Story: "The Myth of Agoraeyah - 001"

What can I say?

This is what I'm currently working at - and - I feel like this will be all you're gonna see for the time being, which is to say that I'm not going to Update this thing on a weekly or even monthly basis. It depends. If at all - I'd give you snapshots to get an idea of how things are comming along.
The point of this, what you see there in the image, is to give me an idea of how the 'Night Sky' should look like; Which means that I have Galaxies spawned that later are to be edited to be at their place. Furthermore do you there see my current 'disk of dust' around a star - which draws further into the Solar Systems physical properties that in turn are simply an environmental feat to how the world is going to look like.

But first - the Background story - eventually to be copy pasted into a Parent Article of sort.

The Origin

I started with this whole idea quite some time ago, must have been 2007/2008-ish. For reference: Today is the first day of Christmas 2014. Christmas ... well. The very first 'big thing' that I've had was - yea - up to Christmas 2007 a working thing. Eventually I didn't like the way I've done some things and attempted to improve the coding but in turn the whole thing bugged out on me and for quite some time any re-invention of the structure turned into mysterious bugs that didn't allow me to get any further for "no apparent reason".

My favourite example would be an 'if' block that I built into the Main Loop. I had a pointer to a class wherein all the relevant data was stored. This pointer was used regularly, so, it didn't point into nothing. It was an ordinary pointer pointing to a class and basically all that was rendered was accessed through that pointer in some way. So, there is no way that the pointer would have been the problem. So I wrote (if(pointer->something)) - and the program crashed in a segmentation fault. Removing that if statement would make it all run normally. Its like an invisible wall - and throughout the time I encountered those more often. Sometimes I would blame an error on such a bug but find that I just made a logical mistake. Can happen, but that would be a different story. Some things however do simply not work - although they should.

Sometimes I've just "lost my mind for the code" while re-organizing things or finding something else to start on. But on the long run, this is what I've got now and because I'm working from the Galactic Level down to the Planetary I'll have all the Math in place plus the given environments to show me different aspects of the cosmic scale of things - like - the Temperature in the Solar System is dependent on its sun. I want that to be semi-realistic, so, the math is to follow realistic ideas while the constants and variables are more or less fiction. It has a reason, like at first, a Magical Universe where everything is composed of the 4 Elements. So does the disk show a first Level of elements in interaction. All that is visible indicates some presence of fire. At first fire fills up the opacity, and once the opacity is full it fills up red. The supplemental 'earth' fields add green. So everything green is simply a little bit of fire with earth, and the more yellow it gets the more fire is mixed into it. Just red is simply fire. In the logic, fire and earth simply make up the possibility of a planetary core. Thus a planet would emerge and following some rudimentary logic suck up 'segments' of the disk that contains the elemental information to what kind of matter it is composing itself of. Fire in that however is not an issue of Temperature, as the Star holds its own 'physics' that will ultimately define its heat and once the planets got created an average temperature can be assigned to them. This will simply be the volumetric mass of the planet in relation to the radiation at its given distance - plus minus a given atmosphere that is eventually supportive to Heat or not.

The Ongoing Idea

Its of course an issue whether or not this is even turning out to become the game I wanted to make. Another issue though was that whenever I decided to take care of the Skybox - I always felt like I had to go for more, but, whenever I so started with 'Universe' I didn't have a clue of how to begin. A neat example might have been yesterday. Yesterday I came back from Christmas eve dinner, I was stuck and my mind anywhere else but on this project and I had a hard time to even think of anything I might yet have to do. So I however came to write the initial draft of the Main Index that you see now, and after a good sleep it came to me in the morning. That is, well, basically again like "back in the days" - where I day after day would get the inspired thought of how to continue. Sometimes though those were confusing figures, nothing I could really make sense of - and whether those inspirations have been any good all in all is rather pointless to ask as they've simply got me going or ... not going as I haven't been ready for "whatever".

This isnt complicated at all!

In some sense this however is a Fuck You statement - and sorry to use that word again, but - what do I expect from this? I had to make the experience or gather the insight however that although I was just naively telling of what I was doing, well, it wasn't ever received that way. At least did I not feel as though it would arrive that way. So I already thing of people that want to get their hands on this thing, possibly spitting around of how they are much better equiped to handle this or that while prophecying my failure in the end. But, whom are they talking to anyway? I think that it is so that if "the crowd" is convinced that I should give this up and give it to them I'm outvoted and respectively arrogant if I refuse to comply. Its not a legal issue, it is a matter of sweet-talking me into things. There is a difference between being just me, alone, semi-exposed in everything I do and dependent on my own defenses - or having someone that would be there to tell me: This is yours! Keep it! Why I write of this is however a matter of God having taken me to write this. This also is the segway into the next thing.

100% inspiration - that was the idea - basically as, we might say, experiment to see how a product would turn out if the artist decided to be free of ego. At the time I made that decision I was basically looking at arts and wondering about the various spoilage I found therein. To some degree I simply blame the artists detachment from the Truth that takes a natural toll; And I would compare that to my original Fantasy Project: Cereylla. I invented Cereylla before I got baptized; And after my Baptism I had to wonder: How would it change? Anything I however did or tried became another fail, but that as well may be a different story. Whatever the case did I finally set sail on this boat called Agoraeyah, pretty well knowing that it will become a signature like thing, a reference point, where the haters that aren't willing to bridge their gap between themselves and the Lord will certainly look at with despise. It may be subject to an interesting philosophical discussion about Arts - thinking about the value of the individuals reason and the value of inspiration. Is a piece of art valuable or precious because the Artist put a lot of thought and reason into it, or because the Artist was open to Inspiration? Inspiration though would make God to the Artist, so, its kindof equalizing itself that way.
Art to me was ever always about doing something I liked myself. Thus I began to mix Fantasy with Hip Hop for instance. There it so happens sometimes that God doesn't inspire me unless I put some effort of thought into it. Thats like building the bridges, bridges into nowhere where in time a boulder will appear out of the dark at the other end. And how does it say?: Beauty resides in the eye of the Beholder - art there isn't good or bad depending on how it was made, its simply the product that matters. And what is good or bad in that regard? Right or Wrong? I would know a thing though! The point is similar to looking at art as at an exploitable resource for cash. Aside of art is that simply causing a destinct imbalance within the Market because 'real Artists' are concurring with 'wannabe Artists' - and although the Success should arguably reside with the real ones, is the nature of the market so that Money can pull a lot around! The story is that Art becomes a privilege of those that hold power, and finally it are their ideals that are presented to us within their products. Being harsh about it I would say that there is no Art therein anymore - its just propaganda and delusion. On this behalf the critical eye may finally be cast onto the Story my game is to tell, yet I'm quite certain that the latter parts of it that I've written already aren't going to be in the game, and so, I may tell it to you right away!
Aside of that is the Storytelling going to be entirely different from how I sketched it up, but that is a process of writing a Novel and I'm reluctant to continue on it because, well, I'm not supposed to throw all my pearls away, ain't I?

The Outdated Storyline

Young Paruga was an aspiring Fighter and visiting the World Famous school at Nyuwal it so happened that during this period "the Enemy" aspired for power. Thus it happened that their Armies reached the Walls of Nyuwal and soon the City had been taken. Parugas escape was blessed and standing outside of its vicinity a Light approached him and pointed him a way. His way would take him into the country of the Drakonians, a somewhat isolated race - but - the Drakonian prince had somehow been travelling around by himself too and so the two eventually got friends. Parugas journey went on, how exactly isn't recorded, but eventually he met someone from beyond the Mountains that cannot be crossed. She spoke of a Prophecy and Paruga seemed to fit in. She took him there - and as of the Prophecy he was to be the Ruler of Guhenya. After a while the Enemy however approached their Alliance and all expected Paruga to lead them into victory. The Battle however was a lost one. Paruga was shown a way of escape, his skin turned dark and that is the beginning of Part 2.
The Enemy took over the main continent, only the Northern Pole remained beyond their reach. Paruga was found unconscious on the shore of an island - and it was like a new life, but the troubles of his past haunted him. Everyone would believe that he had been an impostor, others would claim that the Prophecies were a hoax; Yet in this trouble he would meet the Resistence and that would be the beginning of the final stretch of conquering back the Land. The Leader of the Enemy by the end would have escaped to a distant Asteroid, the place of the final showdown.


I'm going to return to it now - and whatever it is going to become - its all somehow fitting into the bigger idea. Do I know what good it will be for? Why I'm doing it to begin with? Whatever the case, the truth is: I feel much better with having a simple thing like this now than how I feel imagining having something more final. Well anyway, thats it for now!

Or, well. Another issue is that I jumped into writing this from working on what is shown on that image. I was about to loose my way again and writing this made me kindof find my way back. Its the reflection about what I have that allowed me to take a loot at it - sotospeak - but that doesn't say that my conclusion was right. But I got that, as intended, somehow. Somehow because a few things are different to my sketches. Instead of using matter like Iron, Dust and Hydrogen I used the four Elements - and instead of having a clear structure it is somewhat confused. Would quite seem like the classic story where the next update is: Oh well, I scrapped it and began anew! But as I do have a more practical overview of the different elements I needed I can clean that up! And so is the other side of the story: What 'should' I work on?
It isn't easy to say! It might seem obvious - but - the point is that if I began wrapping this thing up I'd follow a direction of improvements - but that doesn't make sense if it isn't inspired! Of course the idea is to go there sometime, but - not now. To think of it, imagine the improvement process like a bag and that all the things I have are put into that bag. If I take more time, there will be more stuff to put into it! Like at all anything I do in terms of the Solar System that will in some part be part of the game. All that would be missing would I not have gone for this thing! Yes, I might take care of that later and build it in during post-production or whatever - and so, maybe I'm just wasting my time - bridging a gap - and enjoying myself thereby! The thing is though that all has to tie together; And while I overwork it I also have the chance to implement a higher Level of logic, period!