who cares? I mean, it is a little bit condescending as well - thus - I'll zip it! Yet its a fact that therein the difference between faithfullness and a lack of the same stands revealed! There is no difference at all - just - the ones will grow unhappy while the others will make it work! It did then work after all, that Israel conquered Canaan, even its north (might wanna google for who the 'Hetites' were!!!), and that victory was grown upon Israels faith!
If you don't understand something - if you get into trouble with justifying why you would be with God - maybe try to just look at what is given into your hands to do - and understand that no matter how large your faith in God he'll expect you to do it as all the rest. It sounds silly at first - if you have no faith - but what may look like the absence of something that isn't there to begin with, does otherwise feel like a wall that cannot be removed. You can't change it - thus - better don't even try! You can express your concerns, but as that won't change anything, it is better to use that to learn something from it. You effectively don't do Him any wrong once you're upset - although that depends on what you're actions therefrom will be! Some madman might justify his crimes that way, but what is the precise substance of that justification? It may be the reflection of perceived/felt injustice - but otherwise is the disappointment from expecting a reward out of a certain behaviour! As the good deeds didn't yield any reward the individual would turn around to yield the rewards of doing the opposite - and all that about something that others might describe as a phantom!

But what reward can there be expected from doing justice and justfull things? In an ungreatful world? So yeah, but why is it ungreatful? It of course seems like this world is 'level capped' to nonsense - I mean - that the very best this world has to offer is utterly bad at all - its as though levelling up only worked towards the negative - but that for once makes it easier to expect what is to come from what we do! Add the many tales of the twilit consequences of tinkering with the devil and we have nowhere to go at all! As a parable of understanding is there the Tale of Christs annointment - where a hooker poured oil upon Christs feet and one of the Apostles grew upset about that waste and Christ defended the hooker with a comment that may as well be taken for insanity! "I will soon be gone, but the poor will be amongst you for quite some time though!". It aims a little bit into the direction of the things that are wise to do, amonst the things that are ethnically or morale-wise correct or good. I could go around and do good things, spending my entire lifetime on that, but don't quite achieve a change even close to what would be required! On another note did Christ not come to judge, so the verse goes, while Christ at all denied to take any form of control or leadership upon anything at all and people that didn't understand it went on to rise up against him. "Rising up against" someone that isn't a leader ... well ... is a picture that does quite tell enough - it is the spirit of Christendom that spreads without any leadership that changes and changed the world though! Gandhi was inspired by Christ, much of our western ideology is born from Christian ideals; The difference between a bright philosopher and a finally great ethnical leader is found round about that point. Historically was Christ not the first to introduce a black and white-ish concept of religion; Where it has to be noted from the anthropologists perspective: The devil wasn't really a matter of the Old Testament - there was the snake but Good and Evil as of the Old Testament was a matter of God and human action. In that sense did Christ only expand on a philosophy that was born somewhere else. But the man who accepts God in the own heart just knows the difference! But on a more flat idea is it so that there is a difference between understanding the concept of Good and Evil and persuing that which is Good! Persuing that which is good can be done on flat principles - basically every second hollywood madman does that - and as a short trip into Stargate Atlantis is there Michael - the Wraith turned human, who feels betrayed and his concepts of justice that arise therefrom are more horror, more genocide, more racism and more ignorance!
Does spoiled fruit grow from a good tree? And so, how spoiled is a tree that sells the good one for bad - and what would its fruits be like? In our time - it'd increase the tension between Muslims and our so called superior civilization, perpetuating the growth of hate and anger and the end of it - well - is projected by either side consequencially different yet with an increase in the ambition for persuing the own interests!

Now, I'm sorry if this periphery through these various topics doens't quite cut to the point of the bunny, but, it does so - on a level that I am yet to explain.
Its about leadership - and that concept stands there rather exposed and should serve as a vessel wherein all the different pieces of ideology should find their rightful place! Co-incidence? Either that or ice-cold calculus of rationality or - well - simply divine guidance! Soo, it has been, well, lets change that! Smith: "I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here - it came to me when I tried to classify ..." - the law, I mean - I've mentioned it already but it is important and thus I'll repeat it. Rules, Laws, Leadership - all that is futile considering our every day lives do very well function allright without it! Where we need them is where we struggle - where one neighbour holds a grudge against someone else, but, once real problems arise they require us to throw lawyers against each other and the worse criminals may get away in consequence. Its like so that we trade in justice for the right in having rights. Its like trading our actual freedom for an illusion of justice. Of course there is a certain need to it that we may all easily perceive - but as our minds mature beyond that need - it grows into a shackle. So what happens if we simply grow beyond it? We live like every other being too, but every now and then might get into conflict with the law and that is not a matter of legality - but a matter of ways and boundaries. Then, what is this law? What is it good for if it doesn't hold up to any good at all anymore? As in this very case: It makes me a criminal, a rebel, a terrorist - and "luckily" I've stated the one or the other thing that might add weight to that stand upon me. But you will have to position yourself quite specifically and at that without a direct sight onto what I've meant in order to feature that idea! Well ... thats how it is at all!
What I said is that there are people that have a being that doesn't change anymore and some of them are perverts, but acting upon them as though perversion were illegal wouldn't be doing them any favours - thus - knowing where to put someone in case an individual has a defined soul is something we should investigate!
But oh no - child-abuse!
Thats how the law is calling it - and there we get into some conflict! But Christ advised us to obey the law - so - what could have that what I was writing there meant other than being a look forward? Do we need that law? Do we want it? I certainly don't want policemen grabbing through my bags, whether they wear gloves or not, for those few crums of Marijuana I got with me! And what is self-understood? Would I want some unknown person to deal drugs to my kid? Well, not so much - though there comes a certain age where this has to be beheld from a different perspective - a point where it is due to introduce the kid into the legal consumption of the green gold! This is also to say that some kids grow mature sooner than others - some maybe even way before we think its due, where then of course maturity may yet remain to be relative - but yea - as deep as the ocean is the human soul and as deep as that is the matter here being touched!

Now, how many of us do even live by the rules? I'd say - the very least of us! We all - so it is said - have our little ... things ... where we bend the laws a little bit to our own likes - and what does that say? There are rules for those that overbend things a little? But well, I don't need a rule-book to say that fish stinks when it does! In that sense is leadership simply our own ambition to improve things around us.

It should have been obvious and thus there isn't much of a thing I can tell you to make it any clearer!

At least not right now or so far. I mentioned somewhere there above what I so would expect - as part of the statements that arise from the consequential conclusions that have taken me here but also arise from the issue thereby itself. And that is what things usually do always come down to - for me!

Fact however is that these thoughts are severly undermining the way the system works today. I'm just watching the first Matrix movie right now and so it'd seem close to just grab that example. As a scene of contemplation, well - yes, take the shootout near the end where Neo and Trinity try to rescue Morpheus. Starting with it - a question may certainly be: What is the morale behind that shootout - I mean - those cops, aren't they good cops? Couldn't they be saved? Well of course does the situation there demand a less critical approach on the matter between life and death, but thats not the point here. We would desire an answer that asks for the purpose of given scene in the bigger idea - if it exists. So is one idea the point that these Cops are guarding a piece of the System as it works, while it is their duty to protect the System that works for the good of us all - its at least better than living in the jungle or some medi-eval town - but so the sentence may drop: That is important to protect the system and all that belongs to it no matter what it is. So, again, creating an exception within the rules - but legally so for the given cause. This is the definition of "people in the Matrix" as given by Morpheus, in the sense of being dependent on it that they would do all and everything to protect it. So is one idea that I can certainly support that a radical withdrawal of hierarchy and authority would take us the established basis to grow forth from - while 'hierarchy and authority' are simply a metaphor for 'the System', not supposed to describe the literal need to any of that sorts. The idea is quite that, that if one removed all legal underground from our world and everyone were yet to behave as they used to - nothing would change after all; So metaphorically thinking of the judge who would yet act according to the corresponding volumes. The danger of the Laws arises from the given lack of flexibility - the established hierarchy that leads to places we don't know of; Or decisions that are made in light of things we never heard of; Or in relation to interests that aren't ours.
Well, conspiracies aside, this is very much so the case - and in as much as they do undermine the system, do they in their logic appear to be stranger. I mean to say that Hierarchy is a concept hard to remove from our living and as you may understand did I not really presume that that would need to change - but the concept of authority would be different, at least in one point, but - it is a little bit of an "abstract equasion" that is maybe best described in: "To build something new, the old has to be torn down". This isn't about changing the known equilibrium to a new one - but to let go of it - to the best of our conscience - and from here on out it will be much easier to explain myself once people have a closer link to God. If this now casts a shaddow on what has been provided earlier is it as much as what I would need to expect to grow from this as time passes by - so - that as thoughts and ideas pile up, certain things to snap together that produce a darkening cloud. You would project from that, that I may try to steer the ship around and re-formulate authority to somehow elect me into leadership - and then the entire story will need to unfold anew - but that time again on a whole different Level; Thus, were that the case - it would perhaps be too soon to expect it tomorrow!
But, well enough, given that this is thereby yet receiving its own proper weight would the troubles be less of a difficult sort. A funny piece of trivia may matter thereto: "Those who have ears to hear, hear!" - that is I believe usually perceived as a really weak statement, but considering that only a few people have those ears that isn't big of a surprise. The more people that hear - the more will understand that which is to be heard - and like all those that heard - they shall see what up with those that don't - and once all hear - there isn't much left to add!

Democracy 2.0

If anything else fails - call it that way! See - democracy advertises the point that 'we have power'. We live in a democracy, hence, how can we once we are the majority undermine the System? We can't, because Democracy dictates that we are the System! So, what is leadership or authority? It is, effectively, at some point, a smack in our faces and demands us to realize that we're still living in some form of feudalism. "I tell you" - well yea - its quite sure that all authority that ever existed comes with some form of cooperation from the people in which case every government is some form of Democracy - so even communism, as, established on the cooperation of the citizens. Ordinarily we don't get to taste that authority. Take some medi-eval village where they were left to live their lives and just in some aspects the law would be enforced. Whether there be an enemy of the state or some dues of taxes - it is of course "our choice" - but - the threat of law enforcing persecution basically shifts the probability of how that choice would be made into a rather monotonous direction. It is all summarized into dealing with some presence of some sort that holds the power to come up with ludicrous demands that evade human reason but persist due to military power. Again - I'm not criticising our politicians at this point, but the System. Call me - well - someone who believes that our concept of democracy needs an Update.
One thing should be clear about it: Outstanders have to please shut up talking of things that aren't externally viable; consequencially everything round about the existence of God.
If "this and that" "cannot work" and the provided reason is an atheistic oppinion, then that may very well be true - for atheists! But aside of that do I believe that "even atheists" do comprehend the raw and general direction I'm aiming at. Authority effectively is there where levers need to be pulled, buttons pressed, be it a crane or "the football". For our everyday life that is of little concern, but, there are parts of our system that needs it. Like - traffic. But so - as primary example - is that authority of rather consequencial nature, so, once an old road needs renewal. For the building of new roads - we do so get to the point and purpose thereof. We aren't quite there yet - but on one side we do have enough roads already, kindof, and aside of urgent needs there are those projects that can be discarded for until there is a definite idea.
Simply speaking are those concerns rather far away from me - or us - since right now what would matter are the questions of what I would do with a group of people that were to join me. I have written about that extensively enough for some measurement already - but naturally ... time might provide a more simple form of expression. Right now I'd say that the vision in mind is a system where the people in charge are executives of public oppinion - or - where the people in charge look left and right at their fellow humans instead of up and down hoping that people will dig it. I mean, how comes that roads are being built that we'd disagree with? Well, because someone wants them there for some reason. What reason is that? No answer? No compliance!
That is a raw concept.
This means that people that wanna cover things need to go through a load of "un-neccessary" bullshit to get things done they want to get done - and those are the single individuals on top of the food-chain and their own interests that they would love to sell us as that what is the best for us. OK, a colony of bad people will have a rather free go - but then it is too far of a shot to expand the idea that far. To then come back to the principles of it - I do come back to God and Enlightenment - and whatever is true outside of that doesn't really impose anything urgent to think about! If you need the presence of some pro on top of everything that knows what up - I present you the Master: God! The point is that from the beginning we will not be capable of doing anything more than a simple club could; And aside of formulating the official side of what that Club is all about there is nothing that really matters. "The Club of Neo-Gnostic Enlightenment" - would be a thought. If you had a better idea then it would be obviously the better one if it were the better one and that is Democracy - with the added feature that an idea that doesn't quite snap can be observed with "superstition". Things like that. It may be an irony that, pardon me, we would 'need' Mistresses to create the illusion of having some form of Authority amongst us - but that is just a guess.
But so, the idea is no other than that we create that club and allow it to grow until every human being becomes a part of it - where the problem is that the idea of a club already creates something like a barrier - a border - a seclusion into an inside that separates itself from the outside - and the eventually implied pressure and need to provide activity for the club to exist and grow. It is a form of claustrophoby and matter of fact did I write just about that in that writing I mentioned in the fatigue article - which is still waiting for completion. Well, in some part of it - which is about priorities and its influences on our behaviour. But the thought with the Club works because it is just a word to somehow describe the gathering of people - but bears its own stigmata that would produce some conscious "membrane", alias prejudice, and I'm going to build on the club idea and show in which ways those stigmata are good and bad - at least - for points that matter I see right now.
At first - the idea of separation, keyword: Social Claustrophobia. Lets put it that way: If we called the group of individuals that joined me a club, at some point in time, without any further definition of what that club is about, what would be different? Or, what else would we call it? So, it may be my call - if you made it up to me - which is item of authority #1 here. It should be clear that at least at this point there is no consequence of significance other than in idea of concept. As of now there is no 'club constitution' - like "hereby I swear" and bla dee bla. A club would of course bear that threat and at some point we might think of how Hitlers reign began. He turned a democracy into a dictatorship - just like that - which we may blame on previously elaborated features of democracy 1.0. The underlying phenomenon is the immaturity of the appended crowd, but that is a different topic.
Or, quite right, what this is all about - however - it can be taken from the point of what is important for here - which is different to a standalone analysis of that. Now, from my point of view this would be something that someone could have an interest for; Which means that its occupying someones mind that he or she will simply begin to express thoughts about it in written form because the spirit simply urges it out that way. That individual 'might' tell me about it - maybe or most likely the spirit would urge to that and this way we begin to have something like a growing concept of hierarchy. This means - in matters of writings we would of course need a central that manages and navigates through content - which is like there is 'one' billboard and if there is someone in charge of that billboard, there will be some order. However - is the first boundary mentioned there the idea of being part of a club that exists for a purpose and its members would be required to meet the ideals of that purpose. Now could it be quite right that the idea of a club is wrong - but as the once would be more and others less concerned of that, the ones will have more and others less of a problem with that. To some it will make no difference, to others this social claustrophobia will become problematic. Here I kindof stumble into a matter and thus the thoughts may be round about - but yea.
Right now I see or saw that the "Club Problem" may have the following reason: It is a word wherein 'we' can be comprehended and that way it can be ... "controlled" using astair. So, someone who wants it not to grow may take the idea of the club and "wish it" to stay small - and while this thought is somehow out of the way it would be a plausible explenation for said claustrophobia. Thus it would be an appropriate reaction to draw back - to limit the existence of a finite term to a central compound like a school - but sooner or later that 'term problem' would occur anyway.
What at first matters in this idea of claustrophobia is its solution. One idea is that growth would invite people that would desturb its harmony - and here is a big fat issue: What is this harmony? If the first wave of individuals came together to create that club - it would have its individual ways of getting along and if the "bann hammer" drops, that individual harmony would be required to become the end all be all. It would provide the idea that we'll have to stick together, but what I realize is that the spirit would oppose that and this would cause some form of discomfort. As there is however no agreement to followign a certain target there is no point - and that may be a problem so that we'll need a point to bridge those voids. Uhm, yea, clearly I am beyond my minds capacity - but - what I achieve here then so now would show what that means, once and for all.

So, I believe - well - I dig that because the different images that pop up in my head; Some of which "work" and others don't; provides the idea - that expansion will be the first good thing to do. Instead of being a club that has one building somewhere - it should be expanded so that its no longer 'one bubble'. This will provide the required space for different alignments of interest - so that its effectively growing into a club of clubs, but that isn't really right either.

Then, another idea were to introduce something like a limit - to say that people will have to be enlightened for a certain period of time before they are accepted in the club; And yea, this way there is no immanent bondage to anything the Club may be standing for, and the problem of finding an initial shape solved.

So if those Bubble concepts are weird to you, you can now also settle on the idea that I'm just seeing things - whether they matter or not - its however, somehow getting there. Either way would be, effectively, nonsense after all to combine the joining of the club with the provision of Enlightenment - and so are the final and primary interests only for creating a solid ground for these things. It will be rather fun, I feel, to create those different things - graphics, charts and layouts - but not once it comes not from the inside. It may be important, but sooner rather than later folks will realize that there is no other way - for us! Its also making the difference between brainshot activity and something that will be anyhow useful - or - once it is being done it is done; And while I won't tell anyone to do anything it will come once it comes. I don't know why this will not arrive the right way!
It seems to me that I am the problem this time - or - the idea that I'd be anyhow involved into that, or supposed to. It is rather so that it is something I impose as a need at some point but can't ultimately tell what, when and why. I however know that I have a desire for them to be, a desire as in wishful thinking, but whenever I try I don't like the product. It means that I'm not the one that is supposed to do that. How it will look and what it thus will be useful for isn't in my scope - its a matter of these individuals personal perceptions. Yes - order from within chaos - or - I AM NOT THE SPIRIT!!!
You will have to excuse me - certainly - and as much as I don't fit in is that a pre-ordained thing! I guess it is proper to count that as an extension of my special status quo - that remains special on this track after its use is no longer relevant. One thing to that is of course that while there are individuals with a given thirst or hunger for more on the corresponding scripture, well, will be required to keep a close line to me - where what I will work on individually in that regard would at that be open for exchanging thoughts about it. So is this faith that I got in the spirit - faith that you will need in order to sync up with me. In that sense we can see this growing without anyone taking any kind of control - and when then what is being done, well, isn't a matter of some kind of rule but our individual behaviour. I am in charge of this site as of yet and hence it is entirely my problem when and what I publish - but - this is too close to the eventuality of contentions round about it, yada yada - bla bla, because you didn't like this and you didn't like that - but: If - so for you - this Enlightenment does what I told you it does and you yet will finally have to convince yourself to take a leap away from me - why not? It would be two favours in one - and that is the attitude I want to sell you. Enlightenment doesn't belong to me - but I propose that everything will just be fine!

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